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Author Topic: John Kerry Latest Stupidity  (Read 450 times)


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2004, 05:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Jul 17 2004, 01:53 AM)
..but most of the time the poster hasn't been out of school for a while, it's usually some fifteen year old who gets his political news from weekend update.  It has nothing to do with different skills, either, it just shows an overall lack of education, and intelligence, as do liberal opinions.

At our council meetings here in the UK we deem it rude not to handwrite  the meeting minutes and to shorten "has not" to "has`nt" would  indeed be frowned upon ,but I would not point that out to you here.
I dont agree with lambasting any one for english punctuation etc I but am careful at those meetings because they are important and I can claim expences.
By the same measure I still allow a member of our congregation who has MS her point of view even though she may soon be unable to use either a pen or a keyboard , thats an extreme example but do you see why your non acceptance of typos is so VERY VERY shallow and damn right rude?
This is no more than an extended Games Cosole forum and has no bearing on real life changes punctuation is hardly a necessatitity (sic) , there it is again luk (sic) ohh and again.

oops its ull (sic) oover (sic) the place  

Maybe  a wordadlicalyinterfalagulous sort of person would be bothered (thats from my own dictionary so see if you can find that one in your spellchecker)   laugh.gif

you obviously missed this bit from my las post or you dont know the meaning of "(sic)" it was entered to wind you up...

"Ha Ha Ha Nemt but you will have seen surely that I had already seen your post in this thread so had anticipated it did you not notice my tell tale (sic) ,
from our last trade in another thread .."

Is your idea of freespeech only if it can be either pronounced or spelt right

There is not a wank*r icon for me to use but I do hope that  , should you keep this viewpoint  , you do at some time in your life loose an ability to function 100% and your rights are then deminished as a result you would deserve no better


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2004, 05:35:00 PM »

if you cant actually win at an argument, attack the person... if online, attack grammar and spelling...  wink.gif

and before i get attacked for "attacking" the original poster, i wasnt attacking him at all... calling someone ignorant is not attacking them, childish maybe, but ignorant is surely not...

and the childish comment came at your 7th reason btw, and was well warranted imo...  wink.gif

thankfully some people with sense have come into this thread and have already said what needs to be said...  smile.gif


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2004, 06:24:00 PM »

skate - first off, my 7th comment was my opinion.  apparantly if people have opinions different than yours, you consider them childish.  well so be it, its hard to reason with people like that.  and calling someone ignorant because they dont agree with you IS flaming, and just makes you sound ignorant.  calling someone ignorant and being able to back it up is not flaming.

onward to Ace's rebuttul.  finally back on topic.  well, i guess not, this was about kerry, but this debate is much more interesting.  btw -  good rebuttal.  finally, i get someone with intelligence in their comments who doesn't use only flaming to back their arguements.

"Yes, being intolerant to having an open mind to certain issues can be bad, as in your opinion about gays. People can be intolerant of a lot of things and be ok, like you mentioned, crime, and basically anything else that would be considered harmful towards another person or community. But being intolerant to the issue of "gays" is not a good thing. Your perfectly entitled to your opinion, but to be completely closeminded to other opinions on it will never teach you anything but hatred towards another group of people."

obviously in your opinion it is bad to be intolerant of faggots.  and i am not completely closeminded.  i have had plenty of time to form my own opinions, and this is the one i have.  and who said i hate gays?  you are using far to much guess work.  maybe i do, maybe i dont.  i suppose i hate the fact that they are faggots, but i dont hate the person, id like to see them recover.  but i do hate them as long as they are faggots.  okay, that was sort of contradictory....i hate the faggot, but i see the potential to recover.  something like that.   but, then again, i suppose your opinion is always right, so being intolerant of faggots is a bad thing.  ah well.

Show me one place in history where repressing one person simply because of a race/geographical/religious/sexual characteristic has ever been good for humanity? More often than not repression of anyone leads to wars and eventually the end of the reason they were being repressed. Let me ask you your opinion on some more recent events in history where repression has reversed. What is your opinion on Women having EO with everything? Just over a century ago they had no rights, now look, do you consider that a bad thing? Then of course the repression and civil rights movement of the blacks.. Do you feel that wasn't possitive for mankind?"

race and sexuality are two different subjects.  lets keep them separate.

"Show me one place in history where repressing one person simply because of a race/geographical/religious/sexual characteristic has ever been good for humanity?"

who said anything about one person?   show me one place in history where NOT repressing someone for their sexual preferences has benefited humanity.  raised taxes, lowers morality.

"Just a quick note on your comminism comment. Have you ever actually read how a communist government is supposed to work? Or have you gone just by world events to form your opinion. Comminism as a government if run and followed as is written is actually a pretty good system, the problem is, it doesnt seem to be one for humanity. Human nature just cant deal with it, but in nature, you will find many examples of simplified communism within many species and it works great.

this will be fun.  true communism is impossible.  in a true communist government, everybody is equal, if you needed a car, you would just pick one up off the street and take it.  everything would belong to everyone.  but pretty soon, someone with the biggest gun takes over, and its actually a dictatorship, but still known as communism.  its just like anarchy is impossible.  may be good, if it was possible for it to work.  show me these examples of "animal communism" and ill consider your point to be somewhat legit.  and how they work great.  and how all that would apply to faggots.

"Rome... I always thought the fall of Rome was due to using lead in their aquaducts witch caused wide spread lead poisining. That caused all sorts of mental issues as well and physical and reproductive.... or maybe that was a different history I read about."

rome collapsed economically in on itself.  there are many theories as to what caused their economy to collapse.  in most, morality plays a small role.

"Lastly.. I draw the limit as staying within the species... there are many examples in nature of a certain percentage of seemingly "gay" examples within that species. It is part of nature, one that didn't just appear, and one that isnt going to go away. It is one that all people will have to accept and move on. Why would you think the next logical step from accepting gays as equals is to allowing beastiality? That's just sick dude."

thats the next logical step because we have sick people on this planet.  faggots and....people who practice beastiality (not sure what they are called in one word).   once faggots get their rights, the "beasts"????? will want theirs.

actually, there are not any examples of gays in animal communities.  some guy in an issue of readers digest about a year ago did a study on this, there was only one kind of small rodent or something like that that exhibited any behavior of homosexuality.  its kind of fuzzy in my memory, but thats what it was.  if i get the time, ill try to find the article.  yeah, i know that sounds kind of cheap, and i apoligize, so bear with me.

if you do find any links proving there are faggots in the animal world, please, show me.

well, at least i can intelligently debate with someone here.  id tell you the old forums i used to go to, where people did nothing but flame and really did not debate, but, well, i have some rather...embarrassing posts which would damamge my credibility.  tongue.gif   they dont reflect me at all now, but im afraid that some of you would be all too happy to use these against me. ah well.  when i went there, i wasnt to good at debate, lol.  towards the end, i actually won a couple of the arguements.  the rest just died out.  thats what i meant when i said i never lost and arguement.  of course, ive only been in 15 or so forum debates.  so thats not saying much.  but i didn't lie.

nemt -  i hate to do this since you are the only person on my side, but they are right.  forums are not a place to worry about grammer.  i dont want to go over my posts and make sure every single thing i have typed makes me sound like i have an english major.

catcha - "At 17 you have yet to learn that the real world is very very much different than posting on the internet , try knocking a few doors with your views if you want some real debate/responce (sic) "

and what is THIS supposed to mean?  and just how old are you?  and be truthful, as i have.  i think i can get a general idea from the way you type and act on these forums.  id say mid twenties.


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2004, 06:49:00 PM »

okay sorry.  i had the article twisted.  my memory was foggier then i thought.  the guy found that there was only one animal that had a partner for life, and was 100% faithful.  or something like that.  it was a bacterium or something.....

anyway, so animals are faggots.  well, some of them.  but animals are radically different then humans.  gay sex serves no purpose in the animal world.  animals exist to reproduce, then die and be food for something else.  thats pretty much their life.  so, then, why does this have anything to do with people?  there is no purpose for it in people either other then sick pleasure.

thats my take on the matter.

The unProfessional

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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2004, 06:50:00 PM »

Your post says "faggot" nine times.  That makes it really hard to take it seriously.


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2004, 07:34:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Jul 16 2004, 10:50 PM)
Your post says "faggot" nine times.  That makes it really hard to take it seriously.

Agreed.... kind of like speaking out against special benefits for African-Americans and using the N-word to refer to them. It speaks VOLUMES about your state of mind.

A good friend of my wife's is a lesbian who has been married in a state where it is legal. She is raising a son and they are doing a damn good job. Of course, through them, I've met all sorts of people - most very nice, decent people, and you'd be hard pressed to use the term "Faggot" around them (who knows? you may work beside many "faggots" and not even know it).  What they do amongst themselves is really their own business, if it doesn't harm anybody else, and to be honest, from what I know about them, they don't have much of a choice in the matter (regardless of what you've undoubtably been fed about "recruitment" or "learned behavior").

Now, I'll admit there are people who are homosexual and "deviant" - but there are plenty more heterosexuals who are "deviant" too... but my term refers to behavior that intrudes on others (rape, molestation, child abuse). Again, the test here is whether or not such behavior involves others, outside of their own volition or with coercion. Anything else is a matter of privacy (since, as a matter of the test, I am not forced to witness other's sexual acts, either).

Now it seems to me, as much revulsion as you have, you either have been forced to participate in such activities or have apparently seen gay porn. If that's the case, then I hope you can get the counselling/therapy you need to recover and those responsible are brought to justice. The other possibility, well, I've lived a long enough life to see that happen as well (revulsion towards something a person wants to repress in themselves) - there's another case for therapy.

In any case, you seem to be a very angry, resentful person who wishes to intrude on the lives of others and enforce your own strange and puritanical sexual views on others in the guise of "protecting the world from AIDS". This might be the biggest tragedy here; that whatever intelligence you have is hopelessly bottled up behind bigotry and bias.



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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2004, 07:54:00 PM » say we should talk the animal example of sexuality when it comes to gayness.  well it just so happens that the other animals will kill the gay couple.  its not tolerated in the animal world, nor should it be in the human world.  now im not saying we should kill them, just take them all to an island and let AIDs do the work for us.  i draw the line a man to woman vaginal sex.  thats the way sex was meant to be.

solution for gays - leave them as they were in the 70's.  sodomy is illegal, and there are no marriage rights.  thats how it should be imo.

have to type this fast, we are in the middle of the thunderstorm

more to come later


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2004, 08:01:00 PM »



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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2004, 08:48:00 PM »


Also, not to sound too religious in this political thread, but in Islam (the religion I follow), gay marriages are forbidden. I am sure this is the same in other religions, but I cannot speak for others. Now to come to think of it, Islam is indirectly hated by the U.S, so I don't think the President will give a damn.  dry.gif


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2004, 08:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (Master-Chief @ Jul 17 2004, 01:48 AM)
Also, not to sound too religious in this political thread, but in Islam (the religion I follow), gay marriages are forbidden. I am sure this is the same in other religions, but I cannot speak for others. Now to come to think of it, Islam is indirectly hated by the U.S, so I don't think the President will give a damn.  dry.gif

Yeah, nevermind the whole saving millions of muslims thing...


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2004, 09:09:00 PM »

QUOTE (Master-Chief @ Jul 16 2004, 09:48 PM)
I mean to come to think of that the first living mankind were Adam and Eve (a male and a female).

got any proof of that? didnt think so...

There will be too many things to change if gay marriages are allowed.

youre right... its too much trouble to give someone rights... imagine all the paperwork!  blink.gif  rolleyes.gif


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »

QUOTE (gcskate27 @ Jul 17 2004, 02:09 AM)
youre right... its too much trouble to give someone rights... imagine all the paperwork!  blink.gif  rolleyes.gif

Gays already have the same rights straights do, and no one has the right to change what marriage means.


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2004, 09:57:00 PM »

Pronunciation: 'mer-ij, 'ma-rij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3 : an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry -- J. T. Shawcross>

i guess youre right... you cant change definitions...  rolleyes.gif

face it, its fucking arbitrary and you dont have a good reason against it...


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2004, 12:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Jul 17 2004, 06:49 AM)
Gays already have the same rights straights do

Gay couples do not have the same rights as married couples. No one is talking about individual rights but you Nemt.

and no one has the right to change what marriage means.

No one would be changing what marriage means to you, if it wasn't in the news you wouldn't even know it was happening. smile.gif

Marriage should not be defined by the government, but rather the people involved in the marriage. I'm surprised so many self proclaimed conservatives don't follow this logic.


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John Kerry Latest Stupidity
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2004, 01:44:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Jul 17 2004, 01:48 AM)
If you're not educated enough to understand basic grammar concepts, how can you be educated enough to understand politics?

well nemt you finally atmitted it.... Bush CANNOT run the country


edit:  please reply to this i'm looking forward to whatever smart ass comment you're going to make to try and get out of this one
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