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Author Topic: Bush Wins  (Read 775 times)


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« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2004, 12:15:00 AM »



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« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2004, 12:16:00 AM »

Add tom daschle to the Do not wanted list....

kenji urban

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« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »

Ronnie i think your a fucking legend!


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« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2004, 12:28:00 AM »

I merged all of these threads:::



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« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2004, 12:53:00 AM »

QUOTE (kenji urban @ Nov 3 2004, 04:20 AM)
Ronnie i think your a fucking legend!

Why are you making fun of me?  huh.gif


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« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2004, 01:34:00 AM »

QUOTE (alwaysonjohn @ Nov 3 2004, 04:08 AM)

Its sad that a movie based on fiction (yes fiction, and complete lies) could convince people to vote for a man so horrible as kerry.  If you only realized what he did in vietnam (or didn't do, but report was done).

Why not give a single example of a lie in his movie?

Youre talking about lies as in "Saddam Hussein is an immenent threat to the united states" and "Saddam has mobile biological weapons labs"?
I think that wasnt a movie,I think it was real life.

Living by Fort Campbell (101st airborne screaming eagles), I have many friends in the army, and I do go on base occassionally.  Its sad to see the soldiers protrayed like animals in Farenheit 9/11.  My friends that came back from the war are volunteering to go back, but not because they want to kill people and are looking for a war.  Most of the soldiers that returned are mad how the media only showed soldiers dieing, and not soldiers helping the communities by building roads, schools, and handing out food.

Soldiers are not trained to do these good things you speak of,they are trained to kill and win wars.If they want to fix roads then they should work for the city and not put themselves in a dangerous situation where they could be blown up by a damn car bomb.And if they wanna hand out food I think they can do that at any homeless shelter,again not much danger but it may smell like hobo's.These people you speak of exist in your mind,no soldier wants to die and give their lives for people who hate them.There are terrorists in Iraq fighting Americans and her allies and then there are those who fight for liberation from US occupation.Were the Vietnamese terrorist when they were killing Americans by any means?No they just wanted us out,the same goes for the people in Iraq.I say fuck them,no one came and fought for Americas liberty we fought and we won.Its been done before and will be done again, America shouldnt do what its done in Iraq.There was no threat,there were no terrorist targeting the US,it was not right.

What is funny is that Kerry's great line on taxes is "rich people like me don't need the tax breaks that Bush gave us."  I would say that too when my wife only pays 10% taxes on her reported 40+ million dollars a year, while i make hardly anything and pay 30% taxes.

Again Id like to say youre a dumbass.People as rich as the Kerry's give 50% of their income to taxes.How could you not know this?

When people tell me that we went to war over oil, I would like to beat the crap out of them.  That's why my local gas price is $1.87 (yeah its cheaper here than most places, but still expensive in my mind.)  Farenheit 9/11 is the biggest crock of crap i watched.  Too bad the media didn't publicize FarenHype 9/11 as much.  The only place i found it was at wal-mart after a friend told me about it (and it was nowhere near farenheit).  Blockbuster only had Farenheit also.  What's funny is that Farenheit is supposed to be a documentary... heh.  Hardly anyone has watched Stolen honor, but thats because the DNC sued Sinclair broadcasting for publishing a movie that can change the election, however farenheit went untouched to the publisher.

Id like to beat the crap out of you!You didnt notice that huge drop in the price of gas a few months ago?You dont think that happened because gas station operators wanted to give you a good deal do you?It happened because we were pumping gas out of Iraq and into US tankers.Too bad Iraqi freedom fighters(I hate them too but they are fighting for us to leave) blew up those oil pipelines and the Haliburton(yes they are) employees havent been able to repair them because of a lack of security.

The Michael Moore movies didnt get the boot because people had to pay to see it,it wasnt aired on free Tv the way that movie about Kerry was to be.Dont you know disney was to distribute(and owned the rights) Fahrenheit 9/11?They were going to keep it on the shelf because disney has a huge interest in florida called Disney World.
They felt if they put out the movie it would have repercussions from Jeb Bush,the govenor of the state.Sounds ike it was "touched" just a little.
The DNC never sued sinclair you damn lying biatch,shut the hell up with these lies.

I am just glad that in the end, Bush did win (i guess we will find out in a while if ohio is contested).  Now he can finish the war that started a long time ago against Iraq, and then concentrate on the next road block, North Korea and Iran.

Yes now we can have not just 1 or 2 Americans killed a day but instead we can go for thousands.North Korea has the 3rd largest army and they are well trained and loyal to their leader.And now they have nukes and the Taep'o-dong III missle that can hit anywhere on the west coast.
What exactly are they the road block to?Please give me an answer.
We wouldnt have to deal with such a threat from them or the Iranians had the United States not made the mistakes it did dealing with these countires.
Before the Korean war we didnt arm the south korean leader(the good guy) instead we armed the North leader(the bad guy) and he rolled his tanks and troops to the tip of the peninsula before the UN and the US acted and pushed them back,nearly to the chinese boarder.And with Iran,I think most people know about the Shah of Iran...



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« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2004, 02:07:00 AM »

When the dust settles four years from now, maybe there's a chance to get this country out of the 19th century.  Until then, expect bible thumping to go up, rights to be ignored, big business to profit (at the expense of the working man) and crude oil to be expensive.  You know who to thank - I didn't vote for him.



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« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2004, 03:30:00 AM »

like a friend once told me....Every empire has its fall, weather its the romans, the british...Sooner or later they are nothing, now that americans decided to vote stupid....Welll there you go, say good bye to all your traditions !


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« Reply #38 on: November 03, 2004, 04:22:00 AM »

QUOTE (Bulletproof @ Nov 3 2004, 06:33 AM)
like a friend once told me....Every empire has its fall, weather its the romans, the british...Sooner or later they are nothing, now that americans decided to vote stupid....Welll there you go, say good bye to all your traditions !

It will happen, either a climate change (seriously, the movie The Day After Tomorrow is based on sound science) or an economic shift could bring about the undoing of the USA.  Bush loves to preach about how outsourcing is so great, until the day our country produces nothing and no one here can buy anything because we're all out of work.  Course, I think collapsing the entire economy in 4 years is a lofty goal even for Bush.    dry.gif


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« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2004, 04:39:00 AM »

George W. Bush : There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: "Fool me once..."
George W. Bush : [pause]
George W. Bush : "... shame on...".
George W. Bush : [pause]
George W. Bush : "Shame on you..."
George W. Bush : [pause]
George W. Bush : "If fooled, you can't get fooled again."

well, we were fooled once... now if hes back in.. we were fooled again.

bow before the great american president!


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« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2004, 05:31:00 AM »

letsall rejoice in one verse from queens 'we are the champions' because.. damn... victory is SWEET!


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« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2004, 05:37:00 AM »

user posted image


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« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2004, 06:05:00 AM »

None of that is going to happen. Just accept the fact that Bush won, and stop being one of the people that makes this country so polarized.


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« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2004, 06:28:00 AM »

Well, if we are to believe the short speech Andrew Card made early this morning, Bush will win with 286 Electoral College, the largest amount in any US Pres election, and he is/will win with a large Popular vote as well....the pundits @ CNN are saying that Bush is leading with 3,525,735 votes as of 8:42 AM EST.....which is a damn big lead in a Pres election here in the it SEEMS that the US isnt as divided as some think.


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« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2004, 06:43:00 AM »

damn ohio and/or florida.  My line here in indiana was over 4 hours long, it was ridiculous.

^^ a few of the things you said were either wrong or didn't make any sense but it doesn't really matter now anyways

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