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Author Topic: Bush's Fear Tactics...  (Read 463 times)

Mr. Chips

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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #60 on: September 28, 2004, 02:23:00 PM »


A point I would like to make:
Although the crusades where the prouct of religious zealotry, it in not correct to call the Bible/Christian religion the cause or root of the problem.  Neither then should ALL religions be held accountable through association.  The problem is man, and always will be.
The same can be said of the enslavement of Blacks.  It was (by some) made justified by the bible's depiction of slavery, but again it was misinterpreted.  The Bible remains to be against slavery.  If you nit-pick, which many do, it is easy to twist the words around for one's own purposes.  This is why we have cults, doomsday prophets, people claiming to be the messiah and all the rest.  Just my 2 cents, thank you.


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #61 on: September 28, 2004, 02:37:00 PM »

I'm catholic but i'm beginning to lean toward agnostic.  I believe there is a god, I'll pray but churches are man made.  Anyone can interperite religions in a different way.  It is just wrong to blame terrorisum on a certian religion.


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #62 on: September 28, 2004, 06:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (pegasys @ Sep 28 2004, 04:40 PM)
I'm catholic but i'm beginning to lean toward agnostic.  I believe there is a god, I'll pray but churches are man made.  Anyone can interperite religions in a different way.  It is just wrong to blame terrorisum on a certian religion.

im already there

after confirmation (well, im methodist, so it was called something else) i stopped going to church (8th grade) because i  found it didnt bring closer to god and it was full of shit and lies

i still beleive that the big guy is up there somewhere though

sorry bout the typing, just got back from waterpolo, so the chlorine is making my contacts stick to my eyes which in turn makes me to not see shit


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #63 on: September 28, 2004, 06:52:00 PM »

Jesus, methodists are interesting people...the ones I know are totally insane, it's awesome.



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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2004, 06:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (cainedna @ Sep 29 2004, 12:42 AM)
I don't blame religion, I blame egotism.
I don't hate Christians, I hate people who knock on my door with the egotistical belief that they've got the right idea, and I couldn't possibly as a result.
I don't hate Muslims, I hate ones who are egotistical enough to believe that killing thousands of innocent people is a justified way to protest American military actions.
I don't hate Republicans, I hate the ones who follow every party line belief blindly.
It's another reason I can't stand the president. How could you trust someone who believes they've never made a mistake?

I agree.  The worst thing is that I think he believes it is 'his calling' to invade Iraq, by the right of God.  It is almost just as worse as the terrorists believing that they should behead Americans...


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #65 on: September 28, 2004, 07:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (Maximumbeing @ Sep 28 2004, 08:55 PM)
Jesus, methodists are interesting people...the ones I know are totally insane, it's awesome.

i know, thats why i stopped going and disassociated myself from it......


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #66 on: September 29, 2004, 04:56:00 AM »



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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #67 on: September 29, 2004, 12:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (cainedna @ Sep 29 2004, 12:02 PM)
Broken link. sad.gif

They're being overwhelmed, now that Drudge has picked it up. CBS is passing off that "reinstating the Draft" e-mail hoax as real.

Egads, what's next? CBS will tell me about an amazing drug that can add three inches to your penis? These shills have hit bottom and kept digging in their effort to smear Bush - it's unabashed, but IMO totally disgraceful for a news organization to act like this. I get better "news" from the Weekly World News.

Wong Hung Lo

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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2004, 02:53:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Sep 29 2004, 02:22 PM)
They're being overwhelmed, now that Drudge has picked it up. CBS is passing off that "reinstating the Draft" e-mail hoax as real.

Egads, what's next? CBS will tell me about an amazing drug that can add three inches to your penis? These shills have hit bottom and kept digging in their effort to smear Bush - it's unabashed, but IMO totally disgraceful for a news organization to act like this. I get better "news" from the Weekly World News.

Here can I buy that drug? An extra 3" will give me 12" and I will be Hung Lo  jester.gif


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #69 on: September 29, 2004, 10:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ Sep 29 2004, 02:47 AM)
sorry bout the typing, just got back from waterpolo, so the chlorine is making my contacts stick to my eyes which in turn makes me to not see shit

ROFL. beerchug.gif Classic.

Mr. Chips

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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2004, 10:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (colonel32)
Chips, I always really respect your posts especially on the topics of religion, but it is my opinion that saying the bible is against slavery is intellectually dishonest.

thank you
I appreciate your views as well, and I miss your posts, were you away?
QUOTE (colonel32)
There are very specific rules about how slavery should be conducted in the Torah and also the New Testament. That is not twisting or nitpicking, it is written word and theologists do not deny it.

If we are speaking of slavery in the times of the New Testament, meaning primarily Roman occupation of Jerusalem... then, is it possible that because slavery was widely practiced it was senseless to completely denounce it as wrong (this would alienate many early christians, especially romans).  For some, freedom would mean death, expecially when you have been raised as a slave (or servant), you would have nowhere to go but back to your master.  Even when the Israelites in the old testament where led out from Egypt by Moses into freedom for 40 years of eating manna in the desert, they wanted to go back because Egypt had luxeries.
Can you imagine them wanting that, being forced to build pyramids and being whipped?  Maybe freedom is not so appealing to a slave.
What do you think, Colonel32?

Mr. Chips

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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #71 on: September 30, 2004, 09:16:00 AM »

actually, over half the bible was written by murderers.
And if we are under the assumption that god does things by his own time, and that things (even bad things!) happen for a reason...than it is not illogical at all.  What I'm saying is that the bible was meant to reach all people, and in doing so, had to address the issue of slavery which was widely practiced.


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #72 on: September 30, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Sep 30 2004, 12:36 AM)
ROFL. beerchug.gif Classic.

are you being sarcastic or serious???

just wanting to know, because not to many people even know what water polo is


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Bush's Fear Tactics...
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2004, 06:53:00 PM »

just wanting to know, because not to many people even know what water polo is


So true.
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