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Author Topic: The Dollar Is Plunging To New Depths...  (Read 308 times)


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The Dollar Is Plunging To New Depths...
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2004, 09:43:00 AM »

Tupac, what the hell are you thinking. You give the human race, and yourself, far too much credit. Consensual crimes dont exist. Choice does not exist. Free willi s your Illusion. We are monkeys and some of us monkeys happen upon drugs. They like the drugs and they want more. Now some monkeys can control their wanting of the drug. Many cant, and for some drugs, none can. So they become dangerous monkeys. We need to protect our monkeys. Some drugs, especially for medicinal use, could be legalized, but all? Your way too trusting of us monkeys.

you say you dont care what it hurts, you just want to be able to do what you choose to do. That sounds very chilidish. Drugs are bad for you. I've used psychedeliks too. Its been years since... And I can tell you that there are side effects, and not good ones. Oh hey. Next time you do psychedelics, get  a video camera, and record all the insights from god and the philiosophical epiphanies you have. then watch the tape with friends while you're all sober.

that may stop you from doing drugs. How old are you?



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The Dollar Is Plunging To New Depths...
« Reply #91 on: December 08, 2004, 10:13:00 AM »

rolleyes.gif , ahh why do i even argue.....if we r all just stupid monkeys that cant realize r stupidity, and all that use drugs do so for the wrog reason, plz, someone put me and the rest of humanity out of our misery now (h bomb anyone?)....choice exists, even it is an illusion....just because using that logical i could say life didnt exist, and we r all complex programs reacting to each other (which i could, but i like to hope were a little more than that)....and finally, the guy before u, u didnt understand what i said.....for me i want to narrow down to psychedelics and weed, thats all...anyone else can use whateevr they want, but ive made a personal choice for myself, thats all....and i dont think taping myself would be much help, i remember everything i do, and it would be a waste of a ton of hours of film...last time i was lying on a couch, in complete darkness, for hours staring into nothing, or what most would think is nothing  biggrin.gif ......anyway it all calls down to liberties, and u may call me young and naive, but i hope to...god...i never change on this issue...i dont want to become more conservative when i grow older, because the more and more i do, the less and less fight ill have in actually crying right now, i hope things change one day.
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