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Author Topic: Bush Vs Kerry  (Read 1047 times)


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2004, 06:40:00 AM »

i wanna hear mick talk some more, its funny


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2004, 07:24:00 PM »

i know man i've been waiting for a week or so for that.  I don't think he's been on.  Maybe he's grounded for staying up past 10


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2004, 09:20:00 PM »

yeah and bush pulled his stock out of his company a month before it went bankrupt.  Pappy's friends were on the board of the SEC and somehow he didn't get in trouble.  I'm not sure that man can be trusted....


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2004, 11:01:00 AM »

QUOTE (jesusphreak @ Aug 14 2004, 10:50 PM)
It's interesting.

I was reading an article the other day in the paper about John Kerry's boat mates speaking out against him and his 3 Purple Hearts.

A lot of them claim that he faked his injuries just so he could get discharged (3 purple hearts does so)....

I don't recall the whole story, so I'm not gonna recount something innaccurate, but I'm not sure that the man is to be trusted.....

and bush cant read/write/speak, im sure hes inbred


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2004, 02:57:00 PM »

regardless of what happened, i respect kerry and bush for serving their time in the military.  the primary focus of an election shouldnt be on this topic, both served their allotted time, whether they actually did anything or not (fought in war, etc) shouldnt fucking matter.  i would also like to say that i think a lot (not all dont get me wrong) of republican opposing viewpoints of kerry are weak.

EDIT: sp mistake


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2004, 03:34:00 PM »

you wanna know what i heard that was funny

how bush attacked kerry during a speech to a town that had lost people in iraq, and he attacked him on not giving the aid (80 million or whatever) to the troops

the funny thing is, we are giving the aid, but it doesnt seem to be making a differene, ie its very ironic

also, you dont need patriot missiles, f-15's, f-18's, stealth bombers, etc for the iraq war, and if you disagree on this, then let there be an argument i shall win


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2004, 07:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (Dark_Link2135 @ Aug 23 2004, 07:50 PM)
i kind of agree with this fact.  i respect the fact that kerry did serve his country, and he IS a war hero.  however he does not deserve that title because of his medals, rather, because of the fact that he is a war veteran.  he did serve his country, and no one can take away that fact.  but the fact that he got 3 purple hearts, for superficial wounds, is not really heroism.  i can understand why he would want to get out of vietnam, asap, but its not right that he parades his medals.  im not saying he didnt deserve them, but that he shouldnt parade them about like he half died to get them.  shooting a fleeing sniper in the back (bronze or silver), i dont personally think he deserved a medal for that, but im not prepared to go against the miltary's reasoning on that, there are probably circumstances in that nobody but kerry knows.  but if he got it because "he prevented the sniper from killing americans" which i have heard said before, then every vietnam veteran who ever killed a north vietnamese/vietcong soldier deserved a (bronze/silver), and as for the one in which he pulled a guy out of the water, now that i have read specifics about this, he does deserve this one.  they were under fire, and instead of ordering the swift boat to ignore him, he had it turned around, and grabed him out of the water himself, while still under fire.  i can definitely see why he deserved this medal.  but like i said, the others are nothing to parade about, and the whole "im a vietnam veteran so i should be president" thing is illegit.

and like you said, i agree that war service should not matter.  and i think its sick when politics has degraded to the point of smear campaigns, and this goes for both sides.

and kerry still insists bush cannot prove he showed up for guard duty, which he already released his records showing he was not awol'd.  now kerry needs to do likewise, and either admit to the allegations of the republicans, or prove them wrong.  he needs to release his war records, either to put to rest controversy which may be false, or, apologize to the american people for lying about his vietname service.  personally, i think its quite suspicious that kerry is so reluctant to release his war records.

and as far as trust, i wouldnt begin to trust ANY politician to tell the entire truth.  thats absolutely ridiculous.

and this illiterate, inbred bs is old and needs to stop.  he can obviously do all three, or he wouldnt have gotten an MBA from harvard.  you are doing the exact same thing you accuse republicans of, making false, unfounded accusations.  and because someone speaks with an accent does not make them unable to speak.  im sure someone from the east coast would think midwesterners speak with an accent, and they speak normally, and vice versa.

also the fact that bush "stole" the election is bs.  the democrats were actively trying to keep him from gaining office, and finally the supreme court put a stop to it.  if you remember, it was the democrats who were trying to throw out military votes, which were primarily for bush.  two counties in wisconsin (i think it was wisconsin) turned in more democratic votes then there were registered voters.

nobody "stole" the election.  in fact, a total recount of all votes in florida, acording to some, would have ended up with a stronger pro-bush vote.  however, i do agree that obviously it was an extremely close election, and that the popular vote favored gore.  but thats the reason we have an electoral collage, to make sure that your opinion DOESNT count.  dont get me wrong, i wouldnt rather have gore, but i dont necisarily agree with the electoral collage either

of course i can understand this, this is politics.

hahahaha, i was actually respecting your post until this came up....

or he wouldnt have gotten an MBA from harvard.

honestly, the guys is dumb as shit, and he got a c-, which for anyone is a little below average, even espacially if your going to harvard
and you cant tell me his dad didnt have one single thing to do with his "great achievements at harvard"

pure and simple the guy is a moron

and dont even bring up the election thing, it definatly wouldnt have helped bush if the votes were counted, and the dems had the right idea to go to the supreme court

its one of those things we'll never know because of someone with higher power in a higher place doesnt want us to know

what im trying to say is, bush isnt fit to run america again, because this term, he has nothing to lose, so he could (and probably would) start another war for even more fucking fun (iraq was a joke)

i dont like either of the candidates, but kerry is more fit (mentally and politically) to run this country then george


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2004, 03:13:00 AM »

ya, kerry appeals to everybody.... i think its the part where he agrees with both sides to every issue.... theres no way you can disagree with him then!!!!


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2004, 09:27:00 AM »

At least kerry admits when he's wrong, he would say "oh know intelligence says that iraq is a threat to us, lets attack them.  Oh shit we were lied to and they were not a threat thats not good maybe the war was a bad idea."  some would call this flip-floping, I callit intelligent and logical.  Bush would say, "I really wanna attack iraq, lets tell everyone they are a threat then attack them.  Oh shit they found out we lied to them.  Instead of admitting that the war in iraq was wrong lets keep saying it's a good war and make up excuses as to why we should have attak regardless of the fact that  the whole premis for the war on iraq is a lie."  Some would call this sticking to his ideals , I call it a crime, because lossing american and innocent iraqi lives because you are too fucking stubborn to admit you are wrong is fucking murder.  For example, I used to like ps2 and thought it was a more powerful system than xbox, but then I learned the facts and decided that xbox is more powerful.  Thats the same "flip-flops" that Kerry did and the is nothing wrong with that.  Tell me have you never changed your opinion on something.  If "good" leaders didn't change their minds than there would still be slavery, segragation.  The onlt people that I have heard of that never change their opinions are members of the KKK.  Is that the kind of president that you want? (I'm not saying that Bush is a member of the KKK, I'm just illistrating how changing your opinion is not a bad thing.)


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2004, 03:34:00 PM »

so here is kerry's thought....

"ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
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"wait xbox pwns"
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"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2004, 03:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (cromat44 @ Aug 24 2004, 05:37 PM)
so here is kerry's thought....

"ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
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"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
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"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"
"wait xbox pwns"
"now ps2 roxxors my boxxors"

ummmm, wow

you take being a complete retard to a whole new level

and pegasys, that was a mighty fine post  beerchug.gif

The unProfessional

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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2004, 05:49:00 PM »

I see what pegasys is trying to illustrate.  But changing your mind on the same issue for the sake of satisfying the audience is hardly a good thing... it's deception.  Your point is excellent.  I just don't think Kerry is the type of guy to make such changes.  And it's true, no presidential hopeful should run around with their medals ona string... unless maybe it's a CMOH.  It just doesn't outline what the guy will be like as a president.

Raptor: usually you're cool, and I mean no disrespect.  But if someone puts alot of thought and insight into an anti-kerry (or god forbid pro-bush) statement, you tend to focus on one sentence of their post and ad-hominum their ass to the wall.  But if they use game consoles to illustrate a pro-kerry statement, you praise them.  Just seems awfully partisan to me.

Pegasys: you sound like an insightful guy.  Your point about leaders who take the initiative to make changes is a great one.  I'm just using the console thing to illustrate a point to my friend raptorbull.


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2004, 05:53:00 PM »


Kerry is a fucking tool.


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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2004, 08:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Aug 24 2004, 07:52 PM)
I see what pegasys is trying to illustrate.  But changing your mind on the same issue for the sake of satisfying the audience is hardly a good thing... it's deception.  Your point is excellent.  I just don't think Kerry is the type of guy to make such changes.  And it's true, no presidential hopeful should run around with their medals ona string... unless maybe it's a CMOH.  It just doesn't outline what the guy will be like as a president.

Raptor: usually you're cool, and I mean no disrespect.  But if someone puts alot of thought and insight into an anti-kerry (or god forbid pro-bush) statement, you tend to focus on one sentence of their post and ad-hominum their ass to the wall.  But if they use game consoles to illustrate a pro-kerry statement, you praise them.  Just seems awfully partisan to me.

Pegasys: you sound like an insightful guy.  Your point about leaders who take the initiative to make changes is a great one.  I'm just using the console thing to illustrate a point to my friend raptorbull.

i want praising them, i was merley saying he put it in a good anology for most of the people on these forums to understand

as you can see by people like cromat, and others like him ,they dont really understand what there talking about, much rather a detailed political statement, but if you throw in game sonsoles as references, then they start to understand

its amazing really



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Bush Vs Kerry
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2004, 09:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ Aug 24 2004, 07:43 PM)
i want praising them, i was merley saying he put it in a good anology for most of the people on these forums to understand

as you can see by people like cromat, and others like him ,they dont really understand what there talking about, much rather a detailed political statement, but if you throw in game sonsoles as references, then they start to understand

its amazing really

if you think my statements were serious then you are the person that doesn't understand what you're talking about, not me.....

kerry is known for flip flopping, i was mocking that in my first post.... in my second post i was mocking pegasys....
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