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Author Topic: Face It Bush Failed  (Read 870 times)


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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #135 on: September 02, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »

see, you can change anything around when looking at it from another point of view. You can't just say what you think and say it as fact  point
point by changing what i said around when i don't think that way.

it can be done with anything my only point is you can't say "the dems have the three most unpopular viewpoints" when that's obviously not the case.  If that were the case we'd all be republican, and we'd all be christian.  That's obviously not the case



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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #136 on: September 02, 2004, 05:33:00 PM »

What scares me the most, except from all the pain USA have delivered to the rest of the world for several years now, is the fact that the americans support it. I'm almost certain you will re-elect Bush. If he wins, it'll be a tragic day for democracy. It would show that you can get brainwashed in a democracy, and then destroy it's purpose. When the world is crying out for a change, you choose to make it worse.

No president has ever been as hated as Bush, by any means. Except from one place, where they elect him.

Iraq hates USA, yet you keep "helping" them. He's failed in just about every decision he's made. More people are unemployed in USA. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing. Yet, you keep supporting Bush.

Seriously, what do you like in the guy? His christianity? His stupid looks? His "intelligent" speeches?    He's a JOKE. And you're a tragic person if you support this racist. If there was a hell, he'd be parading in the front with Hitler.

If I was a christian I'd be ashamed to share the same religion with him. His values are not christian... Thou shall not kill??? Thou shall not steal??? The guy kills like crazy. And he steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

I don't like Kerry at all, but I'd choose him by any lenghts, because he CAN'T make PEOPLE suffer more than Bush has. He's a psychopath, seriously, several psychologists say his actions indicate he's a psychopath. He mention God in all of his most important speeches. He probably thinks he's a prophet.

Please USA: End this tragedy when you have the chance.

Hercules Q Einstein

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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #137 on: September 02, 2004, 05:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (Dark_Link2135 @ Sep 3 2004, 12:48 AM)
hehe, im in agreement with you chillin dude, besides the fact that uniting America is NOT the presidents job, much less his number 1 job, i dont think it was Bush that is going out and forcing people to believe two different things.

Well if its not the presidents job to unite america than who will???
Bush even siad he would unite america when he became president, and i meant (re)uniting america is the first job of the newly elected president not the most important (although if he cant even get americans to get along than how can we expect any real progress?).


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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #138 on: September 03, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »

i agree with you on most of you post except for the old people.

there is a large majority of old people who are not getting the healthcare they need and deserve.  They are not getting the help they should from the government because we don't tax the rich enough.  They can't work to make their money, and SS isn't enough if you have a lot of medical expenses.  Then again they seem to be more likely to become brainwashed by TERRORISM, then again they're thinking straight due to lack of food or medication



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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #139 on: September 06, 2004, 11:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (xFusioNx @ Sep 3 2004, 07:15 PM)
Exactly. It is that motherfuckers job.

He is elected by the majority to represent America as our President. He is to be the embodiment of the American people who elected him. Bush is far from it.

Actually I take that back. Bush IS the embodiment of those who voted for him. I'd say the majority of people who voted, but those people voted for Al Gore.


Bush is what all of the people who voted for him are. Hill Billy, conservative, racist, biggots who hate anything and everything new. The rest of the people who voted for Bush are money grubbing versions of the above. Greed drives the Bush family and friends. They are family friends with the Saui Arabians for fucks sake.

Not to mention his foreign policy where he doesnt give two shits about any other country at all. That's the typical backwater town American voice. "Fuck those towel heads."  or "Send those negros back to Africa where they belong" and "Just nuke those SOBs" That's the typical red neck response and that's exactly how Bush acts.

As I see it, Bush is a red-neck yokel and is a poor representative of what America should be. Unfortunately so many elderly people in America are so fucking scared shitless now of TERRORISM that they will vote for Bush because they think he is a hardass now because of Iraq. Well, that's why old people should be allowed to vote. Should someone who cant even drive a car correctly anymore be able to vote on who runs this country? Nope.

Quite honestly, I think if I had no other reason to vote for Bush, I'd vote for him just for you xFusioNx. It would be so worth it to see you rack your brain on how one of many religous right wing nut jobs would ever vote in the holy crusading dumbass GWB. Just to imagine your mental anguish and strife is all the motivation I need to punch my ballot in November to send the world straight to hell (well, if there is a hell, right?).

I find myself sometimes thinking about how people such as Mr. xFusioNx can sleep at night with a head so chock full of ignorance, but then I just throw the thought away, as to contemplate such would probably give me an aneurism. I try not to hate, but mearly viewing these boards sometimes does more than make my blood boil...

The unProfessional

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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #140 on: September 06, 2004, 11:40:00 PM »

That's is really some over-the-top shit, Fuzion.  Michael Moore's word isn't gospel, either, btw.  No more than Bush's.


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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #141 on: September 07, 2004, 08:33:00 AM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Sep 7 2004, 07:43 AM)
That's is really some over-the-top shit, Fuzion.  Michael Moore's word isn't gospel, either, btw.  No more than Bush's.

Michael Moore does bring up many points that are true in his film.   But not everything is true in his film.

Ironically, I think Moore is probably the best thing to Kerry's Campagain.  A lot of people are pissed off at Bush after watching that film.  Moore said that the Democrats has no backbone and basically rally behind Bush for better or for worse.  After the speeches from those 'Angry' Repugs last week, Kerry went on the offensive against bush under Clinton's advice.

The news channels start airing Kerry's offensive message now.  And Moore's film will be in DVD in 10/5.  Right now, we will have to see if Kerry's tactic will beat Bush this November.

The unProfessional

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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #142 on: September 07, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »

It's unfortunate, but the generations preceeding us are commonly racist.  Luckily, most of them are quiet about it.  It should improve with time.  I see the most harmful forms of racism coming from the younger generations.  They're outspoken about it... often violent... and it's an "I hate everyone else" system.  Most old folks have their group.  They saw things change right before their eyes.  They saw a different type of immigration than you and I are seeing now.  I rarely see an old dude spreading hatred, though.  My grandparents had their hostilities towards particular groups... but they never passed it on.

You also have to understand today's situation for the elderly.  Decent health care is a luxury, elders are treated badly in public, etc.  It's not exactly easy to be old.  I'm sure when you're old you'll just want to be left alone... change is a bad thing when you're in your 11th hour.

Well call me crazy, but on the issue of casino ships on the bay, they have a bit of a point.  Less all the racism, of course. Casinos are highly researched phenomena, and it's no secret that areas with ample gambling are also high in crime.  Money tends to bring the worst out of people... especially when mixed with various drugs.


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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #143 on: September 07, 2004, 03:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Sep 7 2004, 10:54 PM)
It's unfortunate, but the generations preceeding us are commonly racist.  Luckily, most of them are quiet about it.  It should improve with time.  I see the most harmful forms of racism coming from the younger generations.  They're outspoken about it... often violent... and it's an "I hate everyone else" system.  Most old folks have their group.  They saw things change right before their eyes.  They saw a different type of immigration than you and I are seeing now.  I rarely see an old dude spreading hatred, though.  My grandparents had their hostilities towards particular groups... but they never passed it on.

You also have to understand today's situation for the elderly.  Decent health care is a luxury, elders are treated badly in public, etc.  It's not exactly easy to be old.  I'm sure when you're old you'll just want to be left alone... change is a bad thing when you're in your 11th hour.

Well call me crazy, but on the issue of casino ships on the bay, they have a bit of a point.  Less all the racism, of course. Casinos are highly researched phenomena, and it's no secret that areas with ample gambling are also high in crime.  Money tends to bring the worst out of people... especially when mixed with various drugs.

The old folks don't spread racism?  Oh please.  Check out multiple exclusive golf tournaments held on Hilton Head Island, which are hosted on MLK day.  Guess where the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised go.  Straight to the CSA and other funneling points for the KLAN.  This is just one tiny instance.  There are some extremely racist old people and they have serious money.  The youth are vulgar and racist thanks to the hypocrisy of the elderly.


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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #144 on: September 07, 2004, 06:18:00 PM »

QUOTE (xFusioNx @ Sep 8 2004, 01:54 AM)

The ratio of police on duty to citizens is 19 to 1. My city is like fort fucking knox and all the old people who run the joint swear that its necessary because of possible terrorism. I got news for them. No one wants to attack this place. There's nothing here.



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Face It Bush Failed
« Reply #145 on: September 07, 2004, 06:21:00 PM »

I know, it's terrible. All you can do is laugh about it.
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