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Author Topic: Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked  (Read 407 times)


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »

Both. You said you can't imagine anyone intelligent watching BET. That's basically saying you think their entire audience is stupid, basically insulting the black population, because it consists mainly of them.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2004, 12:40:00 PM »

I know a fairly large group of Wiggers that watch that channel, and I doubt you'll find a successful Black Business Man (ie CEO) watching Bet on a regular basis.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2004, 02:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Oct 13 2004, 12:39 PM)
Both. You said you can't imagine anyone intelligent watching BET. That's basically saying you think their entire audience is stupid, basically insulting the black population, because it consists mainly of them.

thats not what im saying at all... these are the kinds of arguments you get when you have an all-something channel... do you really believe all black people watch bet? or even only black people are supposed to watch it?


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2004, 03:24:00 PM »

No - I never said that. Their target audience is the black population, not black high school drop-outs, and not black CEOs, blacks in general.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2004, 03:59:00 PM »

and again, i didnt say that black people as a whole are unintelligent did i?

i wouldnt say that as its not what i think, bet however has fairly low-brow shows that i cant imagine anyone intelligent, regardless of race, watching...


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »

I just want to say Eminem never said nigger in any song I have ever heard.

Ive heard his song that the source put out from when he was younger and he doesnt say nigger.He says some dumb shit about black girls and they only want you for your money.Thats all.Every rapper out says bitches so this dumbass from BET should shut the hell up about that.But again I say he never used that word in any song he made.

The unProfessional

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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2004, 08:44:00 PM »


I wonder what Dr.'s stance on all this shit is.

Dre loves it... he's always known that enimem was controversial, and since Dre is as greedy as the rest, he welcomes all of it.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2004, 06:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (gcskate27 @ Oct 12 2004, 11:07 PM)
who watches bet anyway? i cant imagine anyone intelligent watching it... comicview is the worst show ever... every comic saying the exact same thing and not actually making jokes, just being loud and running around on stage/falling on the floor... utter shit...  dry.gif

I don't mean to be racist, but that is what I would expect a white person to say.  Obviously black people watch it.  BET stands for Black Entertainment Television.  I'm not saying white people can't watch it, but hey, you get the idea, right. Lucky for you, this is a forum and not a bar full of black people because you would either be hurt or dead, seriously.  And don't forget there ARE black people in this forum.  I don't care for BET myself, but don't you EVER insult the ones who watch it.  Most of the things you say make sense, but today you are unreasonable.

EDIT: And another thing, it's not all about the rap music, watch it on a sunday...

I know a fairly large group of Wiggers that watch that channel, and I doubt you'll find a successful Black Business Man (ie CEO) watching Bet on a regular basis.

Baner, this the first time I have ever disagreed with you.  Do you know every CEO in the world!?  But I can't imagine a CEO watching it either.

BET is EXTREMELY racist. Everything is black and white. It's funny how they have all these rap videos that glorify violence and sex, use the N-word repeatedly even thought it's bleeped out AND promote drug use. Nothing wrong with Mary-J but still. these videos are on heavy rotation when young people are watching them. I bet Steve Harvey wouldn't pull those videos even though they are doing more harm to the black community then a retarded Eminem video. More examples of racism can be heard on ComicView. Just turn that on and EVERY joke is aimed at making white people look weak and retarded. I know they bust on themselves but I know for a fact you wouldn't have a white comedian on comedy central busting on black people like that.

Oh and one last thing, alot of veiwers of a particular channel/station log onto and participate in the community forums and it's no different at BET. If you wanna see out and out racism, with topics like "why do white women wanna be black" and "why white people scurry away from sunlight", then just roll on over and check that out.

As far as the rest of the programming, they show lots of movies with black people in them yes, and I know that it's aimed at the black community but again as with the video's; they glorify violence/sex/drugs. There aren't really too many shows they have that are original and don't glorify all the things I mentioned above.

I REALLY disagree with you.

200 almost 300 years of racism against black people, eventually, the tables will turn and they are now.  Racism is not dead.  The KKK has not gone anywhere.  White people have a lot of nerve to feel discriminated against.  Yeah, I know not all of you are racist.  But who hasn't used the term nigga or jigabu(SP?)  I'm not talking about saying it out loud, thinking it.  Face it, revenge is sweet.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2004, 09:28:00 PM »

But who hasn't used the term nigga or jigabu(SP?) I'm not talking about saying it out loud, thinking it. Face it, revenge is sweet.

ive never used those words, and i dont think them... but guess how many times ive been called 'white boy'? you cant bitch about racism and discrimination if youre a part of it...


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2004, 10:40:00 AM »

Sorry you guys, I was REALLY pissed off and I am now having anger management problems.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2004, 11:00:00 AM »

Maybe if Black people didn't try to seperate themseleves from mainstream culture at every turn we wouldn't have as much racism and descrimination in the world. I have ZERO problem with someone saying they are proud of their black culture, but to say you're proud of your black body or your black whatever is insane. That's saying you are somehow different than me other than our skin color. I'm Irish and German background, you don't hear me say I'm proud of my Irish body or I'm proud of my German whatever, I'm proud of who I am and I don't feel any need to distinguish who I am from someone who is Black or White or Red or whatever. Peel back the skin and we're all the same, if they want to make skin color a reason to distance themseleves then yeah racism will still exist  on both sides of the coin. Furthermore if you must have a station devoted to promoting the black community (as much as I disagree with the need for one or at least the need to promote it so heavily as a black person's channel) why not have things to promote diversity and friendship and that we all are one group of people. Teach generations they're different from their friends or persons next door isn't cool. BET needs to realize that.

The unProfessional

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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2004, 03:30:00 PM »

There's nothing dangerous about ethnic pride.  It's a very powerful and great thing.  But active separation does breed descrimination.  Anyone failing to recognize this needs to open their eyes a bit.  I had an "ethnic studies" professor at my University with I was a freshman who spoke Jesse Jackson's words like they were gospel.  She claimed to be Jewish, but every time she casted horrible dispersions at white people (all the time), she'd justify it by following up with "oh don't worry, my husband is white".  Being out-numbered by at least 3-to-1, caucasians in the room just kinda scowled.  By the end the quarter however, we found ourselves addressing her regularly - "why is it OK for you make racist remarks... the only one to speak racist words in this class has been you" - yes, I said that.  She'd respond with "Only those in power can be racist.  And only white people can be in power."  Yes, I was required to pay for this course.  My final paper basically discredited every one of her methods, and my TA aced me (she was a very intelligent hispanic activist trying to fight racism).  I'm not blind, and I'm aware of residual and highly active racism today.  But you don't see me supporting BET, the KKK, that professor, or any other source of descrimination, separation, and eventually hatred and racism.

I love how every discussion on racism always somehow justifies racism towards white people, solely due to the fact that racism towards african americans is rooted deeper in american history.  Hello, all you jesse jackson followers, the door swings both ways.  If you cast hatred of any kind, you're doing nothing to fight racism.  You're breeding it.

BET represents a voluntary segregation and by no means is positive in the fight against racism.  Tell me how, in any way, BET is good for the black community.  If there was all-white programming, you wouldn't find me watching it.  i'd recognize that segregated entertainment is no better than segregated restrooms and drinking fountains.  I'd also be completely aware that I'm watching heavily biased programming created by zealots with a seriously self-righteous agenda.

Mr. Chips

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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2004, 04:03:00 PM »

he's getting sued again...

from .

Pee Wee To Sue Eminem
Only days after Michael Jackson threatened to sue Eminem, Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens is rumored to be preparing a lawsuit of his own. Rubens is one of many characters spoofed in Slim's "Just Lose it" video. The clip was recently pulled off BET after Jackson's complaints. Word is that Reubens is scheduled to press charges later this week.


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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2004, 04:22:00 PM »

Racism is entirely evident in society.  There is no way to deny it, because it's there.  Any conversation topic can be changed into some sort of racist comment, proof that racism is present.  Unfortunately, so few people are actually working against racism.  Most people are trying to promote it.  The white stereotype of the black person is an unintelligent, stupid, gangster-type person with no money and a low-paying job.  On the other hand, the black stereotype of the white person is a self-centered, pompous, irresponsible idiot incapable of comprehending black culture and undeserving of the social status they have.  NEWSFLASH: THESE STEREOTYPES PROMOTE RACISM!!!  Obviously, there is racism on both sides.  And it doesn't matter who you are, it's your choices and not your skin color that determine what type of person you are.  I'm fortunate enough to be one of those people who isn't a target of much racism (Asian) and still does not discriminate people.  Not all black people act the same, and neither do white people.  So just stop the racism.  If we have to discriminate something, focus on a person's personality, not their physical characteristics (although any type of discrimination is a form of hate, which is not good).

Anyways, back to Eminem.  I'm happy something (yet again) has caused controversy related to him.  It's awakening people to the discrimination present in our society.  Anyways, not all of his songs are racist, and those ones are actually not bad.  And Michael Jackson is strange anyways.  He used to be cool--USED to be.  But now he's not.  Jackson still doesn't deserve the view society has placed on him.  He made a few bad choices in the interest of gaining fame and fans.  All stars do that.  They gain fame, love it, and never want to let it go.  Just like Eminem causes controversy, loves it, and never stops wreaking it.

Mr. Chips

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Eminem's Ghetto Pass Revoked
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2004, 04:36:00 PM »

I'm fortunate enough to be one of those people who isn't a target of much racism (Asian)

I 'm glad you are not affected by racism.  It's hard to avoid it, really.
cuz I know in Canada, if you ever visit Vancouver... there is such a massive Asian population they are definately subject of racism.  The city itself earned the name "Hongcouver"... really our second language in Canada should be Chinese, instead of French, and I say that with honesty since it would be more useful to know here, especilaly in BC.
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