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Author Topic: The Debate  (Read 839 times)


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The Debate
« Reply #120 on: October 11, 2004, 02:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (Baner @ Oct 11 2004, 08:28 PM)
3. Kerry's policies don't quite make sense. ie. He wants to A. Spend less on the War on Terror B.Slowly withdrawl out of Iraq C.Hunt for Bin Laden D. Better equip our troops. Somehow I don't think he could save money by doing all that.

I read somewhere that the top 20% of the population pays around 80% of the taxes.  Imaging raising that top percentage from 28% to around 33%, the way it was during the Clinton Era.  It would definately raise the tax revenues.

Since we don't have enough people employed, the people who are not working are getting public assistance which also cost taxpayer money.   Under Kerry's plans, we can get these people jobs which reduce the need for taxpayer money.

With these 2 simple principles, Clinton was able to get us out of the deficit.  Bush in turn, reversed the 2 policies above which created this deficit.  In addition, most republician Presidents would greatly reduce government spending.  But Bush decided to increase government spending instead.  Tax cut + increased government spending = increased deficit.

Bush said Kerry's tax policies can't be done without increasing the middle class' taxes.  Well, if you trust someone who can't balance the budget or from a fiscal irresponsibile Administration.


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The Debate
« Reply #121 on: October 11, 2004, 03:53:00 PM »

New Labour? More like New conservativesÂ…

I am under no illusion that Labour is still a left wing party, more middle centre now.
BUT It is still doing a lot which goes unoticed like the funds it gives to the charity sector. My girlfriend manages a community forum and a lot of charities would close down if the tories came back in power. Labour are in the process of bringing in a law to strip establishments such as Eton of there charitable stuatus (for all you americans thats a very good thing). The tories wouldnt do this.

Labour are not perfect and so what if the minimum wage is low, its still there. It stops people getting as exploited as they was. The tories wouldnt do this.

My friend is a newly qualified doctor and both her parents have been doctors in this country for about 20 years. We had a long drunken discussion about the NHS one weekend at her house. Her parents said it is improving, slowly, but they slated the last tory regime for there policies and pushing the NHS into a decline.

Im not going to deny big business still rules but if i want, as a recent graduate, i can go and get a grant to help me set up my own business. Labour isnt perfect I vote Lib Dem but its a million times better than the tories being in power.
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