
Author Topic: A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's  (Read 128 times)


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« on: May 31, 2004, 10:15:00 AM »

Hey every one just here today real quick to make a post to honor the brave men and women that have fallen in americas wars..

On a personal note today I think of my grandfather who was a captian of a destroyer in ww2 ... His ship was sunk I never really found out exactly how it happend but one day my mother told me the story... After the ship was hit and started going down.. my grandfather dove down 2 decks in to oil filled water mulitple times to end up saving 8 sailors lives who were african american and were trapped in the engine room... Through out his mutiple trips he ended up inhaling and sawllowing alot of oil.. He had major burns on his skin and his health was never the same.. He left 7 childern and a wife behind to serve his country with the greatest of honor... He recieved a purple heart and a silver star for his bravery...  I never did get to meet him the only thing i have seen his medals and photos.. With out him and the other hunreds of thousands of brave men who saved this world who knows where we would be now...

r.i.p brave men and women... may the lessons learned from your deaths never be lost..

anyone else have any stories or wish to say a few words feel free...


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2004, 01:29:00 PM »

Yes, memorial day, a time to honor all those who died in America's wars. Although I do not agree with the little you said, I will not say anything to disturb this day. I realize the importance of respecting someone elses culture.  biggrin.gif

Enjoy the day.


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »

i was honoring it up till the time when i went to get donuts with a friend and he dropped it into neutral and revved his truck in front of a WWII memorial, of course i hit him for it


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2004, 03:05:00 PM »

does any other country celebrate? my entire family is military so we through a huge party and get drunk off our asses. beerchug.gif and another to my great uncle grhs beerchug.gif


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »

yea, i had a party with my friends family last night, me, him and his sis went through 2 gallons of church wine in an hour, that shit is good


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2004, 06:44:00 PM »

nice too see the 2 dip shit's chime in.... with nothing about the topic...

"Although I do not agree with the little you said, I will not say anything to disturb this day."
-this is why i will never again respond to your posts... all you do is flame bait and never try to have a civilized discussion... you come up with the most obsurde arguements and then expect me to spend a hour after hour telling you how it is....

"was honoring it up till the time when i went to get donuts with a friend and he dropped it into neutral and revved his truck in front of a WWII memorial"

yea.. goes to show.. my mom always told me the people you keep company with says alot about yourself...  again why waste my time responding to a 10 year old...


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2004, 07:19:00 PM »

I'd rather not argue in this thread. Maybe you would be so kind as to reply to any of the other threads started by you which you left abandoned. Like so many countries the US has done the same to....


Flame bait.... beerchug.gif


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2004, 01:22:00 AM »

actually i was telling about memorial day, i also said how i partied for it, and i like how you assume im 10, even though i can drive (legally), good call

once again, i had a party with some friends to honor memorial day


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2004, 06:05:00 AM »

More mindless dribble from the leaves in our gene pool.  How extensive is the damage from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome bull?  Vince shouldn't you be huffing paint in some back alley dumpster?


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2004, 06:52:00 AM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ Jun 1 2004, 03:43 PM)
Whats a Nanny State? Bluecock.


Well well if it isn't Euro-trash.  Perhaps I was wrong.  Abortion should be legalized and encouraged.  You are living proof.


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2004, 11:46:00 AM »

i was actually trying to be serious, and then someone starts flaming me, wow

anyways, happy day after memorial day


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2004, 01:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (bluedeath @ Jun 1 2004, 04:05 PM)
More mindless dribble from the leaves in our gene pool.  How extensive is the damage from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome bull?  Vince shouldn't you be huffing paint in some back alley dumpster?

Do I know you? unsure.gif There's something familiar about you! smile.gif


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2004, 01:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (drunkpug @ Jun 1 2004, 03:44 AM)
nice too see the 2 dip shit's chime in.... with nothing about the topic...

The thread was completely ruined by "the 2 dip shits".  After reading their latest I have come to the conclusion that both of them love meth.  As drunkpug said "again why waste my time responding to a 10 year old..."


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A Day To Honor Our Fallen Hero's
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2004, 02:41:00 PM »

wow, i dont even have to argue with that, it speaks for itself

anyways, to keep this topic on course, anyone in here you has a relative that fought in Korea?