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Author Topic: Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview  (Read 246 times)


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (mike96sc2 @ Aug 2 2004, 10:45 PM)
My Prediction for 2005 is Bush is re-elected is a full Cuban invasion. He want's Elian back.

Yeah, what a dick move on his part.  Who cares if the US has a fundamental enemy a few miles away from the coast?


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2004, 11:38:00 PM »

yeah their army is scheming right now to attack us.  That or one day they'll just shoot a nuke at us, so it will get shot down then they'll have half the world on their ass.  But we should attack them cause we're dicks and we spend so much money on our military we might as well use it.



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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2004, 04:30:00 AM »

You talk bollocks nemt
Cuba is no threat at all. It is actually your country who is illegally occupying part of theirs. Are there any attacks on your base, no. I spent 3 weeks travelling around and they were very friendly, I even spent a week travelling with an American guy and they were very friendly with him. They even have a better health care system than America or Canada.
Why is this country a threat?


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2004, 12:20:00 PM »



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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2004, 03:52:00 PM »

yeah iran is def next.  They've been hinting at it for a while now.  I remember a few months ago there was a bunch of stuff in the news about it.  But if we attack them for no reason it's iraq all over again.  Just cause they're pursuing stuff doesn't mean they're going to harm anyone.  I don't see them taking over iraq cause we'll be there for at least 4 years probably.  But i can see them actually defending their country a hell of a lot better than iraq if we attack them.  But none of this will happen until bush's second term if he gets it



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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2004, 04:33:00 PM »

yeah i don't think we would go through all this trouble with "rebuilding" iraq to let it be taken over as soon as we leave.  I'm sure we'd step in if that were to happen.  We probably will keep military there until they have a decent of of their own



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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2004, 11:00:00 AM »

wow, I wrote a pretty long reply in another politically related thread towards mick and maybe you should all read it.  Its in the thread about the DNC finally being over.  Then again, I'm not sure how I feel about him now that I've learned that he constantly posts these ranting arguments and never seems to respect any one elses opinion.  

Thomes I've been reading your arguments and I totally respect you.  It's annoying that so many people get caught up in these faulty news sources (which are all skewed one way or another) and then try and make arguments.  Bill Oreilly is a complete jackass, and no one should watch his show, unless you're doing it to make fun of him.  If you were to take his show and spin it to the left I think everyone would understand that he's totally worthless.  

I actually used to like Michael Moore and be in support of him, and although he's a propogator (sp) himself I'm still gonna try and get farenheit played at my university (which is totally republican - Miami of Ohio for anyone who cares.)  We need to get Bush out of office quick.  I finally realized that he's not even in control of himself.  He's a puppet for the mastermind surrounding him. He is their joke, and neither he nor his supporters seem to realize this.


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2004, 11:02:00 AM »

and mick if you could stop splitting up your responses or arguments or whatever the way that Im doing right now, it would definately be appreciated.

Its kind of annoying.


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2004, 11:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (freedumb @ Aug 4 2004, 01:03 PM)
wow, I wrote a pretty long reply in another politically related thread towards mick and maybe you should all read it.  Its in the thread about the DNC finally being over.  Then again, I'm not sure how I feel about him now that I've learned that he constantly posts these ranting arguments and never seems to respect any one elses opinion.  

Thomes I've been reading your arguments and I totally respect you.  It's annoying that so many people get caught up in these faulty news sources (which are all skewed one way or another) and then try and make arguments.  Bill Oreilly is a complete jackass, and no one should watch his show, unless you're doing it to make fun of him.  If you were to take his show and spin it to the left I think everyone would understand that he's totally worthless.  

I actually used to like Michael Moore and be in support of him, and although he's a propogator (sp) himself I'm still gonna try and get farenheit played at my university (which is totally republican - Miami of Ohio for anyone who cares.)  We need to get Bush out of office quick.  I finally realized that he's not even in control of himself.  He's a puppet for the mastermind surrounding him. He is their joke, and neither he nor his supporters seem to realize this.

yes, i know what you mean about miami

my brother went to kenyon (right around there) and there very right winged also (mainly because there all rich)


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Bill O'reilly & Michael Moore Interview
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2004, 05:07:00 PM »

yeah i have two friends who go to MoO, check your PM on that.  I actually watch BO'R and fox news a lot.  Not cause it makes any sense at all but sometimes i like to get stirred up or i could just use a laugh.  Also BO'R bingo is fun, except sometimes he does all the things so quickly it's hard to keep track.

but anyways freedumb i responded to you DNC post but i guess you already saw that mick is a hipocrite so you can disregard that part i guess.

have a good day guys

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