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Author Topic: Apple Being Sued By Itunes Member  (Read 141 times)


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Apple Being Sued By Itunes Member
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2005, 09:30:00 AM »

QUOTE(EvilWays @ Jan 24 2005, 08:50 PM)
It's paid why not?


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Apple Being Sued By Itunes Member
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2005, 11:44:00 AM »

I don't think I have recently heard of a lawsuit that made sense in the States.. this may just be a Canadian's point of view, but 95% of the lawsuits I read about in American news are ridiculous

In fairness, we only hear about the absolutely ridiculous ones.  We have some very bad judges in very high places, doing things a judge ought never do.  We really need a strong president or a strong congress (or both), to deal with this.

QUOTE(The unProfessional)
I like to think that the rest of the consumer market would join me on such a cause when it comes to giving the Big Wigs the finger when they step over the line.

So long as the consumer is willing to put up with it, and the consumer obviously is, the RIAA/MIAA will get away with it.  End of story.  The thing is, though, their does not appear to be an end in sight of this total madness.  Another example: A friend told me they went to a movie recently and timed from start to finish 21 minutes worth of television type ads before they saw the movie previews they were forced to sit through for the priveledge of watching the movie.

But what can really be done when the general movie/music consumer is willing to put up with it and congress is continually convinced its a good idea and passes laws in their favour? Lets face it, my boycott of movies and music isnt doing anything. Its teenagers with disposable income and total idiots that are really driving these absurd policies because they are willing to pay and put up with it.  We must be in the minority here.

The unProfessional

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Apple Being Sued By Itunes Member
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2005, 12:36:00 PM »

Yeah,.. movie theaters were previously a quasi-sanctuary from TV-type ads.  The previews are fine... at least they have contextual significance.  Movies themselves are basically packed w/ ads now, but at least I didn't have to sit through 20 minutes of commercials  (I could watch an episode of Friends in the comfort of my own home for that).

Same B.S. with DVDs.  What was one of the major arguments the movie industry had when trying to push the technology to market?  They told us we would never have to deal with commercials or previews against our will.  Well, to further highlight their complete pension for lies, most of the newest DVDs won't allow you to skip the initial previews... you're best bet is to do a linear fast-forward.  They've officially lied right through their teeth - again.  And they wonder why we download 'em.  Strange phenomenon.

Damam: You're right about the boycotts.  As I mentioned earlier, I boycott my share of products but I'm aware of the insignificance.  Each generation is exposed to a certain level of bull shit, and they're all willing to deal with a couple extra notches of crap.  However, with each generation, the notches go higher, and the crap smells worse.

Remember all those years that the music industry punks told us CD manufacturing costs were responsible for the high prices of CDs?  (LOL)  They STILL try to use that argument from time to time.  What's funny is each new technology that they push is actually cheaper than the last... but they can always use the argument that they're pushing the technology for the benefit of the consumer (higher quality, etc), when it's actually just an opportunity for them to increase margins again.

Am I supposed to believe Ashley Simpson sounds better on a CD than an LP?  Somehow I doubt it.

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