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« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2004, 04:10:00 PM »

QUOTE (rms2001 @ Aug 19 2004, 10:17 PM)
moistness, was the question directed at you? No, I don't think so. The qurstion was to nagmine.

as far as i can see he didnt answer your qurstion


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« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2004, 05:26:00 PM »

the proper response would be- the belief in jesus is a matter of entirely blind FAITH

therebelious1, yes you are correct. While there may be some who argue differently, in the end, a Christian's choice to follow God is a "jump of faith." However, everyone must do so every now and then. I mean, the beleif that evolution is how humans have developed is a pretty major feat. I beleive that someone once tried to calculate the possibility of evolution leading to the developement of the human species. The first numberwas a one, and the second number was somewhere so high up in the millions, that the people calculating it decided to give up as a hopeless effort.

Yes, i well know how many people, innocents at that have been killed "in the name of Jesus." The "Holy" Crusades is one example of that. Thousands upon thousands of Christians died in order to "obey God's will." It makes me sick to think of the children's crusades, in which groups of children were sent to war. Only 1 out of ten survived. But on top of that, all through history, Christians have died for either "God's will" or what they beleive in. The Nazi massacre of the Jews is one sickening example of this. Hitler ordered the barbaric death of hundreds of thousands, in fact, millions of Jews. There is one reason for this. Sin. The corruption of mankind. Christians are not free from it either. That's why they say things like "sending thousands of children off to be massacred is God's will." NO! NO! NO! It is not God's will. But, the mind of man is corrupt. That is why we have chosen to live with Christ. For in heaven there will be no corruption, no sin, no pain, no evil. It will certainly not be an everlasting church choir however (If it is, send me straight to hell.) We are made in the same way that God is. But sin has taken much of this away. When we go to heaven it will be returned to us. We will be creative, inventive, and genius. There won't be a boring moment in heaven.

Oh yes, and your song... Well i don't know what to say. Neither do i see why it is important to this discussion in any way. Therefore, i will just ignore it.

Nagmine is spot on a bout the trinity. How we understand it is not important to being a Christian. besides, what he has stated is really just as far as the greatest theologian could put it. We don't and can't know everything about God. He is far far greater than us, and beyond our ability to understand. What we can understand, and accept, however, is his love, and forgiveness. For through Jesus death anyone, and i mean ANYONE can be saved. No matter what you have done, God will still love you. All you need to do is to ask his forgiveness, and Jesus' death on the cross will the  be for you also.

And, nagmine, i just want to add that i agree about people treating life so worthlessly. But the problem is, there are sooo many people these days who live like that. You need to remember two things. They have probably experienced things which you haven't. Things which have effected what they beleive about life. Second, there are only a small majority of Christians (bible-bashers) over non-Christians in todays socitey. If we want to help others, there must be a better way than simply telling them they are wrong and must change. The Christian reputation has been shat to pieces by all kinds of things over the last few centuries. People don't often look too kindly on us. Making a ruckus will just confirm what people think. But, you need no more lecturing, lol,  so thanks for your input, and thanks for the aopology. It's good to see people defending the Christian faith for once.

Thanks to everyone for their input. And i do mean everyone.

(P.S. say hi to your gardener for me pepsik, lol)


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« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2004, 06:26:00 PM »

QUOTE (shavedrat @ Aug 19 2004, 02:43 PM)
Made me laugh, sorry  biggrin.gif

Made me laugh, sorry.  biggrin.gif



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« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2004, 06:30:00 PM »

He doesn't just talk about dressing up as a woman, he does dress up like a woman. And what, may i ask, is wrong with that?

Check your sources, please. He didn't dress like a woman, he dressed like any man did in their day. Some men wear earrings. Do you dress like a woman because you wear earrings? No. It's appropriate in our culture, while it may not have been in the past, and may not be in the future.

Everything you wrote was good but this was funny cause you got confused he wasnt talking about jesus he was talking about Eddie Lizard a comedian in the UK im in america and have heard of him but all ive heard is he dresses like a woman and makes a big deal out of it. Im sure you got confused with all the arguments in here.

Other then that Its great to see such a firm believer on here smile.gif

to S1lenT_X yes I agree with you whole heartedly I am a man and i make mistakes. I need to learn to hold my tounge ( or my twitchy typing fingers tongue.gif)  I am still learning how to to be more of a christian such as talking to nonchristians and I do tend to get a little upset when I know I shouldnt .  Thanks for not bashing me in return tongue.gif



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« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2004, 06:34:00 PM »

beerchug.gif Cheers m8   biggrin.gif


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« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2004, 06:36:00 PM »

Muhammad forced his religion by the sword. He utterly destroyed those who opposed him.
you just admitted your "god" did the same

Check your sources, please. He didn't dress like a woman, he dressed like any man did in their day. Some men wear earrings. Do you dress like a woman because you wear earrings? No. It's appropriate in our culture, while it may not have been in the past, and may not be in the future.
eddie izzard does and has worn dresses etc
i think you have been drinking too much jesusjuice ph34r.gif

am i the only one who is getting hacked off by these bible-bashing-choirboys?


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« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2004, 06:42:00 PM »

am i the only one who is getting hacked off by these bible-bashing-choirboys?

What do you mean? no-one is trying to "hack you off" (whatever exactly that means? blink.gif ) It's just a discussion that you decided to join. There are going to be responses.


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« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2004, 06:50:00 PM »

QUOTE (jesusphreak @ Aug 19 2004, 08:02 PM)

MoeMan, may I ask a few questions? If Islam is the correct religion, why does it fly in the face of everything Christ (Jesus) ever taught?

I mean Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek". He taught, "the greatest love is a man giving his life for one of his friends".

Muhammad forced his religion by the sword. He utterly destroyed those who opposed him. In the Koran and Hadith, he is recorded as telling Muslims to kill the Jews and Christians. Heck, the man even died in battle.

The Koran and Hadith record Muhammad as marrying many, many women, including a six year old girl.

Muhammad himself is recorded as questioning with his wife that he might be demon possessed...

Muhammad has a lot to gain from what he did. He gained thousands and thousands of followers, became incredibly rich, and ruled a growing empire.

Jesus gained death on a cross.

Muhammad taught that submission to God and the following of his commands and the good deeds that you performed was the way to get into heaven.

Jesus taught that no man could work his way into heaven, but God loved them enough that he sent himself to die on a cross for all men who would accept the gift.

So I ask you, which religion seems inspired by man, and which religion seems inspired by God?

The fact that in under 300 years, a persecuted religion glorifying the son of a Jewish carpenter that died on a Jewish cross became the religion of the pagan Roman empire is evidence enough. Think about it, the Jews hated Christianity, the Romans hated it. Jesus is a much less unattractive figure than let's say Jupiter or Saturn. The Romans had much more powerful gods, why choose a God from a nation which the Romans were disgusted by?

I think Christ's very words and actions are witness enough. You will not find a story in the history of man which shows more grace, intelligence, and love. To say that this incredible story was written by liars is incredible.....

Then again, there are very good witnesses for us these days. For example, a carving in Judea dating to the time period which says, "Pontius Pilate, procurator of the Jews". Pilate existed, who says Christ didn't?

The very fact that it spread at all is incredible. The claims put forth by the Bible about Christ were all easily verifiable. A lot of the events happened with Jerusalem, a 1 mile stretch of area. Surely the Jews wouldn't believe in this absolute lie that is so easy to check? You'll notice that the Jews of the era do not even deny the existence of Jesus, they simply claim that he was a sorcerer, and a bastard. They claim he is illegitamate, the disgrace him, but not once do they deny him. You'd think they'd know better than us, wouldn't they?

Check your sources, please. He didn't dress like a woman, he dressed like any man did in their day. Some men wear earrings. Do you dress like a woman because you wear earrings? No. It's appropriate in our culture, while it may not have been in the past, and may not be in the future.

I don't deny that at all. I agree that it happened. It's not wrong, though. You will find that any man, woman, or children put to death in the OT were put to death for their sins, and they were put to death because God warned them and they continued sinning, and he warned them again, and still they continued to sin, so finally, he did what he had to.

It was the case of any of the nations Israel displaced. These people sacrificed their sons and daughters in fires and worshipped sick, sick dieties. They were warned over and over but did not stop. Thus God gave them what they wanted.

I think that shows a lot of grace and justice. He gave them plenty of warning, and gave them more than a few chances to change. They didn't so he did what he had to. Does God not have the right to correct someone if they are wrong?

Is your real reason that you couldn't find scientific reason to believe, so you stopped believing, or is your real reason that you found moral objections to what you wanted to do, and found the scienfitic validity to not believe?

I'm just as logical and scientific as you, and I sure as heck wasn't gonna believe unless something was proven to me, but heck, I did my research, and I can honestly say, the evidence is there that God exists, and this evidence was further verified by God acting in my life. It is the due process of faith. God could come down and slap you in the face and it isn't proof that he exists, it's all what you believe based on the evidence....

Very well said, Silent, I"m not sure I could've said it better myself. It's interesting to note that while 6 millions Jews died in Nazi Germany, 3 million Christians of all races and nations died by German hands, and no one seems to make a big deal about that.....

Oh, and a funny story, kinda going along with pepsik's gardener. I have this friend named Rutul who is a really cool guy, and he is Indian, and his family is Hindu. Really Rutul doesn't believe in the Hindu traditions, heck, he doesn't really know what to believe, but by family he is one.

Anyway, one day I sat down with him to try and explain to him who Jesus was. The only thing around was this really old, nasty Bible with a bunch of pictures in it. So, I pick it up, and I"m leafing through it, and Rutul notices the picture on one of the front pages.

"Oh, I know who he is!" he says. "He works by the vending machines at Six Flags"... unsure.gif

Yes, Rutul, while he works at Six Flags, and he may work in gardens across the nation, Jesus is also the name of a man I believe to be God..... biggrin.gif

That's a lot like the time I was debating with some people on some message boards and someone dead serious brought up the point that since Jesus and Mary were Hispanic names, the Bible couldn't be real....after all, how could these Mexican names be in the Bible?  huh.gif

I guess they might have a point there......(I might have to look into that   wink.gif  )

NO, no, no get your facts straight! who told you that? because, it is utterly BULL. We do not hate anybody! I guess people have a very bad picture of Islam. I wouldn't judge something unless i look into it. Mohammad is a good man, he did not marry a six year old girl (What the hell were you thinking). Tell me something, if somebody takes over your land and They start ruleing over you, wouldn't you hate them? Seriously. We do not hate Christians! we even respect that religon. Islam believes that the Holy Bible is a book from God.


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« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2004, 06:51:00 PM »

i'm sure when people become christians something happens in their brain which turns them into drones, they just roam the earth and deliver leaflets, preach on street corners and are completely closed to anything other than their programmed point of view- its just a bt frustrating is all. you call it a discussion, but you never really take anyone elses point onboard, its really just a sermon with the aim of creating more drones.

deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow

read the lyrics again, but try and read between the lines


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« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2004, 06:58:00 PM »


the proper response would be- the belief in jesus is a matter of entirely blind FAITH 

therebelious1, yes you are correct. While there may be some who argue differently, in the end, a Christian's choice to follow God is a "jump of faith." However, everyone must do so every now and then. I mean, the beleif that evolution is how humans have developed is a pretty major feat. I beleive that someone once tried to calculate the possibility of evolution leading to the developement of the human species. The first numberwas a one, and the second number was somewhere so high up in the millions, that the people calculating it decided to give up as a hopeless effort.

Didn't you read that, rebellious1?

I took your point seriously. I am NOT just an evangelical, wierd, religious, super holy Christian guy. Neither am i trying to "dronify" you. Besides, Christians are what they are because God has given us choices. I can choose to live freely from him, and suffer for all eternity in hell (That isn't black-mail from God, that's his ONLY option for non-Christians), or i can choose to follow him and be saved to live in eternity with God. That's my choice, which DOES require faith. I am not trying to change your mind. I just want to know what other people think.


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« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2004, 07:20:00 PM »

I beleive that someone once tried to calculate the possibility of evolution leading to the developement of the human species. The first numberwas a one, and the second number was somewhere so high up in the millions, that the people calculating it decided to give up as a hopeless effort.
you just invent some bullshit to try to prove there must be a creator

there is no need to calculate the probability of something that has been observed happening, its indesputable that evolution is happening around us, but as a christian its your duty to poopoo anything which seemingly proves a viewpoint of the church is wrong- its happened all throughout history, you people will never change


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« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2004, 07:26:00 PM »

I was just showing you the difference between two choices. The first, evolution. To choose to beleive this is a bit of a "jump of faith." Personally i don't beleive it, not because it isn't assuredly incorrect, but because i chose something else. My choice, to you also seems unlikely. That is your opinion, to which you are entitled.

EDIT> true however, that i may have overstated myself by using the "bull shit" that someone tried to calculate the probability of evolution. For that i apologize.

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« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2004, 07:56:00 PM »

I guess you could say we are evolving.  Just show an example, there are some great ones I'm sure.  On the technology front we are doing great.  But as for the quality of life, the life expectancy in North America, the wealthiest land in the world is decreasing.   diseases and depression run rampant.  Seriously, how are we better off now, because we have more technology and wealth?  The hole in the ozone increases and natural disasters, starvation and poor quality of life loom.  That. in itself, is depressing.


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« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2004, 07:58:00 PM »

laugh.gif lol, that's why we have xbox's m8!!! lol

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2004, 08:00:00 PM »

I'm familiar with it.  Order cannot come from disorder.  
You're right, It does raise some questions about darwin theory.
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