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Author Topic: A Just War?  (Read 912 times)


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A Just War?
« Reply #60 on: September 13, 2004, 10:37:00 PM »

Like I said...leave the terrorists there and send over the Enola Gay.


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A Just War?
« Reply #61 on: September 13, 2004, 11:39:00 PM »

All the terrorist are flocking to iraq to fight against freedom

how the fuck did you come to this conclusion? and why do you think terrorists are fighting against 'freedom'? whos the one regurgitating bullshit here?

i thank you for making the world safer (which you ARE) and protecting this country (once again which you ARE doing)

yeah 9-11 was terrible and all but how can anyone possibly think a 'war on terror' (as though thats even fucking possible) would end it? any rational person can see that itll just breed more... and before anyone else says "well what would you do?" save it, i dont have the answers but i sure as fuck wouldnt have done 'operation iraqi freedom'...

The whole world doesnt hate the U.S. its only our enemies

you are very deluded... have you ever met anyone who isnt american? they can tell you that the majority of their country doesnt exactly agree with the "america is the greatest country on earth" attitude that most americans take... and they certainly dont appreciate the arrogance of americans saying the only reason for the dislike is jealousy...

get out, see the world... but if you do it with your current attitude, you wont be welcomed long... theres a reason many of the smarter americans pretend to be canadian when outside the us...


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A Just War?
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2004, 12:21:00 AM »



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« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2004, 02:42:00 AM »



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« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2004, 03:35:00 AM »

one thing i think we all agree on is that the insergents will never leave. just as the crime in la will never stop. the only thing the iraqi government can do is try to control it. thats why they are training more and more ING. as for this being a just war. in many educated iraqis eyes. yes! they are smart enough to realize that we are giving them a second chance to become a country with a pourpose. not just another third world country. don't get me wrong. i wish they could have done all of this fighting and freeing themselfs on their own. the only problem was that they couldn't stand a chance against such a crule dictator. i think we have given just a touch of freedom to the iraqi people. i think they will take the ball and run now.
just two days ago i saw one of the largest religous walks in my life. one of the interpreters told me that they hadn't been able to do that walk in years. bufore sadam would kill anyone who atempted it. not only would he kill that one person, he would kill his entire family. babies and all! as for sadam i'm glad we came over here and kicked his ass. now i just want the iraqis to get motivated to have a new country. one based on individual rights, freedom, and happiness. i have faith in them. whatever that might count.
as for me yeah, i'm in the national guard. just so happends i joined a enhanced infantry bregade. so i'm on my 3rd deployment in the last 6 years. you can look us up on the web. arkansas democrate gazette. 39th bct.


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A Just War?
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2004, 04:45:00 AM »

What you are saying is great, but I just don't see it happening in the long run.  I mean I hope it will, i really do, but I think even if the Iraqi govt takes over and US troops pull out, poeople will still rebel against the govt. just because it was American made and as far as they're concerned we had no right to liberate them, regardless of whether they are more free. Stay safe.


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A Just War?
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2004, 07:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (Surah 2:190-)
Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme.

QUOTE (Surah 5:51)
Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.

QUOTE (Surah 8:36-)
Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme.

QUOTE (Surah 9:73)
Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home.

QUOTE (Surah 9:121-)
Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them.

QUOTE (Surah 9:27-)
Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued.

last but not least:

QUOTE (Surah 4:103-)
Seek out your enemies relentlessly.

You don't need to be crazy to read this book your entire life thinking it's the word of god, and then go out and kill a "nonbeliever."  Islam is the problem, not terrorists themselves.  You say 99% of muslims are peaceful?  I say only 1% of them must've read the Koran.


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« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2004, 10:28:00 AM »

"9.27":    Then will Allah after this turn (mercifully) to whom He pleases, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

"9.121":    Nor do they spend anything that may be spent, small or great, nor do they traverse a valley, but it is written down to their credit, that Allah may reward them with the best of what they have done.

and last but not least:

"4.103":    Then when you have finished the prayer, remember Allah standing and sitting and reclining; but when you are secure (from danger) keep up prayer; surely prayer is a timed ordinance for the believers.

there are so many different translations of the book that you can easily find versions that are more extreme to use as your examples...


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« Reply #68 on: September 14, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »

you are very deluded... have you ever met anyone who isnt american? they can tell you that the majority of their country doesnt exactly agree with the "america is the greatest country on earth" attitude that most americans take... and they certainly dont appreciate the arrogance of americans saying the only reason for the dislike is jealousy...

get out, see the world... but if you do it with your current attitude, you wont be welcomed long... theres a reason many of the smarter americans pretend to be canadian when outside the us...

Me, my brother and my father were all born in Wales (on the English Isle for those of you who don't know geography) and my mother was born in Lebanon (in the middle east). I have a first hand account of America liberating a country I lived in. Lebanon was in the midst of a battle (caught in the crossfire, not fighting) between the Palastinians and the Isrealis. At this time, Lebanon had no government, no police force, and no standing army. We were in Juiene(sp?) a port city 30 minutes outside of Beuruit(the capital), and the coast was being bombed everyday (my grandmother's house was shot many times, I remember 3 bullets that whizzed by me and my mom while we were huddled in a corner.) Anyway, to make a long story short, America came and settled the peace, and helped construct a working government, and aided in the creation of a military and police force. Today, I've yet to find anyone in Lebanon who dislikes America (went back 4 years ago, I was welcomed in to the homes of strangers, just because I said I was American).

I'm not sure about you guys, but that doesn't seem like a nation who hates America. If you sit and think of the good the troops are doing, and think like a human being for 2 seconds, you'll relieze what that 3rd world nation might become 10 years down the road. I don't know anyone who would hate a nation because it's trying to bring peace and security to it's people. You guys see the followers of Saddam regieme, and the other who profited from Saddam being in power. You don't see the story of the everyday people, trying to make an honest living in a poor country.


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A Just War?
« Reply #69 on: September 14, 2004, 11:46:00 AM »

All right, first off, Melon... you're a jackass. I find it amazing how, by just one post, you know everything about jeti, to the point of wanting him killed in war. Melon, your the prime example of how gullible people can be, you see the media feeding you bullshit about x amount of innocents killed, but you don't see the cities that are being rebuilt. Families that can actually feed their children, put roofs over their wives heads, and talk about their government with fewer worries of being tortured.

Ask Jeti, the country isnt safe. One of my closest friends is from Baghdad and her dad is Muslim and her Mum is Christian, since the war all of her mothers side of the family have had to flee because of violence being aimed towards them. This is only happened since the war. Then as I have previously said if a woman goes outside she is gang raped, doesnt matter if she is escorted or not. Even men are scared to go out at night because of gangs in trucks with rifles. Will you please explain how this is better than under Saddam?

Iraq is becoming a better nation.
See above

whether it's 10 years or 50 years down the road, we can look to Iraq and see it as a developed country, rather than a 3rd world nation.
American and British stupidly strict embargos on Iraq meant that they could not even have basic medical provissions. We contributed to the death of over a million children. Iraq has masses of oil but the country wont see the profits, the oil will be taken by america as payment for the war, literally. Iraq still owes billions due to the Bill the US sent after the first war, that what the food for oil program was about.


I find it amazing that, due to the fact that you see a handful of American soldiers mistreating Iraqi captives,
I thought it was clear I meant the needless civillian toll that must be heading towards 20,000 by now.

The whole world hates America? That's hard to believe. If that's true, then why do we have 31 countries supporting us in this war
Sometimes you can be quite intelligent but your blind loyalty to your country stops you seing the way things are. I have never said I hate Americans because I dont, I just hate a certain political secrtion. But do you honestly belive the world likes you?
Its obvious the middle east hates you, Russians hate you, the French hate you, the Gemans hate you, the UK hates you, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Spain etc.....

I cant really see how any of South America can not hate you. the US has fucked over that continent incredibly, everyone now excepts the CIA's role in the overthrowing of countless democracies to install US friendly dictators.

Then there is Africa well seing how they are in utter poverty while US countries set up sweat shops, trust me they hate you.

China doesnt give a shit (see how many abstentions on the UN security council)

There are people who realise this in America and you always find they are nicer, and a lot less obnoxious people.

Its amazing how stupid people are, I guess sadam didnt nerve gas the kurdish people living in northern iraq? He didnt start a war with iran

I think he got the gas from the US and UK, I have given documented evidence of this in the past. Actually the war with Iran goes way, way back but again the US and the UK supported Saddam. In case you didnt know Iran is infinetly more dangerous place than Iraq even pre war.

and the stupid shit that went on at the prison in iraq was hardly tourture. it was juvenile and mildly inappropriate, nothing more.

Jeti please tell this person how wrong they are for the sake of the army.

I am sorry for comparing you to the stereotype, from your posts you sound like you care, get out safe beerchug.gif


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A Just War?
« Reply #70 on: September 14, 2004, 12:15:00 PM »

Iraq was invaded by america for no reason,

Hey Dip,

First, We didn't invade Iraq.  We halted their aggression against Kuwait in 1991.   At this time, Sadam had sanctions and UN mandates placed apon him and his country.  After 18 broken UN resolutions it was apparent Sadam had to be dealt with.  The US then decided to remove Sadam from power and LIBERATE the Iraqi people.  So don't give us this bullshit how the United States invaded Iraq for no reason.  You logic and argument are baseless in this respect.



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« Reply #71 on: September 14, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »

Ask Jeti, the country isnt safe. One of my closest friends is from Baghdad and her dad is Muslim and her Mum is Christian, since the war all of her mothers side of the family have had to flee because of violence being aimed towards them. This is only happened since the war. Then as I have previously said if a woman goes outside she is gang raped, doesnt matter if she is escorted or not. Even men are scared to go out at night because of gangs in trucks with rifles. Will you please explain how this is better than under Saddam?

You don't think this was happening when Saddam was in power?

Americans dieing won't change that fact that Iraq is becoming a better nation.
See above

How the hell does what you typed above explain that Americans dieing will change what's going on over there. You... your fuckin self.. even stated that Saddam gased his own people, but for some reason that's ok, but America trying to make the streets a safer place is the worst thing that they could have ever done. Even f America were to take all the money from Iraq, much like Saddam did. Wouldn't that money be going to making Iraq a safer enviroment anyway?

whether it's 10 years or 50 years down the road, we can look to Iraq and see it as a developed country, rather than a 3rd world nation.

American and British stupidly strict embargos on Iraq meant that they could not even have basic medical provissions. We contributed to the death of over a million children. Iraq has masses of oil but the country wont see the profits, the oil will be taken by america as payment for the war, literally. Iraq still owes billions due to the Bill the US sent after the first war, that what the food for oil program was about.

What does that have to do with Iraq beocming a developed country? Developed meaning they have the ability to produce products within thier own borders, allowing them to rely less on oil.

Its obvious the middle east hates you

Isreal is part of the Middle East right? How about Lebanon, Qutar... there's more nations there that either like America, or don't care.

I said it before, if so many nation despise America for what it does, why don't they band together to conquer us? No one likes us, no one would mind right? Why doesn't Russia, the Uk, Poland, and the rest of the world create a coalition against the USA? For some reason I don't think you taken, or seen a census from all (or any for that matter) of those nations you listed saying they dislike America.

I thought it was clear I meant the needless civillian toll that must be heading towards 20,000 by now.

Care to find the numbers of innocents killed by Saddam during his Reign, or even a source for those numbers?

Then there is Africa well seing how they are in utter poverty while US countries set up sweat shops, trust me they hate you.

Right, cause supplying jobs to people with no education is a horrible thing to do... oh and don't forget that the American government had complete control over where to put Nike's Manufacturing plants that are outside the United States.


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A Just War?
« Reply #72 on: September 14, 2004, 01:05:00 PM »

How the hell does what you typed above explain that Americans dieing will change what's going on over there. You... your fuckin self.. even stated that Saddam gased his own people, but for some reason that's ok, but America trying to make the streets a safer place is the worst thing that they could have ever done. Even f America were to take all the money from Iraq, much like Saddam did. Wouldn't that money be going to making Iraq a safer enviroment anyway?
 The reason is that the streets are not a safer place and unless we round up and kill everyone they never will be.

What does that have to do with Iraq beocming a developed country? Developed meaning they have the ability to produce products within thier own borders, allowing them to rely less on oil.

They are in the middle of thew fucking desert they have no other natural resorces other that oil, plus we are going to own everything, therefore all of the money will just come back to us.
Isreal is part of the Middle East right? How about Lebanon, Qutar... there's more nations there that either like America, or don't care.

I said it before, if so many nation despise America for what it does, why don't they band together to conquer us? No one likes us, no one would mind right? Why doesn't Russia, the Uk, Poland, and the rest of the world create a coalition against the USA? For some reason I don't think you taken, or seen a census from all (or any for that matter) of those nations you listed saying they dislike America.

Nuclear winther WMD's being sent back and forth, the end of the world as we know it, Anarchy take your pick.
Care to find the numbers of innocents killed by Saddam during his Reign, or even a source for those numbers?

So it's ok then cause someone else already killed more.  our killing is just as pointless, based on good Ideas but it just won't work.
Care to find the numbers of innocents killed by Saddam during his Reign, or even a source for those numbers?

How would u on ur tenth birthday like to lose a hand woerking in a sweat shop, and bleed to death on the floor?  the govt. could say, humm lets's make a policy that all American owned companies don't allow chld labor.  They don't cause the people who vote for them are makeing money off of the child labor.


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« Reply #73 on: September 14, 2004, 01:17:00 PM »

The reason is that the streets are not a safer place and unless we round up and kill everyone they never will be.

Wow... So to make the streets of LA safer, we would have to kill everyone? Refer to point A.

They are in the middle of thew fucking desert they have no other natural resorces other that oil, plus we are going to own everything, therefore all of the money will just come back to us.

I'm sure it's cheaper to ship in raw materials and produce products with your own countries' labor, then it is to ship in the finished product. "Everything"? That's hard to believe, I don't see why America would want to own that floral shop on the corner of 32nd and 10th. If anything, I can see a couple of American oil plants.

So it's ok then cause someone else already killed more. our killing is just as pointless, based on good Ideas but it just won't work.

The killing we're doing is pointless... since it lead up to the removal of Saddam, but Saddam's killing had all the reason in the world? Refer to point A.

How would u on ur tenth birthday like to lose a hand woerking in a sweat shop, and bleed to death on the floor?

I'd be glad that I made it to my tenth birthday, and didn't have my mother starve to death before my birth.

A) Do you guys think before you post? (Reference point since it's used more than once in this post...)


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« Reply #74 on: September 14, 2004, 01:53:00 PM »

Bush promised us WMD's, I've yet to see any.

I feel betrayed.

Forget the hate, be a deist.

Like George and Thomas.
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