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Author Topic: Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns  (Read 267 times)


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2004, 04:33:00 PM »

rolleyes.gif @ jesusfreak...

just  rolleyes.gif

The unProfessional

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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2004, 04:48:00 PM »


No one (even in all those studies) has put a good finger on what causes homosexuality.  Poor childhoods and abusive parenting is attributed more closely to sexual addictions, compulsions, and other social diseases, but not so much to homosexuality.  I do believe there are plenty of "Pseudo-gay" people, especially here in LA, who are capitalizing on the trendy aspect.  I have a couple of openly gay friends, however, who take it seriously and have no agenda.  I knew their families well, since we all grew up together, and despite being a little strange (who isn't), their parents cared for them well.  Ever consider it to be a genetic anomaly, like any other?


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2004, 04:52:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Aug 16 2004, 12:51 AM)
This argument has and will keep hitting brick walls smile.gif

No one (even in all those studies) has put a good finger on what causes homosexuality.  Poor childhoods and abusive parenting is attributed more closely to sexual addictions, compulsions, and other social diseases, but not so much to homosexuality.  I do believe there are plenty of "Pseudo-gay" people, especially here in LA, who are capitalizing on the trendy aspect.  I have a couple of openly gay friends, however, who take it seriously and have no agenda.  I knew their families well, since we all grew up together, and despite being a little strange (who isn't), their parents cared for them well.  Ever consider it to be a genetic anomaly, like any other?

Great Post again UnProfessional   beerchug.gif


The unProfessional

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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2004, 06:17:00 PM »

beerchug.gif Cheers


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2004, 06:53:00 PM »

Oh, but here is one of the sources you requested.

This is from NARTH, which is not a Christian organization at all, it is actually an organization (which is very well researched) seeking to reach out to homosexuals and to help them to understand who they are, but at the same time discovering the real cause....

Read more on that site. It is very well researched and there is a lot of information on it....

In the name of Christ, jesusphreak......

The unProfessional

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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2004, 08:23:00 PM »



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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2004, 09:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Aug 16 2004, 04:26 AM)

Clearly NARTH has a very religious agenda (i must be psychic).  But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and read on.  pop.gif

If you do continue to read on you will find this particularly interesting wink.gif A huge page of talking points called:

"Responding to Pro-Gay Theology"


The unProfessional

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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2004, 09:27:00 PM »


This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments--or tenets--into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments.

One of the three is the real issue: social justice arguments, while both of the other two are religious.

They may not be a "religious organization" persay, but they're definitely very, very religious indeed.


These arguments are most effective in secular discussions (talk shows, interviews, university debates) where listeners are unlikely to judge them by Biblical standards. Instead of discerning which side is theologically correct, non-Christian audiences tend to side with whoever seems "nicest."

Absolutely amazing.  Social justice arguments are most effective in secular discussions, such as university debates where listeners are unlikely to judge by "Biblical standards"?  Well yeah, there's where one would find a less biased argument.  At least people in such discussions see the issue from a more tangible and diverse perspective... you know, like in a democracy?  Apparently if it isn't being discussed by religious figures, then it must be incorrect or fallacious.  "Instead of discerning which side is theologically correct."  Who cares about theology when the issue is real, and affects real people, religious or not.  It also says non-Christian audiences tend to side with whoever seems "nicest".  Hmm...

Each of the social justice arguments (some make sense, some don't) are immediately shot down, saying they're misleading or incorrect.  Also notice that every single one of the arguments is defending homosexuality, and every response rebuts the idea that homosexuality is OK.  So this is anything but a research institute.  Research institutes aren't supposed to be politically or religiously charged, and surely not one-sided (otherwise, why do any 'research' at all?).  This one, however, is.

Jesusphreak: I don't think you're a bad guy.  I know you mean well.  But, I just ask that you try to see complex issues such as this one from a more down-to-earth perspective, rather than always from the Bible.  To sum up my opinions of homosexuality, I'll say that I really don't have a problem with it, or even homosexual unions.  I do, however, have a problem with homosexual couples adopting children (Which is already legal).  I disagree with this aspect because I feel it has adverse psychiatric effects on the children.  I also feel that it leaves the child even more vulnerable to ridicule, confusion, and sense of disbelonging than what kids already experience as it is.  Gays marrying gays, well, I don't care.  It's alot better than people having to fly ugly rainbow flags in my neighborhood or block people trying to get to work by protesting in public streets.  I think they should have the same rights as heterosexual couples, so long as it it doesn't have negative effects on others, especially children.  Straight couples or gay couples making out in public piss me off.  But I'll tell you, explaining two men kissing to a child is challenge.


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2004, 12:29:00 AM »

i like how that site has shit from notre dame.... i am 5 minutes from that campus right now and it was chosen "worste campus for a homosexual" last year.

tUP you had a good post but i'm too tired to respond to it like i want.  But i agree with you on almost all of it.  i like how he said this research site didn't have a religious agenda, when it obviously does.  Please jesusphreak, don't post stuff biased to religion to support scientific studies.


The unProfessional

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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2004, 01:43:00 AM »


To sum up my opinions of homosexuality, I'll say that I really don't have a problem with it, or even homosexual unions. I do, however, have a problem with homosexual couples adopting children (Which is already legal). I disagree with this aspect because I feel it has adverse psychiatric effects on the children. I also feel that it leaves the child even more vulnerable to ridicule, confusion, and sense of disbelonging than what kids already experience as it is. Gays marrying gays, well, I don't care. It's alot better than people having to fly ugly rainbow flags in my neighborhood or block people trying to get to work by protesting in public streets. I think they should have the same rights as heterosexual couples, so long as it it doesn't have negative effects on others, especially children. Straight couples or gay couples making out in public piss me off. But I'll tell you, explaining two men kissing to a child is challenge.


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2004, 08:44:00 AM »

yeah no kidding.  I did manage to get a free "Gay?  Fine by me"  T-shirt out of it cause i was home from school (ND is just down the road from home) and some students were giving them out to show support for the gay community there.



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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2004, 05:15:00 PM »

no doubt if he were republican you wouldn't be saying this

he may have severely let his family down... but how many people have died in his pointless war?  i don't understand how he's a creep, but certain other people aren't.  He affected his family with being gay, bush has affect hundreds of thousands of people with his war.  The gov is a hero when the two are compared

a.)  he admitted his mistakes publically, without making up new excuses to why they're good choices
b.)  he is stepping out of office
c.)  he didn't kill anybody

also, he probably did not know he was gay at a very early age.  Read more on your "science" and you'll find out there are people in the middle, people who don't know, and people who don't fully realize until later in their lives.  I'm sure he didn't go out, say "i'm gonna meet a woman, pretend for years i love her, have children with her, all so maybe one day i can become a big politiclal figure.  Gimme a break your "science" didn't tell you shit except for the fact that being gay isn't a choice and i'm glad you're didn't bring the big childrens book into this saying that it's his choice and he's going to hell



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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #42 on: August 25, 2004, 10:54:00 PM »



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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2004, 08:03:00 PM »


also, he probably did not know he was gay at a very early age. Read more on your "science" and you'll find out there are people in the middle, people who don't know, and people who don't fully realize until later in their lives.

So you believe people are born straight and become gay because of environment or life events, yet you contradict yourself when you say:


Gimme a break your "science" didn't tell you shit except for the fact that being gay isn't a choice and i'm glad you're didn't bring the big childrens book into this saying that it's his choice and he's going to hell

I think what thomes is saying is that while it may not be his choice, he has not consciencly known about this aspect of himself until later in his life.


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Gov. Mcgreevey Resigns
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2004, 10:23:00 PM »

Wow.  It completely amazes me how some people veiw homosexuality.  I have heard the same arguement time and time again that you must have had a messed up family life, it's a choice, you were abused...blah blah.  I am gay.  I wasn't abused.  I have 2 loving parents and I KNEW from a very early age that I was 'different'.  Before I had any urges to have sex, I always felt like I wanted to hold hands with guys.  Everyone remembers having a crush or 'liking' someone during elementary school years and I knew that what I liked was different from most other kids.
You wanna know why alot of gay people seem 'strange' or different as one person said;  it's because all our lives we grow up hearing faggot this and queer that from our peers and then we turn on the television or go online and read articles of people in congress or the senate or certain schools wanting to take away fundamental rights and basically talking and wanting to legislate us as though we are second class citizins.  If there is any abuse of gay people it's not coming from the family mostly, it's coming from hate mongering people, TV and our damn congress/senate.

For all the bible thumpers out there who disagree and quote passages of the bible, the same chapter and quote that you read from also talks about pre-marital sex and adultery as some of the causes for the destruction of sodom and gomorha (spelling...?).  No where in the bible did it mention homosexuality once.  Or gay for that matter.  If you wish to respond to what I just wrote in this past paragraph on 'your interpritation' of what the bible says about homosexuality, please also respond as to why it's given so much more importantance to focus on the gay part and not all these people out there now who sleep with whomever, the millions of babies being born out of wedlock and all the adulterers out there.  I don't believe the bible focused too heavily on the homosexual part did it? did not.

So many people wanna say that homosexuality is gonna degrade the family.  How?!  I've been in a relationship for over 7 years with the same person, have helped raise my nephews with my sisters (of 3 sisters, one is also gay :-) ).  And seeing and helping raise and being a part of their life is very important to me.  If anything happens to my sister(s) where they can't take care of their kids, I, not anyone else, am given the honor to take care of them.  

Respect it.
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