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Author Topic: Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?  (Read 341 times)


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2004, 08:09:00 AM »

QUOTE (therebelious1 @ Jun 28 2004, 09:31 AM)
i can second that sentiment
the church i used to be made to go to (for 17 years) is filled to the brim with hipocrites, and they all have expensieve suits, my grandad alone has close to 40 suits- all over £300 each, all the young chicks in the church have like a new outfit every week or two, and i know for a fact that:
90% of them are underage drinkers,
about 50% of them like a toke of the d00b,
and about 40% of them aint as virginal as they make out ( biggrin.gif )

if religion's rejection of science is the number one reason why i will never set foot in a church again, then the hypocracy of the church goers is a very close second place

ok.... it's true we christians might smoke, drink, or have intercourse before marriage... but just because were religious doesn't mean WE ALL DONT DO THAT because  were not perfect.. and sometimes we don't live on the right path... but who's PERFECT? NO HUMAN IS.... just because were religious you guys think right away .. they shouldn't drink,smoke but i know we sometimes do... but like i said were not perfect.... we do fall into temptations because were not special like anyone else..... were human beings YOU KNOW?

Ok you said *THEY ALL* have expensive suits?? do you know ALL christians?why you saying things you can't even back uP? nonsense man... WERE NOT ALL RICH you know... just because  YOUR GRANDAD has expensive suites doesn't mean WE ALL HAVE IT  dry.gif .... you have an misconception of that man... get it straight!  well hate me for this but like i said.. i only speak the truth....  cool.gif



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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2004, 09:17:00 AM »

why you saying things you can't even back uP?

coming from the guy who said science was an excuse... your throwing your beliefs out as fact and not listening to reason... and i find this esp ironic as the way you back things up is by using science...  laugh.gif

science and god can exist together you know... all it takes is for close minded, blind faith type people to open their eyes... just because someone believes in science does not mean that they are doubting that there is a  higher being, they just dont fall into the trap of believeing that the bible is the oiriginal word of god and you must follow it litterally(not that its possible given all the contradictions)...

my wifes friend has a preacher for a father... shes not the most forgiving and christian person ive ever met... her mother doesnt work, her sisters live at home, and her dad has several nice cars for them to ride in (bmw's, audi's, jag's... maybe its some sort of preacher trend anthrax  laugh.gif )...

consider this... church can easily be used as crutch for some people to dup themselves into believeing that they are good people no matter what they do throughout the rest of the week... and seeing the people that i know who claim to be christian, that seems a damn sight more likely than not... the most hateful and hippocritical people go to church religiously ( laugh.gif gotta love puns)... a lot of them hate homosexuals, foreigners and liberals blindly, and thats not very christian (love thy neighbor... only good can judge)... of course im not saying that all church goers belive this way, as i know thatll be your argument back at me...

alright ill end this rant and await your response Sai1002...


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2004, 09:57:00 AM »


christianity is a belief in God; not preachers/pastors. If we donate and pastors use it as they will, then its the preachers that are corrupted, not the believers...


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2004, 10:47:00 AM »


ok you tell me this... what clothing is appropriate to you???? what do you wear during graduation? when you marry? what's appropriate??

Now this is also a weird way too look at it. When I graduated a few weeks ago I wore a suit. Ok, it looked good, but why did I use it? Because that's what society says is appropriate. It's not like I could've worn my favourite everyday clothes I like more than this suit, because that wouldn't be appropriate. Not that it really mattered to me, but I did follow what the "good" christians once decided one should use in church. Wearing suits instead of regular clothes is only made for people to show they're more worth than other people. Or do you want God to have a hard-on for you?

I think brainwashing has reached a new level. At this stage I really hope you have a good moral, or you don't as many christians(right-wingers), and run for presidency(see Bush). That's where religions become literally dangerous.


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2004, 10:49:00 AM »

QUOTE (Sai1002 @ Jun 28 2004, 12:57 PM)
this is all i gotta say  cool.gif

christianity is a belief in God; not preachers/pastors. If we donate and pastors use it as they will, then its the preachers that are corrupted, not the believers...

Your in a way of feeding them.

I absolutely hate when people assume ther better then us non-belivers because they follow "the book". I am so freaking sick of this. Everytime I mention I don't believe in god to one person he'll assume im a satanist and a bad person, even know I don't wear black (I have like 2 black shirt's at the most), but I absolutely hate when people try to tell me that I will be the most happiest with god. But, you know what I have enough things to deal with in life, I don't need some more corrupted non-sense in my life. If I go to heaven, then I go to heaven. If I go to hell then oh well, I at least choose my path, unlike these christians who assume they will go to heaven because they believe. If I die and nothing happends, then I die. If I am reborn or have like another soul as as they say, then I will have another soul, simple as that. I am trying to live my life day by day.


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2004, 12:39:00 PM »

QUOTE (AnThRaX @ Jun 28 2004, 02:49 PM)
Your in a way of feeding them.

I absolutely hate when people assume ther better then us non-belivers because they follow "the book". I am so freaking sick of this. Everytime I mention I don't believe in god to one person he'll assume im a satanist and a bad person, even know I don't wear black (I have like 2 black shirt's at the most), but I absolutely hate when people try to tell me that I will be the most happiest with god. But, you know what I have enough things to deal with in life, I don't need some more corrupted non-sense in my life. If I go to heaven, then I go to heaven. If I go to hell then oh well, I at least choose my path, unlike these christians who assume they will go to heaven because they believe. If I die and nothing happends, then I die. If I am reborn or have like another soul as as they say, then I will have another soul, simple as that. I am trying to live my life day by day.

were not better or more special then anyone else... were all brothers and sisters in christ...were all human beings... and we all make mistakes.. we all sin... therefore were not perfect


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2004, 12:59:00 PM »

QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Jun 28 2004, 04:48 PM)
what type of creationist are you?

what's your definition of  creationist ???? i am an christian and were not categorized by those types you say...


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2004, 07:20:00 PM »

Please don't try to say something like "I follow only what's written in the bible."


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2004, 04:54:00 AM »

QUOTE (cainedna @ Jun 28 2004, 11:20 PM)
Please don't try to say something like "I follow only what's written in the bible."

Bible it's god's words... that's what i read and follow through my everyday life...  tongue.gif what's wrong with saying following what's written in the bible?


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2004, 05:12:00 AM »

user posted image


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2004, 05:25:00 AM »

QUOTE (moistness @ Jun 29 2004, 09:12 AM)
user posted image

WTH?  blink.gif


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2004, 05:38:00 AM »

QUOTE (Sai1002 @ Jun 29 2004, 02:25 PM)
WTH?  blink.gif

its "WTF?" actually


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2004, 05:57:00 AM »

QUOTE (therebelious1 @ Jun 29 2004, 09:38 AM)
its "WTF?" actually

haha true  laugh.gif


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2004, 08:02:00 AM »

QUOTE (Sai1002 @ Jun 29 2004, 03:25 PM)
WTH?  blink.gif

Burying your head in the sand, pretending reality does not exist! wink.gif


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Has Religion Lost Its Meaning?
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2004, 08:19:00 AM »

first of all, sai you use way to many "?"s and "!"s.  Also, I agree with a lot of the people posting on this thread, there are a LOT of churches, (I have been to a couple) where the ministers and the people who go to the church shove the same crap down your throat all the time, eg:  give alot- god loves you more, so you are getting to heaven, dress up nicer than the person next to you- you love god more than he does and in turn god loves you more than him, listen to everything we say because we are experts and are never wrong about any thing and are automatically going to heaven, take what the bible says literally in every way. If you sined already, your screwed, god hates you, sorry.  This caused me not to believe in god or any thing for about 2 years.  But about a year ago, I went to a new church where things are a lot different, every one is welcome, everyone dresses casual, and use the bible as more of a way to answer a lot life's daily questions, and they encourage your time helping with what they call ministries with the church and the community, like helping out in the nursing rooms where the parents leave their children during the service, teaching people how to play instruments, helping people with their marraiges, going on mission trips to various countries (mainly the dominican republic where we build water wells, schools, and other things) and other things you can do.  Also they help the members of their church, giving them finincial aid and jobs (my dad now works their after being unemployed for a couple of years)   And its mainly worshipping the way you feel you need to, just getting help on the way.  And yes this probobly sounds like a lot of crap, but there are a few churches with views much different from the old ones, and are actually worth your time to go to.
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