
Author Topic: Unmoral Lawsuits  (Read 83 times)

Wong Hung Lo

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Unmoral Lawsuits
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:01:00 AM »

How about lawsuits aginst game makers because their game made someone do something bad? Or McDonalds made me fat lawsuit?


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Unmoral Lawsuits
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2005, 09:47:00 AM »



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« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2005, 10:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(quall @ Mar 3 2005, 03:23 AM)
Im trying to find some lawsuits that have some questionable moral views for an english paper. Like the Mcdonalds/hot coffee lawsuit for example.

Im not sure how anal your prof is (he may not care cause its an english class) - but if your going to a paper on the "Mcdonalds/hot coffee lawsuit" make sure you research it well if she is real anal about facts.  Their is a lot more to that story than most people know.  For example, the entire dispute started out with her simply asking for $30 ( i think - might have been a little more but it was just her co-pay) to pay for her doctor visit, and McDonalds refused.  Im not saying McDonalds should have paid the $30 (i dont think mcd's owed her anything), but it certainly puts the story in a different context.


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Unmoral Lawsuits
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 05:56:00 PM »

i agree with pretty much all you guys above... u can get sued for just about anything nowadays... people just trying to "get rich quick"... it's all BS!

if u get burned from a cup of coffee thats your problem not mcdonalds... and about mcdonalds making u fat thats another bs lawsuit... cause everyone KNOWS that mcdonalds aint healthy for u. etc etc.

and i aint sure if these are true, but i "heard" someone was trying to break into a persons house and rob them and the robber got injured on there property and sued the guys who owned the house! ... Now this is BS cause first of all the damn guy should not be robbing another person so that right there to me would automatically discard the fact he got injured... personally i think he derserved to be injured for breaking into someones house. etc etc theres many stories.

and i heard another one where a guy bought one of those big camper things (i dont know what u call em) where it's basically a truck but has a small house built on it... well anyways... i heard a guy was driving one of those and then (while he was still moving down the road) and got up and went into the back of his trailer thingy to do something and then crashed... then he sued the people who made the vehicle since they did not list this in the manual for the vehicle.... this is BS as u can clearly see... any judge who lets him sue for something like this is gotta be close to insane! lol

but anyways ill stop blabering now... just thought i would mention these two stories.


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« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2005, 07:53:00 PM »

QUOTE(quall @ Mar 3 2005, 09:07 PM)
My paper is how some people try and blame actions that they are responsible for on anything but themselves.

The unProfessional

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Unmoral Lawsuits
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2005, 11:01:00 PM »

but i "heard" someone was trying to break into a persons house and rob them and the robber got injured on there property and sued the guys who owned the house

Man, there are countless stories like that.  Also a girl who snuck through a backroom window to avoid a cover charge, fell, broke her front teeth, and sued.  Club paid her medical expenses and "punitive damages" ($$$)

An old man just bought an RV, and thought cruise control = auto-pilot.  So he turned it on and relaxed.  Well, he won the lawsuit because the RV manual didn't clarify well-enough.  Sued for punitive damages, med expenses, AND a new RV.

Some bitch sued a restaurant because she slipped on a soda and hurt her knee.  Well, she threw the soda at her boyfriend during a fight a couple minutes earlier.  She got $$.

Another bitch sued a grocery store because she tripped over a child and injured herself.  It was her child.  She got $$.

I have more info on these buried in my email somewhere, including public case #s.  I'll see if I can find 'em.

But, these are more frivolous lawsuits, rather than immoral.  But if you're an "Easy money" asshole and you don't mind trashing other people's lives, American judges will insure a comfortable retiremend fund for you.

Basically you can live your life being a complete dip shit, and if something happens to you, it's the fault of the smarter people for thinking over your head.  And the worst thing about it is these lameass self-righteous judges will almost always rule in favor of the business... because we all know that running a business is easy and business-owners should be punished for the stupidity of others.  Several of the stories in that email I have resulted in the business shutting down.  I think it was called the "10 most ridiculous lawsuits of 2003"


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Unmoral Lawsuits
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2005, 12:07:00 AM »

I got a chuckle out of that you specified "in the united states" ... where else?

Wong Hung Lo

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« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 04:00:00 PM »


Victims Sue Thailand, U.S., Accor Over Tsunami  

Monday, March 07, 2005 9:20 a.m. ET

VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. and Austrian lawyers have filed a lawsuit demanding Thailand, U.S. forecasters and the French Accor group answer accusations they failed in a duty to warn populations hit by December's Tsunami disaster, a lawyer said Monday.

The lawsuit was filed Friday at a New York district court on behalf of tsunami victims by lawyers including U.S. attorney Edward Fagan, internationally renowned for 1990s lawsuits against Swiss banks over Holocaust-era accounts. It demanded an account of their actions on Dec. 26.

Read the rest of the article at the link above.


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« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »

Ive got one, first hand account.

My father used to be a sales rep for a gun company (RSR if you need specifics), someone bought a revolver (standard, six shots, .45 revolver) from their consumer outlet. He took the gun home, loaded it, cocked it, and placed it in between some sheets in his closet (saftey off I would like to add).

Fast forward a year or two, the man and his wife are moving out and the wife goes to get the sheets (with the handgun in them, she didnt know about this by the way) and drops them on the floor, the gun procedes to discharge (triggers can be sensitive, and a jar like this would do it) and shoots the man in his ass. Yes, in his ass.

He procedes to try and sue the gun manufacturer (Smith & Wesson), when this doesnt work, he attempts to sue RSR (the gun distributor). He looses both lawsuits and thousands in court fees.

Yes this acctually happened. And its quite funny if you think about it.

Good luck on the paper.

Wong Hung Lo

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« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2005, 12:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(thewickedjester @ Mar 8 2005, 02:38 PM)
My father used to be a sales rep for a gun company (RSR if you need specifics), someone bought a revolver (standard, six shots, .45 revolver) from their consumer outlet. He took the gun home, loaded it, cocked it, and placed it in between some sheets in his closet (saftey off I would like to add).