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Author Topic: Famous Bush Mis-speaks  (Read 350 times)


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2004, 03:28:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Jun 19 2004, 05:11 PM)
Kerry served in Viet Nam for four months, on a boat cruising empty rivers for the most part.  He was injured three times, two of which required little or no recovery.  He elected to go home after the third injury, where he proceeded to accuse his comrades of atrocities, criticized the war, and threw his own ribbons in the dirt.

That's where you wrong.  The medals that Kerry threw over the White House fence weren't even his own!

This is not a pro-Bush statement.  I just think it's a shame that the only alternative to Bush is this fool.


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2004, 03:36:00 AM »

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
I dare you to prove anything you've just said. Bush was in the guard to rack some points on his political resume, he would've avoided a tour in Vietnam either way (he could've pulled the same strings for exemption he pulled this time, it just wouldn't look as good to the public). He fully completed his duty? Waisting american tax money learning to fly a deprecated plane where it would never be needed, sounds like duty to me. Where was his war mongering then.

History is my proof.  In the 70s, the last thing on Bush's mind was running for office, he wanted to serve his country, and his he didn't want to die, so he volunteered for the Air National Guard, an important branch of the armed services.  The F102 wasn't "waisting" anyone's money, as it was considered a very advanced plane at the time, and took tremendous concentration and skill to pilot.  If the Air National Guard were never needed, it wouldn't have been in place, but hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your opinion.

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
As compared to Bush, who never really served at all?

Bush served longer than Kerry did, he just wasn't in-country.

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
So far, Kerry wasn't afraid to point out America isn't always right, he didn't like war (especially one as pointless as Vietnam. I'm sure you know how much good that one did us), and he discarded of ribbons which you seem to think he never deserved to begin with. Why is anyone against war antiamerican?

He didn't like the war he volunteered to fight in?  No, that's not it.  Kerry decided he didn't like the war when he realized the voters in his home state didn't like the war.  As I said, war veterans don't play out well in Taxachusetts politics.  I don't support the actions in Viet Nam, and LBJ is certainly one of the worst Presidents the US has ever had, but I'm not about to call all the soldiers who served criminals, guilty of atrocities and murder, and I wouldn't throw my ribbons in the dirt if I had been there.  Kerry did all of this to kick-start his political career.  He sold out US soldiers for his own gain, by weakening their morale with his constant anti-viet nam TV appearances.

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
Well that last part may be true, if you only count the republican population. And even then, anyone who feels he's alienated them probably feels so because Rush told them to. Bush has alienated 100% of the world population, whether they realize it or not.

No, it's true for everyone but the super-wealthy liberal elite, of which Kerry is a member.

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
Less than 50% approval, already quite a few books and movies (especially documentaries) listing his faults and bad decisions.. Bush less negative support than Kerry? Were you lied to or are you pretending?

Actually, Bush has 56% job approval as of the latest polls.  In any event, you don't know what the term "negative support" means, so until you figure it out, you should really stop embarassing yourself by assuming.  In actually proved my point about Kerry having the most negative support, thanks.

QUOTE (HeLiUuM @ 22 2004, 02:06 AM)
corrupt? Bush is off starting wars for power and oil, but Kerry is corrupt. Bush never did much of anything in the armed service, and all hes done FOR them is sign a death warrant. He's not just a disgrace, he's responsible for the deaths of countless foreign civilians and our very own servicemen.

Yes, corrupt.  You're a moron for saying it's a war for oil, also.  Not to mention: Kerry voted FOR the war in Iraq, and supported it halfway through.  Not suprisingly, he still voted against spending money on body armor and support equipment, but hey, he's a Democrat.  Kerry admits to killing civilians in Viet Nam, knowingly, and apologized on national TV in the 70s.  All Bush ever did was protect his country and its interests in the middle east, but you're too blinded by your liberal media to see what's really going on.  Congratulation, not only can't you spell, you can't even come up with a valid argument - might I suggest another forum?


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2004, 03:43:00 AM »


I mean, he's a politician, not a fucking saint!! They are ALL crooked!


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2004, 04:19:00 AM »

he volunteered for the Air National Guard, an important branch of the armed services. The F102 wasn't "waisting" anyone's money, as it was considered a very advanced plane at the time, and took tremendous concentration and skill to pilot. If the Air National Guard were never needed, it wouldn't have been in place, but hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your opinion.

I actually agree with nemt. It was worthwile, I mean we nedded heroes like Bush to defend against the mighty Vietnamese Air Force in case they flew to Texas to bomb the countries finest. Heil Bush!

Bush served longer than Kerry did, he just wasn't in-country.

Again I totally agree. You need good men to stay at home in order to fight a good fight. What is the point in sending your soldiers over to where the war is?
They can get more credit by staying at home in case any of the filthy scum attacked America from there battle ships and airplane carriers.

He sold out US soldiers for his own gain, by weakening their morale with his constant anti-viet nam TV appearances.

What a weak minded fool. Just cause he didnt like his 4 month holiday in bueatifull jungle surroundings or he didnt like the friendly natives it doesnt mean he should try and stop other, greater men from going to war (even if going to war means staying at home). He should have kept his opinions to himself, I mean what is he a politicion or something?

All Bush ever did was protect his country and its interests in the middle east, but you're too blinded by your liberal media to see what's really going on. Congratulation, not only can't you spell, you can't even come up with a valid argument - might I suggest another forum?

Go nemt your on fire. Tell them liberals how it is. All you hippy scum should realise if we didnt attack Iraq then Saddam would have attacked us. You all know he was having a homosexual affair with Bin Laden. They were planning to destroy the US hand in hand.

The US had no choice to kill over 15,000 civillians. It had to be done to make sure 1,000 American civillians did not die. Justified too, there just Arab terrorist wannabies who eat sand and fuck camels. Nothing compared to a good old American patriot. God Bless America!


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2004, 04:29:00 AM »

QUOTE (moistness @ Jun 22 2004, 12:43 PM)
Nemt, If geedubya asked you to suck his cock whilst fingering his arsehole wuld you do it?? rolleyes.gif

i think he would- seriously

nemt, you seem to be totally ignoring the argument (fact) that the president has the same mental capacity as a cum stain on a smack whore's crispy panties

please, please come up with an argument that "proves" he's intelligent enough to be given the position of leader of the most powerful nation in the world. doesnt it make you in the least bit anxious that someone that stupid has so much power?


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2004, 05:07:00 AM »

QUOTE (therebelious1 @ Jun 22 2004, 02:29 PM)
the president has the same mental capacity as a cum stain on a smack whore's crispy panties

That part needed to be said again! beerchug.gif


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Famous Bush Mis-speaks
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2004, 05:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Jun 22 2004, 06:36 AM)

History is my proof.  In the 70s, the last thing on Bush's mind was running for office, he wanted to serve his country, and his he didn't want to die, so he volunteered for the Air National Guard, an important branch of the armed services.  The F102 wasn't "waisting" anyone's money, as it was considered a very advanced plane at the time, and took tremendous concentration and skill to pilot.  If the Air National Guard were never needed, it wouldn't have been in place, but hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your opinion.

Bush served longer than Kerry did, he just wasn't in-country.

He didn't like the war he volunteered to fight in?  No, that's not it.  Kerry decided he didn't like the war when he realized the voters in his home state didn't like the war.  As I said, war veterans don't play out well in Taxachusetts politics.  I don't support the actions in Viet Nam, and LBJ is certainly one of the worst Presidents the US has ever had, but I'm not about to call all the soldiers who served criminals, guilty of atrocities and murder, and I wouldn't throw my ribbons in the dirt if I had been there.  Kerry did all of this to kick-start his political career.  He sold out US soldiers for his own gain, by weakening their morale with his constant anti-viet nam TV appearances.

No, it's true for everyone but the super-wealthy liberal elite, of which Kerry is a member.

Actually, Bush has 56% job approval as of the latest polls.  In any event, you don't know what the term "negative support" means, so until you figure it out, you should really stop embarassing yourself by assuming.  In actually proved my point about Kerry having the most negative support, thanks.

Yes, corrupt.  You're a moron for saying it's a war for oil, also.  Not to mention: Kerry voted FOR the war in Iraq, and supported it halfway through.  Not suprisingly, he still voted against spending money on body armor and support equipment, but hey, he's a Democrat.  Kerry admits to killing civilians in Viet Nam, knowingly, and apologized on national TV in the 70s.  All Bush ever did was protect his country and its interests in the middle east, but you're too blinded by your liberal media to see what's really going on.  Congratulation, not only can't you spell, you can't even come up with a valid argument - might I suggest another forum?

wow, i mean, wow

how are you still living, is al of your brain matter assigned to only keep the basic functions running, because you sure as in hell dont have any common sense, or education for that mattter

i like how you call all of use brainwashed liberals, when in fact its clear, your a brainwashed, dick sucking for coke money, idiot.............

helium and melon both argued all they needed to to prove you wrong, so i feel your only going to respond with

"hahaha, hax0r, hahaha george bush owns all, ahahaha, kill all the civilians"

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