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Author Topic: Lets Try This Again. Israel  (Read 351 times)


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« on: January 13, 2005, 04:14:00 PM »

Ok the first thread was a bit ballsed up. I didn’t help by writing a crap first post. I wasn’t exactly clear in what I meant but I was off work sick and couldn’t really think straight. I know its a lame excuse.

What I meant from the previous thread is I don’t understand why whenever I disapprove of Israel it is seen as automatically condemning the Jewish faith?
It is the equivalent of someone criticising Italy and being accused of hating Catholics or criticising India and being accused of hating Hinduism.

The connection is not made for other countries, why Israel?

Also Israel is fiercely defended by many non-Jews in America. I wondered why this is the case?

Finally when I say Fuck Israel it is in regards to its foreign policy towards Palestine.

Israel is meant to be an advanced country; it should take the higher ground and make efforts to restore peace. Just like Britain did with the IRA in Northern Ireland, and the hostilities went back centuries in that case not 60 years like Israel and Palestine.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2005, 05:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(melon @ Jan 13 2005, 12:45 PM)
What I meant from the previous thread is I don’t understand why whenever I disapprove of Israel it is seen as automatically condemning the Jewish faith?
It is the equivalent of someone criticising Italy and being accused of hating Catholics or criticising India and being accused of hating Hinduism.

The connection is not made for other countries, why Israel?

I have been accused of being anti-muslim because of my comments (which had nothing to do with religion) about several arab countries.  Isnt that the same?

Also Israel is fiercely defended by many non-Jews in America. I wondered why this is the case?

A lot of us honestly believe that the Jews have a right to the land that has nothing to do with religion.  They fought for it and won against amazing odds.  They have earned it.  End of story.
For many fundamentalist christians it is Matt. 25:31-46 --  A belief that as a nation, we will be judged on our treatment of Israel and the Jews.  Its basically a dogma, and dogmas are not worth argueing over really.

Israel is meant to be an advanced country; it should take the higher ground and make efforts to restore peace. Just like Britain did with the IRA in Northern Ireland, and the hostilities went back centuries in that case not 60 years like Israel and Palestine.

The difference in your IRA/Britain analogy is that Ireland did not try and take over Britain and ended up losing land in the process.  The surrounding lands did try to take over Israel numerous times, and each time the surround countries lost more land.  

As for taking the higher ground, I believe that did happen when Clinton tried to get a peace deal.  The Israelis were willing to give abt 90% of it back.  When you gamble and lose, how often does the dealer offer to give you back 90% of your losses?


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2005, 05:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(melon @ Jan 14 2005, 12:45 AM)
the hostilities went back centuries in that case not 60 years like Israel and Palestine.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2005, 04:52:00 AM »

The problem with the Israel Palestine conflict is that Israel treats Palestians as 2nd class citizens.  Israel do not have any respect towards palestians when they kick them off their land and make Jewish Settlements out of them.  That is one reason why Muslims has so much hatred towards us.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2005, 07:48:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Jan 14 2005, 01:23 AM)
The problem with the Israel Palestine conflict is that Israel treats Palestians as 2nd class citizens. 

Israel has given the Palestenians every opportunity to integrate and become full citezens.  Remember, Israel is 15% muslim (not including the Palestenians) Link.  And that rate is growing very fast.
Israel do not have any respect towards palestians when they kick them off their land and make Jewish Settlements out of them.  That is one reason why Muslims has so much hatred towards us.

That is more like pouring kerosine on a bomb fire.  Sure it makes it blaze a little higher, but the fire was already pretty big to begin with.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2005, 02:59:00 AM »

Israel, the nation it is today, was founded on religious grounds. Hindus do not believe they were given India, Catholics do not believe they were given Italy. If you disapprove of the Israeli government, it is seen as disapproving in Judaism itself.

I do see your point but if what your saying is true and Israel is an extension of Judaism then there would be no need for political parties as the country would be run according to Jewish teachings. The fact there are several different political parties indicates that this is not the case and Israel's foriegn policy could be different under different political parties. If it can be different then it is not based on Judaism and can be critisised.

I have been accused of being anti-muslim because of my comments (which had nothing to do with religion) about several arab countries. Isnt that the same?

I suppose it is the same, and thinking about it the same people who accuse me of anti-semitism are usually the same people who call every Iraqi a terrorist or every Palastinian  a camel jockey or towel head. Thats why I asked why American non-Jews defended Israel so much.

You cant really say Isreal won under amazing odds. They were/are the most advanced country in the area. After WWII a lot of the Jews who went to Israel were educated and scientists/engineers etc. there was also a large number of trained soldiers/pilots. That is why they pretty much had an instant army of battle hardened troops. The Arab countries never stood a chance.

And your argument about N Ireland is flawed because the creation of Israel took land from the surrounding countries who rightly from their point of view joined together and tried to get it back. Israel rightly defended itself and the hatred has been there ever since. I would also like to see a breakdown of the average wage foe each ethnic group in Israel.

31“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

   34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

You are going to have to explain to me where that passage says you will be judged on your treatment of Israel!
40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

The next line is probably more important but it says nothing of Jews or Israel???
I read that as by feeding, clothing etc someone less off than yourself you are feeding etc Jesus.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2005, 10:27:00 PM »

QUOTE(melon @ Jan 14 2005, 11:30 PM)
You cant really say Isreal won under amazing odds. They were/are the most advanced country in the area. After WWII a lot of the Jews who went to Israel were educated and scientists/engineers etc. there was also a large number of trained soldiers/pilots. That is why they pretty much had an instant army of battle hardened troops. The Arab countries never stood a chance.

There were only about 130 haganah soldiers (the highly trained soldiers I assume your talking about) that fought in wwII.  The rest were farmers.  The arabs on the other hand were well equipped and aided by the british.  Not to mention the fact that the british also stopped all traffic in and out of the area making re-inforcements impossible.  Also, for the time between 1945-1948, the british were doing everything they could to keep Jews from immigrating to Israel.  Really, if their independence was a sure thing like your suggesting, they would not have needed to arm every women and child as well.  

And your argument about N Ireland is flawed because the creation of Israel took land from the surrounding countries who rightly from their point of view joined together and tried to get it back. Israel rightly defended itself and the hatred has been there ever since.

The Israelis have as much right to the original land as the Americans have to the land that made up the 13 colonies (I see the situation as almost exactly the same).  In my opinion, they have a stronger mandate on the land they have taken since 1948 simply because it has only been taken from countries that attempted to take it over Israel.  An example is the lebanon border.  It has remained unchanged since 1948.  They have also never attacked Israel.

I would also like to see a breakdown of the average wage foe each ethnic group in Israel.

That is an excellent question.  I would like to see it too.  Couldnt find any info on the net sad.gif  But I also see a lot of flaws in the those surveys simply because they dont take into consideration the values of the cultures that those ethnic groups largely embrace.  For example, many of the ethnic groups here in america that have lower wages on average tend to embrace cultures that do not value education which directly impacts wage.
An example that I could give is what if we saw a wage breakdown of average yearly wages of women in britain.  How well would muslim women fare?

You are going to have to explain to me where that passage says you will be judged on your treatment of Israel!
The next line is probably more important but it says nothing of Jews or Israel???
I read that as by feeding, clothing etc someone less off than yourself you are feeding etc Jesus.

Im really not the person to be asking about this, im not a fundamentalist christian.  I only know that it is a very common to have a two meaning intepretation on this quote, one that is like yours and on top of that one like the one I suggested.  I also double checked with a couple of my fundamentalist friends and they told me I was correct they do intepret it that way.  If their is a Fundamentalist out their feel free to step in  biggrin.gif
But I will give it a shot -
Taken from the King James Version
32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
Basically this is inteprated that we will be judged as nations because it says nothing of individuals.  
40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
The intepratation of brethren is Israel because the context of the passage is about nations, not individuals.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2005, 03:08:00 AM »

I cant belive that we didnt support Israel since we created it so i am going to need to see some links to prove what your saying about the wars.
And i know fuck all about the 13 colonies, i dont even know what your talking about so i cant really comment on that one. To me it seems obvious that the situation with Palastine and Israel can not go on for ever and Israel needs to take the first step to change things. It doesnt help when there are Jewish settlements which house a few hundred people deep in land which was Palastine when Palastinians are living close by in squalor.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2005, 03:39:00 AM »

I tried to find a financial breakdown as well, without luck sad.gif

I see your point about muslim women in England but its also a class issue. The Pakastani's who have come over here and were affluent in thier own country have generally prospered and have a good education. The Pakastani's who came over but were poor in their own country have tended to live in poverty over here.
i think your attitude is an elitist middle clas attitude which i have heard many times.

It is about expectation. I am the only one out of my friends who has a decent job and university education. the expectation wasnt there to do well. When i was younger i didnt even think i could become a doctor, i didnt think i was allowed! After meeting a few at uni I realised their all thick as fuck and are pressured into it by their parents (see expectations). Most of the ethnic groups when they come to this counrty are not as educated as they could be so they fall into menial jobs, and it is hard to rise above your station.

Its unfair to say they dont value education, they just havnt had a chance, as havnt lots of white people as well.

on the bible we could argue in circles all day, i still dont think its a valid reason to support Israel at all costs though.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2005, 08:33:00 PM »

No one on any of the side is innocent here, not even the US.  Israel never illegally took land from Arabs. The land that Israel started out with in 1948 was GIVEN to them by Brittan and the UN. All the land they have acquired was won in battle. Everyone of those battles being either defensive or premptive. And the land won by the premptive attach (the Sinai) was given back to Egypt. The only 2 things that I can thing of that could technically be considered wrong on Israel's part is the demolition of suicide bombers homes and of the settlements inside Gaza and the West Bank. And Israel is in the beginning phases of removing the settlements.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2005, 08:54:00 PM »

ive had a real bad day today - got crap for sleep so this is going to short and concise - I apoloise if it comes across wrong.

I cant belive that we didnt support Israel since we created it so i am going to need to see some links to prove what your saying about the wars.

Howard Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979)
Book backs everything I said.

The history channel also did a show on the 1948 war in which they stated that they turned over all their military bases and several caches of weaponw to the arabs.  Meanwhile, the Israelis had to smuggle all their weapons in from the Czecks.

The 1947 Exodus Ship Incident
The story of the Exodus is a well known event in history as well as the world wide embarrasment it caused the British.  It also brought to light the anti-immigration policy implemented by the British to calm the arabs in 1939.

Their are many sources on this (I have quite a few books on the subject), if I get some more time, I will try get them for you.  Basically though, it is the oppinion of many historical scholars that the British set up some land for the Jews, fully expecting the Arabs to take it over.  Because they were so confident that the arabs would win, they aided them for help in future relations.  I will say that the British were in a bad situation to begin with, their was no answer that would not have resulted in the war of 1948.  I believe thats why the british pleaded with the UN to take over in 1947.  They new they had no honorable way out.

I would like to add that the United States implemented an embargo against the entire region saying that they did not want any US weapon to be used in a war they saw as emminent.  They did not want to later be accused of backing the wrong side.

on the bible we could argue in circles all day

I totally agree - thats why i said dogmas arent worth argueing over.  -Although it does help you gain perspective on where someone is coming from . . .

And i know fuck all about the 13 colonies

America was divided into 13 colonies by the British prior to the American Revolutionary war.  The colonists took the land from both the British and Natives and declared it their own.

i think your attitude is an elitist middle clas attitude which i have heard many times.

This is way off topic.  By mutual admission, neither one of us know the opportunities that are given in Israel nor do we know the self-imposed limitations of the cultures that live their.  If you want to discuss class elitism start another thread.  Ill join in.

Hells ya, great post. Much to balanced and well spoken to be a male methinks

Thanks - I needed that - its been a real bad day   smile.gif


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »

Even when Mahmoud Abbas tries to extend an olive branch to Israel, Ariel Sharon backs away after hearing a sucide bomber from Palestine.  US is doing shit to help out in the Peace process.  And the kinds of policies that Bush are trying to push are totally BS.  The war in Iraq is going downhill.  Looks like we will have a lame duck president.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2005, 11:48:00 PM »

i sort of got an answer to what i wanted but it makes a change for a thread to not degrade into your a dumb ass/your retarded level. I even got something I can read up on.

nice discussing this with you.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2005, 10:13:00 AM »

Fuck Canada.


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Lets Try This Again. Israel
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2005, 12:49:00 PM »

rotfl.gif  Dude shut the fuck up. jester.gif
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