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Author Topic: Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic  (Read 479 times)


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2004, 03:02:00 PM »

QUOTE (LepPpeR @ Sep 3 2004, 10:00 PM)
Not true, Bush DID show up for his service.  If he did not John Kerry would be all over it.  Read the reports, see the pictures (there are some).


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Sep 3 2004, 11:01 PM)
I guess you're right, the liberals here are represented by such brilliant orators as pug_ster and xfusionx.



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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2004, 03:32:00 PM »

QUOTE (cainedna @ Sep 3 2004, 12:38 PM)
Wow. Kerry seems to make his cases for a lot of issues whenever I hear him speak. The military history issue came around when the Bush administration challenged his record.
The fact that Kerry was even in combat, while Bush has yet to prove that he wasn't AWOL for a portion of his national guard service should tell you how weak the argument is.

Everyone and their mother knows Kerry was in combat. But, does this mean he will be on the front lines with the US Army in a war? Nope. It's a lame attempt by Kerry to prove he is here to defend America.. and Bush isn't? Until I see Kerry pulling a Bill Pullman in Independence Day and fly with Will Smith against the aliens, Kerry will set comfortably in the Oval Office (well, won't ever) and clean his medals while American soldiers are getting killed in Iraq or any upcoming war


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2004, 03:44:00 PM »

blink.gif ).  can't wait till i'm president and i have the best toy collection of them all.

Again i'd like to say i'm not a bible thumping ignorant greedy brainwashed republican, and i'm proud of it.  

good night and god bless love.gif


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »

I guess I could go for a round of flaming...

When was the last time Kerry started an illegal war based on lies?

I've got the perfect response for all you Nemt-Heads - "Oh, you're just using the same stupid forum arguement that all the Bush hating liberal wackos use!"

What's the point?


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2004, 04:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (Maximumbeing @ Sep 3 2004, 04:52 PM)
When was the last time Kerry started an illegal war based on lies?

Well, I would say never, but neither did Bush. His reasoning for starting the war has changed several times. Overall I would say he did not start an illegal one, and it was definitely not unjustified. If he would of just stuck to the fact that it was to be a humanitarian war (such as the upcoming war I forsee in Sudan,and yes you can quote me on that) , and he was disposing of a murderous son of a bitch that killed 175,000+ people, then I believe not so many people would be as angry as they are. Oh well, to each his own, believe and see the issue as you want to.


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2004, 04:06:00 PM »

According to Bill O'Reilly, in an interview with Micheal Moore, Bush started the war based on "non-truths" not "lies". :-P

And while the war in Iraq proved to be one worth fighting (you can quote me on that), it doesn't mean Bush had the right intentions when he started.


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2004, 04:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (Maximumbeing @ Sep 3 2004, 11:52 PM)
When was the last time Kerry started an illegal war based on lies?

Good one, Moore.

Hercules Q Einstein

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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2004, 04:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (shanafan @ Sep 3 2004, 11:35 PM)
Everyone and their mother knows Kerry was in combat. But, does this mean he will be on the front lines with the US Army in a war? Nope. It's a lame attempt by Kerry to prove he is here to defend America.. and Bush isn't? Until I see Kerry pulling a Bill Pullman in Independence Day and fly with Will Smith against the aliens, Kerry will set comfortably in the Oval Office (well, won't ever) and clean his medals while American soldiers are getting killed in Iraq or any upcoming war

God damn shanafan, you say some stupid things. Everyones know there is no such thing as aliens, ID4 was just a movie.


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #39 on: September 03, 2004, 04:09:00 PM »

sorry pugger, the brilliant debating from nemt,

I think the problem is that a lot of people watch and listen to news programs that is biased.  After digesting that stuff, they come here and decided to post stuff that they believe it is true.

If you want to state your opinion, fine.  State what you believe it is true because you heard from your neighbor or from an RNC speech, I would be more than happy to reply:)


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #40 on: September 03, 2004, 04:10:00 PM »

Glad to see you came up with a logical arguement, Foe-hammer, one valid with insightful reasons and beautiful points I might not have been able to point out on my own. I respect you for your opinion.


At least Halo will be a nice prep for when Bush sends your ass to the desert.


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #41 on: September 03, 2004, 06:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (Hercules Q Einstein @ Sep 3 2004, 06:10 PM)
God damn shanafan, you say some stupid things. Everyones know there is no such thing as aliens, ID4 was just a movie.

The president (Bill Pullman) joined in the combat effort to fight off the aliens. Maybe you thought I was being serious.. but I said it because you would never see Kerry do the same thing (join in the combat effort of a war) no matter if it was in fact aliens or an opposing group

Hercules Q Einstein

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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2004, 07:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (shanafan @ Sep 4 2004, 02:23 AM)
The president (Bill Pullman) joined in the combat effort to fight off the aliens. Maybe you thought I was being serious.. but I said it because you would never see Kerry do the same thing (join in the combat effort of a war) no matter if it was in fact aliens or an opposing group

The Poster (Hercules Q Einstein) joined in the posting effort although he ahd nothing to say. Maybe you thought I was being serious.. but I said it because you would never see Kerry do the same thing (join in the combat effort of a war) because its imposible.

If you still havent relized it, i am joking around. Although its hard to tell. There was no need to take my previous post seriously.


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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2004, 12:46:00 AM »

QUOTE (Maximumbeing @ Sep 4 2004, 12:13 AM)
At least Halo will be a nice prep for when Bush sends your ass to the desert.

Correction, Halo 2 will be.  beerchug.gif

Mr. Chips

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Wow, Kerry Is Pathetic
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2004, 12:58:00 AM »

The reason people are pissed about Iraq have to do with the fact that it didn't accomplish a goddamn thing as far as catching the perpetrators of 9/11. You can then add the fact that the justifications he presented were false, it was an unprovoked attack (a first for the US,) and that it has accomplished nothing than make the entire region of the planet even more distrustful of us.
I haven't heard anyone say that Saddam was a swell chap who got misrepresented.
I just want someone to explain how exhausting and demoralizing our troops, stirring up anti-US sentiment in an area that obviously wasn't happy with our military forces already, and letting the Afghanistan situation rot in the meanwhile was a good thing.
Oh, and um, Osama bin fucking Laden.
I can't imagine someone who's experienced even a drop of the stupidity that occurred in Viet Nam, much less received injuries injuries there to make the same moronic mistakes this president has. That's why his military record is important.
Crap. ID4 was pretty good, huh? Hey, our president can fly a plane, right?

Yeah, the Iraq-Al-quida connection was never fully established.  It's easy to finger that as a hidden agenda.
But you can't rule out the possiblility.  To these extremist muslim groups, America is the infidel.  Every day, they are killing american soldiers.  Yet everyone seems to think the Iraqis are just innocents caught in the crossfire.  A murderous person will always pretend to be innocent, right up until they see their opportunity to strike.  They don't run out in the streets screaming waving guns, they'll use carbombs and other explosives.

Bottom line,.. it would be nice for Bush to promise to catch Osama in the coming months.  I doubt it will be well-recieved however.  Some people cannot even stomach to see him speak.  Right now one of his speeches seems A LOT less deceitful than JF Kerrys.
What ever is best for America is the concern, not what is best for its image.  It's plain to see the world despises Americans already.
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