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Author Topic: Another Terrible Act That Americans Did  (Read 413 times)


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2004, 05:10:00 PM »

Damn you're dumb Pug.


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2004, 06:16:00 PM »

Maximumbeing instead of calling me dumb... which is the easy way out.. why dont you put together a valid arguement. of i fergot, you single cell brain prohibits you from linking mulitple words together... look see how gay i sound..


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2004, 06:29:00 PM »

your joking right?
or you dont live in the US, or else you would know that Al Gore won the popular vote, but like i said either ur a retard or u live somewhere else

and good job telling what peopel thought of the war before it happened, bow less then 50% support bush, you kind of forgot to mention that


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2004, 09:03:00 PM »

STD's umm yea there are no people here with those too

deaths in us from std's  2001: 17402
deaths in africa from std's in 2001: 2.2 Million

info from

to self-i think you're going to be asking for that 500 back when in next two decades your country has exhausted your petrolium supply..

when i see you and melon and all the other people rant and rant and rant i can just think of a saying my 5th grade teacher told me...

before you criticize someone else take a look at yourself.

maybe ull ask for more than 40 dollars that went away when gas prices reach around 4 bucks

lol i doubt you know what the nation debt is..
here is some reading.. did you know that we have been in debt since
January 1st 1791 was just $75 million dollars

lol we have always been in debt.. and do you know who we owe the most debt to?
i do

40%, is owed to the Federal Reserve Bank and to other government accounts; that is, this part owed by one part of the government to anothe..

The remaining 60% of the Debt, roughly $3.3 trillion, is privately held.
out of that 27% of it is owed to other countrys.. so we stop foreign aid let hunreds of thousand of people die.. but hey we get the debt paid off lol..
i cant blame you... you have never taken a econ class so hey i give you a break...

first what the hell does that have todo with an economy class? we should have paid that money back a LONG TIME AGO. just because its been there for a long time doesn't make it ok. hundreds of thousands of people wouldnt die instanly if we tried to better our self. we are spending billions to help iraq children goto school. why not use some of that wasted money.

why dont you put together a valid arguement. of i fergot, you single cell brain prohibits you from linking mulitple words together... look see how gay i sound..

maybe if you made a valid point in the entire time you have been posting in the political forum you wouldnt look like such an ignorant fool. u may have had a economy class but you need to take a few spelling classes.



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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2004, 09:21:00 PM »

The remaining 60% of the Debt, roughly $3.3 trillion, is privately held.
out of that 27% of it is owed to other countrys.. so we stop foreign aid let hunreds of thousand of people die.. but hey we get the debt paid off lol..
i cant blame you... you have never taken a econ class so hey i give you a break...

3.3 trillion is not pocket change, and I find it ubsurd that we have most western countries borrowing and borrowing. The more frigtening is the money that is privately held. Who owns this money? And what the hell is the collateral? Borrowing and borrowing gets to a point when it is almost enslaving and the intrest gets to a point where it is impossible to pay off. What if the national debt gets to this point?

When you have debtmasters like the Rothschilds and Morgans holding the world to economic ransom what the hell happens to the foreign policy?

P.S Excuse the constant rhetoric!!


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2004, 11:21:00 PM »


Another thing, have you yet seen Farenheight 911 by Michael Moore? Or have you paid any attention during the 2000 elections? Did you not see the fucked up shit that happened in Florida? It was down to the nose and whoever won Florida won the electoral election. And then no one knows what happens down at Florida (where Bush's brother is govenor blink.gif ) Furthermore, since no one knows what happened there and Bush won out of luck or cheating, many argued at the time that Gore should be our President. Then 9/11 happened and people forgot. Then there was a prison abuse scandal. Then a beheading happened and people forgot. BTW, I am not staying 9/11 was staged. I am merely saying it could have been prevented very easily. And, no, I could not have prevented it if I was there because I am not a government agency with unlimited resources. If I were the CIA or FBI or another person of power at the US, then I could have prevented it.

Furthermore, performing a small favor does not cover up for past mistakes. Before I criticize you though, I must look at myself, correct? Let's see, Japan has tried conquering eastern asia many times, without success I might add. And it has also been in great trouble with natural resources for a long time, having to import a majority of them. This may also be the reason for its desire to conquer. Having joined Germany in WW2, Japan was fighting on the side that was exterminating the Jews. This was evil. Furthermore, it went on to attack Pearl Harbor, (although it was known that it was going to happen) killing defensless soldiers while they slept. The kamikaze manevuer was also designed by the Japanese. This shows their lack of value for human life. Or, possibly, their value for honor over anything else. Japan then never supported any other foreign nation and instead focused its people on things like technology. While this technology is useful, it only helps the countries rich enough to be able to use it, and not everyone.

Hm...seems Japan is pretty bad. But, let's now take a look at the United States shall we.

The United States has been decieving its people since as early as the Alamo. America, being the greedy nation that it is, decided to let the massacre of its own people happen in order to get its population to agree with taking over Texas and other western land, including modern day California. By not allowing troops to go in (troops were told to stop at a near by area and were held there) and help the people at the Alamo, the United States recieved a majority of the people on its side of right. As they said, "Remember the Alamo." Then, the United States once again tricked its people during WW2. With the Great Depression in full effect. Not many people had faith in their President. However, the President at the time needed something big to help get everyone jobs and fuel the nation out of its current economical hardship. Therefore, during WW2, the soldiers at Pearl Harbor (a known place to harbor Japanese spies) conducted a drill that showed how on a Sunday morning, the soldiers at Pearl Harbor would be ill-prepared to make a strong defense. The Japanese, of course capitalized on this information. After Pearl Harbor, the United States started rounding up all Japanese (and even some non-Japanese Asians), into their own form of concentration camps. At these camps, the Japanese were stripped of their rights as Americans and were viewed to all be Spies. Since none of them could be trusted, they had to now remain in these camps where they would be watched over. Now, don't get me wrong, these camps were not death camps like those in Germany and such. But to strip your citizens of their rights and assume they have all commited treason based on their ethnicity is wrong. Then, during several Presidents reigns the US smuggled weapons to countries it favored when they were at war with each other. For example, the US dislikes both Iraq and Iran. But, when the two were at war, the US provided Iran with weapons because it was the lesser of two evils. And, the US has also been providing Israel with billions of dollars in aid every year, which it is argueable, that they use for weapon production to attack other countries (yes, Israel does attack other countries, it doesn't just "defend" itself). Having given nearly 10 billion to Israel in the last year alone. And, then, for some more up to date news. America allows 9/11 to happen (logically, there is no way it should have happened. To many coincidences...).  This thrusts Bush back into the place his father had just been with the Gulf War. (Could he be finishing the job his father started. Many children often want to be like their fathers, and Bush has already become President as his father had once been). Having found Afghanistan with little defense and the American people still emotional over 9/11, Iraq was an easy place to get into. The Americans then, under order from Rumsfeld (Quote from Rumsfeld personally approved a policy that "encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners," violating their fundamental human rights under the Geneva convention.) severly disgraced Iraqi prisoners using cruel and unusual punishment. However, this incident was overlooked by many American people after the video of a gruesome beheading was "found." While it was signed with the names of all the terrorists in the video, they found it necessary to wear masks. There has been heated debate about the fact that this movie may be a fake (and more signs point to that it is fake). Then, the United States asks for exemption from the UN even though it had just disgraced the organization.

As you can see, America seems to be the greater of two evils. And, your little good deeds, do not cover up the fact that your are forcing your values onto other people, killing several of them in the process. You are doing with democracy what you tried to prevent Russia and China from doing with communism. And, yes, I realize communism not a good form of government and you can cite several examples of how the two countries I mentioned are having hardships. But, that does not mean you should force democracy onto other countries. Why not be democratic about it, and them decide.

P.S. For those of you looking for an interesting website: or


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2004, 11:22:00 PM »

Oh, and btw. Last time I checked, in the year 1995 the US national debt was at 5 trillion total. I believe it has substantionally increased in the last 9 years, but I have no looked into that matter.


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2004, 11:39:00 PM »

3.3 trillion is not pocket change, and I find it ubsurd that we have most western countries borrowing and borrowing.

Interestingly, Far Eastern countries and Russia have massively increased reserves of US dollars in recent years.
I read a report that stated that Taiwan and Korea who usually hold about 6 months US dollar currerncy reserves had multiplied this to a 10 year holding.
Russia has hugely increased it's dollar reserve as well.
Although I DO have an economics qualification, I am NOT qualified to discuss the full ramifications and implications of the foreign currency reserve market.
But it is something to think about..


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2004, 11:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (Intensecure @ May 29 2004, 08:39 AM)
Interestingly, Far Eastern countries and Russia have massively increased reserves of US dollars in recent years.
I read a report that stated that Taiwan and Korea who usually hold about 6 months US dollar currerncy reserves had multiplied this to a 10 year holding.
Russia has hugely increased it's dollar reserve as well.
Although I DO have an economics qualification, I am NOT qualified to discuss the full ramifications and implications of the foreign currency reserve market.
But it is something to think about..

You seem to know about this - is what I said basically correct?


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »

Colonel et al thanks for the responses.

I don't think that it is all in bonds though (this is not a fact, but just a brief paraphrasing of what i have been told)

There are interesting theories about what happened in the 20's. Because if you think about all of the bancrupcy and shit that came out of it, all the money and collateral pulled in, it had to go somewhere. The smaller banks called in the loans and the big ones just ate them up when they called in the loadns for the smaller banks, the chain has to stop somewhere, and that must have been at the top. The Roosevelts and Rockefella families of this world were at the top. If bond owners loan the government, what does the government then have as its end product, its citizens? It all seems like a strange circle, with money flying away at both ends(of a circle, hmmm a poor metaphor methinks). Correct me if i am wrong of course.


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2004, 06:54:00 AM »

blink.gif  ) then i bet in the next 100 years at the most the debt would be gone


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2004, 07:11:00 AM »

ok who the fuck cares, what the us is doing is taking a cat the beating the shit out of it then nursing it back to half health just to kick the shit out of it again. If you ask me i think they should just bomb the shit out of iraq to get it all over with, the end, dirty little problame solved.


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2004, 07:13:00 AM »

pretty much, and thats inhumane in itself


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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2004, 09:29:00 AM »

" Japan has tried conquering eastern asia many times, without success I might add. And it has also been in great trouble with natural resources for a long time, having to import a majority of them. This may also be the reason for its desire to conquer. Having joined Germany in WW2, Japan was fighting on the side that was exterminating the Jews. This was evil. Furthermore, it went on to attack Pearl Harbor, (although it was known that it was going to happen) killing defensless soldiers while they slept. The kamikaze manevuer was also designed by the Japanese. This shows their lack of value for human life. Or, possibly, their value for honor over anything else."


as we today in the usa dedicate our WW2 Memoral may i remind you that is was just not evil.. your country and germany are responsible for the death of 53 Million souls that left this earth becasue of your action to get more resources and kill the jews...

think about it 53 MILLION people... 53 MILLION PEOPLE HELLO 53 MILLION PEOPLE..YOUR Country and Germany Caused the death of... I would show no honor if I was you... there is no honor in that...

but wait it is all about you...

"As you can see, America seems to be the greater of two evils. And, your little good deeds, do not cover up the fact that your are forcing your values onto other people, killing several of them in the process"

all of those things you listed are the result of your lack of knowledge of history..
Michael Moore, i see where you get your information from but hey.. we are the great evil..

think about those 53 Million Souls that your country is responsible for before you open you mouth again my boy... do you honestly think that the usa has killed more than 53 Million People... no, I have lost all respect for you.. after you say that.. it is no longer worth my time to even respond again to such a ignorant mind such as yourself..  i will keep making threads but every time you respond i hope you think of those 53 Million souls that died becasue of your country trying to get more natural resources.. get real



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Another Terrible Act That Americans Did
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2004, 10:01:00 AM »

QUOTE (drunkpug @ May 29 2004, 12:29 PM)

think about those 53 Million Souls that your country is responsible for before you open you mouth again my boy... do you honestly think that the usa has killed more than 53 Million People... no, I have lost all respect for you.. after you say that.. it is no longer worth my time to even respond again to such a ignorant mind such as yourself..  i will keep making threads but every time you respond i hope you think of those 53 Million souls that died becasue of your country trying to get more natural resources.. get real

ok, so you are definatly an idiot
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