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Author Topic: Hey  (Read 506 times)


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« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2004, 04:29:00 PM »

QUOTE (FektionFekler @ Dec 9 2004, 11:56 PM)
No Mungo man was a homo-sapien (homo erectus) which was Australia, not Indonesia (where the hobbit like creature was found). So please do a little research before you attempt to bring me down. wink.gif

You misread. I only refered to the Mungo man once, then I refered to the hominid found in Indonesia. Please think before you post. I don't want another stupid "discussion" with you. Remember you believed Ivan was born with the title "the terrible"? Maybe you should do some research yourself, and learn how to read while you're at it.


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« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (gronne @ Dec 10 2004, 01:32 AM)
You misread. I only refered to the Mungo man once, then I refered to the hominid found in Indonesia. Please think before you post. I don't want another stupid "discussion" with you. Remember you believed Ivan was born with the title "the terrible"? Maybe you should do some research yourself, and learn how to read while you're at it.

ROFL. Then what might I ask is this?
QUOTE (gronne @ Dec 10 2004, 01:32 AM)
You talked about 50,000 year old homo sapiens, this is not homo sapiens. They are not 100% it's part of the homonid-family. I just read they were found on an island in Indonesia. And these homonids apparently differed a lot from homo sapiens sapiens (modern man).

rolleyes.gif Owned. I know English is not your native tongue, but you have to admit that sounds nothing like you intended. If what you intended to say was that I was correct in my statement about Mungo man, and that you were simply informing me about the discovery of the hobbit-like remains in Indonesia. That is not how it sounded at all, it sounded like you were saying the hobbit-like remains found in Indonesia were in fact the remains of Mungo man (which is not true). Anyway try reading your posts just to make sure that is after all what you intended to say, and then posting, there is also the edit button. Not everyone here speaks third world English. wink.gif


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« Reply #62 on: December 10, 2004, 01:23:00 PM »

This is what I think:

Earth is only a few thousand years old - Yes
Satan put those dinosaur bones - No

I don't think satan would do that.  He does not have the "power" to create. wink.gif

They found 50,000 year old remains of homo sapiens (modern man) in Australia (Mungo man), and 110,000 year old remains in China,
Fixed your post

They think, not know they found 50,000 year old remains of homo sapiens (modern man) in Australia (Mungo man), and 110,000 year old remains in China

EDIT: please don't think I'm a hipocrite


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« Reply #63 on: December 10, 2004, 01:34:00 PM »

QUOTE (blueshogun96 @ Dec 10 2004, 10:26 PM)
This is what I think:

Earth is only a few thousand years old - Yes
Satan put those dinosaur bones - No

I don't think satan would do that.  He does not have the "power" to create. wink.gif

Fixed your post

They think, not know they found 50,000 year old remains of homo sapiens (modern man) in Australia (Mungo man), and 110,000 year old remains in China

EDIT: please don't think I'm a hipocrite

It's a fact, do your research.


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« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2004, 03:48:00 PM »

No sir, I mean more than 500,000 years

It's a fact, do your research.
I'll just take your word for it.  I don't want to get into anymore fights  wink.gif


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« Reply #65 on: December 10, 2004, 09:15:00 PM »

QUOTE (blueshogun96 @ Dec 11 2004, 12:51 AM)
No sir, I mean more than 500,000 years

I'll just take your word for it.  I don't want to get into anymore fights  wink.gif

you might not feel you need to back up your "faith" system, but I tried for you.

I could not find any scientific proof that this Earth is only a few thousand years old. Also, please explain to me how the dino bones could be there but the earth only be a few thousand years old?

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #66 on: December 11, 2004, 01:21:00 AM »

QUOTE (colonel32)
Then how can you see stars?

once again, it would not be a problem for a God such as mine to do that.  Didn't you read my post?  We're talking about the creation of everything here.  I could understand how some could see that as a stretch of the imagination, but so is the entire understanding of creation in general.  It is a stretch of the imagination becuase it is not within our grasps to understand.
As an example, You could ask a 4th grader, "how much of everything do you know?"  They may say 60% or even more.  But if You ask yourself that as an adult, your number might be a small fraction of 1%.
I could not find any scientific proof that this Earth is only a few thousand years old. Also, please explain to me how the dino bones could be there but the earth only be a few thousand years old?

There is no clearcut evidence to support such an age, but there is much to disprove the possibility of a long age of the earth and the universe.  Consider that the moon is getting farther away from the Earth.  This means that the moon used to be closer.  The moon controls the tides.  If you do the math, you will find that a mre 20 million years ago, there would be massive tides, so large that nothing land-dwelling would survive.  2 global floods a day.  20 million years ago there was supposed to be still dinosaurs roaming about.
And there is more, such as the distance from the sun, the rings around saturn (why are they still there?!)


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« Reply #67 on: December 11, 2004, 01:31:00 AM »

QUOTE (jbp20717 @ Dec 7 2004, 11:29 AM)
Well dinosaurs disprove God as if you believe in Him you should also believe that humans have always existed and we would therefore have been aware of the existence of dinosaurs from the beginning.

Yep, nobody can prove God's existence and therefore he's just make-believe (such has been obvious since the days of Galileo)

Wrong. Humans have not always been around on the earth. Animals were on the earth long before Adam and Eve were. Humans didn’t show up until verse 26 of Genesis.

Whos to say dinosaurs didn’t walk the earth for awhile with humans? Or maybe they were around just to make God happy. Who knows, I know theres an answer, just gotta do some research on it.


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« Reply #68 on: December 11, 2004, 07:22:00 AM »

QUOTE (Mr. Chips @ Dec 11 2004, 10:24 AM)
There is no clearcut evidence to support such an age, but there is much to disprove the possibility of a long age of the earth and the universe.  Consider that the moon is getting farther away from the Earth.  This means that the moon used to be closer.  The moon controls the tides.  If you do the math, you will find that a mre 20 million years ago, there would be massive tides, so large that nothing land-dwelling would survive.  2 global floods a day.  20 million years ago there was supposed to be still dinosaurs roaming about.
And there is more, such as the distance from the sun, the rings around saturn (why are they still there?!)

are you also saying that the half life for chloring-26 I believe it is has changed from ~400,000 years? It has been found in many places.

As for the moon theory, gravity acts on exponents. At every revoultion of the moon its momentum brings it farther and farther away, but not at a linear progression.

And isnt it quite convenient that you can just say, "Well, its there because God can do it, and for no other reason," Science using a distinct table of facts and previous knowledge for all of its theories, they are not "just there" because we say they are.

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #69 on: December 11, 2004, 10:50:00 AM »

ok, fine.  the ring around saturn is moving away (in a linear fashion rolleyes.gif) at a much faster rate.  It would only take a few million years for it to dissapear.
Sorry to upset you, but the universe cannot be so old.  Michael Faraday understood that well.  And there is no Santa Clause either.


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« Reply #70 on: December 11, 2004, 12:52:00 PM »

QUOTE (Mr. Chips @ Dec 11 2004, 07:53 PM)
ok, fine.  the ring around saturn is moving away (in a linear fashion rolleyes.gif) at a much faster rate.  It would only take a few million years for it to dissapear.
Sorry to upset you, but the universe cannot be so old.  Michael Faraday understood that well.  And there is no Santa Clause either.

ugh, show me a FACT that the Earth is as old as a few thousand years?

sorry, you cant.

other than that old book that YOU believe in. So, what, is the majority of the rest of the people on this Earth and going to Hell because they dont all think Jesus is God's son?

I can never understand what makes bible-people think they are any more worthy than another religion because they are right and if you question their being right, you will be killed by the pope(or used to).


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« Reply #71 on: December 13, 2004, 09:22:00 AM »

the term "bible-people" was a joke. In any case, "bible-people" could refer to anyone of any faith. what makes them more right than anyone else?


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« Reply #72 on: December 13, 2004, 11:01:00 AM »

ugh, show me a FACT that the Earth is as old as a few thousand years?

What would you say if I asked you to show me Fact that the earth was older than that. Would you say science shows you that it is? What would you say if I asked you to define science. Who created science? How science is created.
Would you say man created science? To explain things that were once unexplained. And that science uses previous "Facts" created by science to explain itself.
What if the previous facts made by science were incorrect... wouldn't that make everything bsed around those facts become wrong? Science can be no better than religion when being used to explain the unexplained, because of the fact that it comes from the same source, a source that is known to be incorrect most of the time... Man.
We see science as being so correct, cause that's what we were taught in school. We were shown that science holds the answers.

In no way am I a "Bible-thumper", I am Catholic, I do go to church sometimes, and I do use science. I'm just trying to even out the playing field, and show the flaws in science.

I can never understand what makes bible-people think they are any more worthy than another religion because they are right and if you question their being right, you will be killed by the pope

I know all the religious people I know, and me including, accept people of other faiths, and of no faith(in religion). The majority of us "Bible-people" don't think we are more worthy than others, it's people like you who gather those thoughts from somewhere, and believe them to be truth. You see one person who is "religious" do something wrong, and hold the rest of us accountable for them. As an assumption and to use in an example, what would you say if I judge you, because of all the evil athiests in the world? You'd feel misplaced would you not?

other than that old book that YOU believe in. So, what, is the majority of the rest of the people on this Earth and going to Hell because they dont all think Jesus is God's son?

And where do you look for the "truth"? An ecyclopedia? school science book? Look to the above for a more explained discussion about this.
And no, the rest of you aren't going to hell because you don't believe in Jesus or God. No where in the Bible does it say that. That's a common mistake, and a heavily used arguement by the "Anti-Bible-People".


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« Reply #73 on: December 13, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »

Facts are based on extensive research, and/or known truths (factual beliefs, i.e. previous facts). Religion is based upon theoretical truths (faith). In order to live a harmonious life, free of stress and negativity, you need both. Moderation is key.


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« Reply #74 on: December 13, 2004, 11:20:00 AM »

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