
Author Topic: Citizens Against The Troops  (Read 102 times)


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Citizens Against The Troops
« on: January 22, 2005, 12:09:00 PM »

So, what is your take on this, everybody?  I, for one, am disgusted by him, and his views.  I realize Mr. Crook has every right to speak freely about this, but I also have every right to disagree with him.  

Profile of Mike Crook Vogel-Delaney

School Role Years Grad Year
Oakcrest High School

Vegas Verdes Elementary School

Company Description/Department Years
Administrative and Support Services

Life Bio

I'm married with an infant daughter.

We live in Central New York. Our daughter, Kaitlyn, was born 1 November 2004.

Since graduating from Oakcrest, I've been all over the country-- including Idaho, Minnesota, Ohio, back to New Jersey for a while, Las Vegas, and finally Syracuse, New York where I currently reside.


Q: What made you join the military:
A: It looked like an interesting way of life

Q: Advice you would give to someone considering a career in the military:
A: Lay down for a while, maybe the notion will pass

Q: What best describes your military experience:
A: Bad experience all the way around

Q: When I would take leave or go on R&R, my favorite place was in:
A: USA - Atlantic Coast

Q: What you liked most about your military service:
A: I didn't like anything about military service

Reward for soldier's camera?

[email protected]
[email protected]

In my opinion, this man is absolutely without any couth, whatsoever.  He uses a picture of a wounded Marine to downplay the military to the extent that he is?  To use a picture of a man that has had his legs removed due to combat injuries in some derogatory manner?  How sub-human do you have to be to do that with no ill-feelings?  To hold a soldier's camera for a $1000 finder's fee?  It makes me sick to my stomach.  

So, I accidentially let slip some of my racial views in e-mail, and that e-mail has made it to an anti-me website, so no time like the present for me to share my honest racial views.

I am member of an organization that promotes the advancement of the white race. It's no more racist than the NAACP, which I feel stands for Ni**ers Are Always Causing Problems.

I prefer to associate with my own kind, meaning White or Native Americans. I don't really tolerate blacks, hispanics, asians, jews, and such ilk. Those people aren't even worth capital letters. With the understanding of course, that I don't cause, threaten, or condone violence or other illegal acts against them. I'm not associated with the KKK, after all. To assume that I am is the same type of prejudice that one would accuse me of. ^^^
He is completely without logic, and a racist to boot.  

This man is scum.  There are people who do not like what he is saying, yet those same people would die to defend what his right to say whatever he wants.  So painfully true; that is why America is so great.  

I may not agree with some of the things that our government does, but I will still back our military 100%.  

:Sigh: I'm just ranting, that's all.  And all that info was obtained legally.

This post has been edited by Colonel32: Jan 22 2005, 10:06 PM


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2005, 02:02:00 PM »

"I don't really do things out of kindness. It's a business world and I know it seems harsh but, you know, it is all about the money" Crook said.

My beliefs are simple:

- The compensation package for troops is too rich for taxpayers' blood. You get a base salary, BAH, uniform allowance, and in some cases a dependant allowance, while most people get a base salary and must pay all their costs from that.

- We spend entirely too much money on "retirement packages" for veterans. My proposal: once you're out of the military, you don't see a thin dime.

I propose lowering the base salary across the board, ESPECIALLY officers, and eliminate all "allowances". It's double-dipping at its worst.

- The compensation package for troops is too rich for taxpayers' blood. You get a base salary, BAH, uniform allowance, and in some cases a dependant allowance, while most people get a base salary and must pay all their costs from that.

Too rich?  How many civilians does he know that can be removed from their normal lives, sent to some desert or jungle, and expect to be shot at?  How many civilians does he/she know that get up to go to work, and have to worry about stepping on mines, or whether or not he/she is going to survive the next mortar attack?  

We spend entirely too much money on "retirement packages" for veterans. My proposal: once you're out of the military, you don't see a thin dime.
"Retirement"? Suppose an oficer decides to get out at 20 years of service. His "retirement" pay is 50% of his base pay or a bit over $1,700 a month. Too much for sucking up taxpayer money over a 20 year span, wouldn't you say? HOWEVER, the officer hasn't retired.  He's been transferred to the Fleet Reserve for the decade. That's 10 years of wondering if the government is going to call him back to active service. But in the meantime he still gets his pissy $1,700 a month.

I propose lowering the base salary across the board, ESPECIALLY officers, and eliminate all "allowances". It's double-dipping at its worst.

How about we stop paying our military all-together?  That way, when we need cannon fodder, we can just pluck randoms off the street.  



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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2005, 03:17:00 PM »

Polyester, I removed the domain info, his personal info and you AIM conversation.

The internet and personal info can be seen by anyone that wants it, so it doesn't need to be published like that. Aim is gossip. Bring up the topic for discussion, I'm sure everone will agree with you this guy is both crazy and a bigot.

Hope you can understand.  I think you point is well made without the personal information beerchug.gif


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2005, 02:22:00 PM »

Another jerk wad white supremacist who joined the service to kill and not serve, we had a couple of these tards in boot camp and they always hated the miliatry. Blanket parties were probably frequent with this one. Seeing how the site is a member only forum, I take it he is trying to recruit some forces for his twisted militia. Edit out the part about his daughter, there is no need to get kids involved.


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2005, 03:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(pepsik @ Jan 25 2005, 12:01 PM)
Another jerk wad white supremacist who joined the service to kill and not serve, we had a couple of these tards in boot camp and they always hated the miliatry. . .

I read an article a couple years back that said this was a recent trend in the Military (although they did say the problem was race neutral mentioning white supremicist, black and hispanic gangs etc).  That before, they always seeked outside militias.  They had an acronym for the recruits, evil, which i dont remember what it stood for.  At anyrate, the military was trying to devise tests to weed them out.  

Anyone have any more information/experience with this . . .


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2005, 03:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(pepsik @ Jan 26 2005, 12:01 AM)
Another jerk wad white supremacist who joined the service to kill and not serve, we had a couple of these tards in boot camp and they always hated the miliatry. Blanket parties were probably frequent with this one. Seeing how the site is a member only forum, I take it he is trying to recruit some forces for his twisted militia. Edit out the part about his daughter, there is no need to get kids involved.

I find it real hard to believe you were ever in the military. Watching Full Metal Jacket doesn't count ;).  If only it was like back in Nam, too bad they aren't allowed to lay a finger on you now. Also I find it hard to believe there has been an upsurge in racism, what branch did you join?


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2005, 05:43:00 PM »

I'm a squid by definition, the devil dogs would ride my boat until I threw them off  rotfl.gif

The instructors aren't allowed to touch you, but if you have a jerk wad that doesn't listen, unauthorized discplinary action takes place behind closed doors. There are racists everywhere, the ones that join the military are usually crazy and not to keen on making friends since they try to ethnically balance you evenly amongst your classmates.


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2005, 08:08:00 PM »

I find it hard to believe you were able to handle some Marines, unless you are of course, a Navy Seal wink.gif. I just want to say thank you for volunteering to serve our great country, even if it is the Navy wink.gif. Why if I may ask do you appear to be so anti-government? Did you join the Navy just for the benefits like student aid?


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Citizens Against The Troops
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2005, 06:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(My_Brain_is_on_Fire @ Jan 25 2005, 08:14 PM)
I find it hard to believe you were able to handle some Marines, unless you are of course, a Navy Seal

So you are saying that the only person who can beat up a marine is a Navy seal or other special forces.   There are a lot of very tough people who have never joined any armed forces.