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Author Topic: Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666  (Read 415 times)


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #60 on: November 02, 2004, 05:45:00 AM »

you have strong points baner, and i guess since we've all argued so many different points it just comes down to the fact we just don't agree. i am glad this thread came back to a civil conversation rather than a emotional flame war. so i do appreciate that.

We're all friends. Friends that never agree, but friends none the less. wink.gif
Everything I say in the political forums isn't personal, if you find me in another forum, and ask a question, I'll do anything I can to help, that's what the community is for isn't it? I just come to the political forums to waste time at work. wink.gif I fear that after the elections, the political forums are going to be kinda quiet... oh well. Preciate that estin. biggrin.gif


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #61 on: November 02, 2004, 07:05:00 AM »

3 Cheers for Avarden keeping the conspiricies alive..
Hip Hip Horray!
Hip Hip Horray!
Hip Hip Horray!


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #62 on: November 02, 2004, 10:40:00 AM »

well for everybody that thinks there is a wrong and a right...

watch this

btw. we had a poll who would vote for bush / kerry in our class.

           kerry: 24
           bush : 01

so this is how the netherlands thinks about your bush
hope this will be the result in real life too


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #63 on: November 02, 2004, 11:00:00 AM »

so this is how the netherlands thinks about your bush
hope this will be the result in real life too

Ohh this is gonna be fun!

1. What's the Netherlands population?
2. What percent of that population does your class of 25 people make up?
3. What's the average age of your class?
4. What class is it?

When your old enough, take some basic statistics. Main points in taking a sample are:
1. A varying group to poll (ie. Different ages, races, region)
2. A bigger sample... 25 people out of a complete nation isn't going to give you a good reading...
3. Asking people who know what they're talking about...
I just wanna know, why do you want Kerry over Bush? (unless your the one...)

When you go into class again, ask your fellow students what's thier favorite food, I wanna know how all Netherlanders think.

Stay in school... you'll need it. wink.gif

Edit: Welcome to the community!  biggrin.gif


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #64 on: November 02, 2004, 11:56:00 AM »

hehe i've been here longer...i'm actually wolfblade12 but ....

1. 16 milion
2. 0.00015625 %
3. 16
4. dunno what you mean by that but i'm on a technical school

well i'm not only basing this on the poll in my class ( i know i said 'so this is how the netherlands thinks about bush') but i also based this on various discussions in NL about bush / kerry, and most of the people are for kerry and not bush. And by the way, we know where we are talking about


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2004, 12:35:00 PM »

1. 16 milion
2. 0.00015625 %

That's jsut what I wanted to point out, and don't take anything I say serious, I'm being a jackass today... (been at work for 8 hours now... I wanna go home!!!)


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #66 on: November 03, 2004, 12:31:00 PM »

QUOTE (Wolfblade13 @ Nov 2 2004, 07:43 PM)
well for everybody that thinks there is a wrong and a right...

watch this

btw. we had a poll who would vote for bush / kerry in our class.

           kerry: 24
           bush : 01

so this is how the netherlands thinks about your bush
hope this will be the result in real life too

You know whats funny? When the Netherlands has an election(or w/e).


haha your country sucks.


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #67 on: November 03, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (SKoT @ Nov 3 2004, 03:34 PM)
You know whats funny? When the Netherlands has an election(or w/e).


haha your country sucks.

I'd compare this election to a wreck on the freeway that the rest of the world slows down to watch, then driving on, hoping it will be cleared by the time they come back.


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #68 on: November 03, 2004, 10:24:00 PM »

QUOTE (Wolfblade13 @ Nov 2 2004, 10:43 AM)
well for everybody that thinks there is a wrong and a right...

watch this

btw. we had a poll who would vote for bush / kerry in our class.

           kerry: 24
           bush : 01

so this is how the netherlands thinks about your bush
hope this will be the result in real life too

that video was just barely relevent to your point.

Not sure but I think it was saying that electing kerry would give us a "clean slate" that would stop all wars (or the "war on terrorism"). Which doesn't really make sense. Because.... you know what.... There was terrorisum.... gasp.... Before... bush was president. Amazing isn't it... so maybe bush isn't the cause of all this... maybe they don't even know why they hate america


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Bush The Satanic Antichrist 666
« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2004, 08:25:00 AM »

you know what.... There was terrorisum.... gasp.... Before... bush was president. Amazing isn't it... so maybe bush isn't the cause of all this...

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