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Author Topic: Blame America  (Read 796 times)


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« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2004, 12:13:00 PM »

A history of conquering...sort of. Kicked the Native Americans out of their land and then forced them to live on resevations. In the process eliminating a good population of Native Americans and tribes.

lmfao. last time i checked the "americans" were strait from one of the nations u support. THEY WERE EUROPEANS. they invaded america and later in time they became americans

Forcing their beliefs onto others. Forming the colonies in an attempt for religious freedom only to force others to believe as they do. Native Americans were considered savages that needed to be culturized with the real word of God. Africans same thing. And now Iraqi's?

not americans. christians. although they are american at the same time you cant blame all americans cuz some stupid zealots want to help free someones soul from the devil.


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« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2004, 01:10:00 PM »

vince you are exactly why americans act as they do.. Who are you to tell us what to do.

See the great thing about america is everyone has a opinion but you know what, you dont have to listen too it too.

keep posting making us look dumb...

american slave traders? umm who's countrys financed this and built the ships..france spain... ok

what about the korean Women Drafted for the Military Sexual Slavery by Japan durying ww2. i believe the term for them in japan was  "comfort women"
why dont you tell us a little about that?

lol murder rates in the usa... is that all you can think of.. We are unlike japan a culture that accepts all kinds of people.. also we can own guns... also i can get a license to carry a gun. That is the american way. just as the kamikaze no surrender is part of japans culture.

Forcing their beliefs onto others. rofl... dude u suggest you take a look at the bill of rights and the constution. That happend maby before the 13 colonies were started but you are too dumb to know that the reason we left europe in the first place was to get away from religious persecution..

"The streak of invading countries and leaving a distressed people to set up a democracy after being under a different form of government all their lives."

that is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read... where do you live again..

A country where more of their students can state the name and "joy" feeling of the drugs on the street, than its last ten presidents. (This is according to a friend of mine in the States. And it seems very plausible.)

yea that is true, infact as part of our high school education we have to go thru a class called Health we learn about our body's. Also we have D.A.R.E. drug abuse resistance education.. where the police show us drugs. See that is another difference in cultures.. I have seen jap porn no snatch shots? just another difference of culture that you lack understanding of ours.

so it boils down to the fact that you are unaware of our culture.  You are just as ignorant as me. so settle down there my boy.. if you have all these bad feelings towards us, hey i hear they are recruting in iraq. why dont you go meet some of my buddys now serving in iraq i am sure they would love to show you their guns...


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« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2004, 01:58:00 PM »

Forcing their beliefs onto others. rofl... dude u suggest you take a look at the bill of rights and the constution. That happend maby before the 13 colonies were started but you are too dumb to know that the reason we left europe in the first place was to get away from religious persecution

u forget about the people we sent to africa as missionaries. but still just christians not all america likes to change your thinking. thats just Vince_V and hitler


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« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2004, 02:05:00 PM »


american slave traders? umm who's countrys financed this and built the ships..france spain... ok

So the man resposible for selling the gun is the one we should prosecute in a murder trial? Not the shooter right?


what about the korean Women Drafted for the Military Sexual Slavery by Japan durying ww2. i believe the term for them in japan was "comfort women"
why dont you tell us a little about that?

What a great idea, imo. Haha, just kidding. That's wrong. But you realize that happens all the time in war right? Didn't you ever read up on Vietnam? US soldiers gang raped the vietnamese women there.


lol murder rates in the usa... is that all you can think of.. We are unlike japan a culture that accepts all kinds of people.. also we can own guns... also i can get a license to carry a gun. That is the american way. just as the kamikaze no surrender is part of japans culture.

Accepting all kinds of people is not what makes you different. The people you accept come from other countries, yet those countries (who have the same people that just entered your country), dont have high murder rates. For example, a swedish person shoots someone in USA, doesn't mean a swedish person in Sweden also will shoot someone. Its not the melting pot effect that causes the violence I'm afraid.

The american way is to own guns? Hm....interesting how all the Americans I know do not. It is legally acceptable to own guns. But I dont believe you can call it the American way. Furthermore, many argue the second amendment is out of date and needs to be removed from the constitution in the US. Maybe this will help solve the murder rate, no?

Forcing their beliefs onto others. rofl... dude u suggest you take a look at the bill of rights and the constution. That happend maby before the 13 colonies were started but you are too dumb to know that the reason we left europe in the first place was to get away from religious persecution..

You left Europe for religious said this before?

QUOTE (ViNCe_V @ May 23 2004, 05:47 PM)

  • .... Forming the colonies in an attempt for religious freedom only to force others to believe as they do.....

I am merely stating that even your own President originally claimed the war on terror was a CRUSADE (i.e. a holy war). Therefore, I was correct in stating that you force your religion on others. Furthermore, I realize the President made a mistake in using the word crusade, but I stick by my assumtion. He is a babbling idiot who rarely makes sense when speaking (go read a few of his quotes). Furthermore, I would probably not feel that the US was on a crusade if it had stopped at Afghanistan. Yet it continues to go to every middle-eastern country. After it finishes with one, it seems to be moving on the next. Just dont know how long Iraq will take. Believe me if you want, or dont. This former was mainly conjecture.


that is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read... where do you live again..

Sorry, let me rephrase. America has a history of invading a country, trying to set up a democracy, and leaving it in shambles. Is this clearer?


yea that is true, infact as part of our high school education we have to go thru a class called Health we learn about our body's. Also we have D.A.R.E. drug abuse resistance education.. where the police show us drugs. See that is another difference in cultures.. I have seen jap porn no snatch shots? just another difference of culture that you lack understanding of ours.

Once again, you misunderstand me. I did not mean your students know more about drugs befcause of those programs. THOSE programs teach students about drugs that are not new. They teach them the effects of drugs. Not where to buy them? I was implying that students in America have a great percentage that spend more time getting high than they do studying. This may or may not be true according to a city. Like I said, it is only plausible. Btw, if you do not know what that means, it means it is only possible.

And about the jap no snatch shot. That is part of this culture. But you forget, I lived in America. I am not ignorant to its culture. Therefore, you cannot lecture me that drugs are part of the American culture. Because I never used them, and all my American friends never used them. And yes, I mean NEVER.


so it boils down to the fact that you are unaware of our culture. You are just as ignorant as me. so settle down there my boy.. if you have all these bad feelings towards us, hey i hear they are recruting in iraq. why dont you go meet some of my buddys now serving in iraq i am sure they would love to show you their guns...

Once again...I am not ignorant to the US culture. Secondly, I believe a war in Iraq is wrong. Why would I then go fight in it? Even if it is on the side against the US. Showing me your gun does not impress me. Putting it down is what impresses me.


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« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2004, 02:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (ViNCe_V @ May 23 2004, 12:47 PM)
[/LIST]Its only fair to list the things wrong with Japan


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    « Reply #80 on: May 23, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »

    QUOTE (ViNCe_V @ May 23 2004, 06:05 PM)
    I am merely stating that even your own President originally claimed the war on terror was a CRUSADE (i.e. a holy war). Therefore, I was correct in stating that you force your religion on others.

    n 1: a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort" [syn: campaign, cause, drive, movement, effort]

    hmm appears crusade does not have to have a religious meaning at all  uhh.gif


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    « Reply #81 on: May 23, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »

    QUOTE (Yuyu @ May 23 2004, 11:50 PM)
    hmm appears crusade does not have to have a religious meaning at allĀ  uhh.gif

    Correct. The denotation of Crusade does not have to mean a religious war. However, the connotation does mean a religious war. Therefore, I am correct when I made my statement. It would be like saying, "You motherfucker." In reality, you would not say that to actually mean a person who enjoys having, well you know. The denotation and connotation of a word are very important in diction.


    HAHAHA, it is great that I made it into your signature. It makes me know I had an impact, be it positive or negative.


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    « Reply #82 on: May 23, 2004, 03:14:00 PM »

    QUOTE (ViNCe_V @ May 23 2004, 06:59 PM)

    Correct. The denotation of Crusade does not have to mean a religious war. However, the conoation does mean a religious war. Therefore, I am correct when I made my statement. It would be like saying, "You motherfucker." In reality, you would not say that to actually mean a person who enjoys having, well you know. The denotation and conotation of a word are very important in jargon.

    Hmm not really, the connotation (the correct spelling for you) has nothing to do with religion but implying associations with things along with the literal meaning...

    In other words he probably meant (which it is not for me or you to decide what he meant by the word, since we are not him), they're going to fight for a cause and stick with it until the end... The associations that he is implying has more to do wtih fighting for a just cause and the freeing of people...

    The fact that you use more writing and bigger words, that are less used in common verbal exchanges, to more or less repeat everything and anything you have already said is kind of redundant... Do you not agree?

    I have wasted enough time actually choosing to respond to anything you have to say and from now on will refrain from reading another one of your posts ever...

    /ignore ViNCe_V


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    « Reply #83 on: May 23, 2004, 03:19:00 PM »

    QUOTE (Yuyu @ May 24 2004, 12:14 AM)
    The fact that you use more writing and bigger words, that are less used in common verbal exchanges, to more or less repeat everything and anything you have already said is kind of redundant... Do you not agree?

    I have wasted enough time actually choosing to respond to anything you have to say and from now on will refrain from reading another one of your posts ever...

    /ignore ViNCe_V

    Redudant? No. The reason it is not redudant is because the same, stupid Americans tend to re-ask the dumb questions. Even after I have made my stance and presented my case clearly, they seem to not, understand the situation. Therefore, my answers are only as redudant as the questions.

    As far as the no longer replying to my thread. It does not phase me at all. I do not know you, nor will I ever know you. Your opinion to me, as I guess mine is to you, does not matter. I share my thoughts as freely as you share yours. Have some popcorn, you've worked hard.  pop.gif  rotfl.gif


    I hope I did not use too many big words this time around...  beerchug.gif


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    « Reply #84 on: May 23, 2004, 03:33:00 PM »


    VV... you are more arrogant than even I am!  laugh.gif if that is possible!


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    « Reply #85 on: May 23, 2004, 05:37:00 PM »

    QUOTE (self @ May 23 2004, 03:37 PM)
    Hey, here's a revolutionary idea: No country can ever be better than another.

    No, but one government can murder less citizens than another.


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    « Reply #86 on: May 23, 2004, 06:23:00 PM »

    No, but one government can murder less citizens than another.

    a post i can agree with 100%.

    u can compare the US's murder rate with others and ours could be high. look at another government and look at how many civilians are killed and the us isnt so bad. u can fight an attacker u cant fight a government as easily


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    « Reply #87 on: May 23, 2004, 07:01:00 PM »

    QUOTE (HeLiuM @ May 23 2004, 10:39 PM)
    Well if we're counting Iraqi deaths, the US is pretty high up there..

    Out of every country ever involved in war with Iraq, the US has killed the least, Iranian soldiers and Saddam both killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, intentionally.  The US makes every effort not to harm civilians.  You're a victim of media spin.


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    « Reply #88 on: May 23, 2004, 07:11:00 PM »

    vince is the victem of a lack of understanding of history and you got it media spin..
    he is blind due to his anger for the killing of thousands upon thousands of his people by our country because they decided to sneak attack the usa when we were at war with europe.. His side lost and lost bad... I for one being from the usa dont know this feeling.. I would imagine if i ever ran into someone ie: islam nut i would pump my anger out to them with blind rage that is ok.. you my boy are young and innocent.. You mostly likely know nothing about foreign policy and like the previous post said you are a victem of spin.. do i care no there are alot more people who hate me and my country alot more than you do.. will i read this thread again no.. infact it was my first one posted in the forum and look at the response i got.. you fell right into it.. flame bait you are yes.. do i care no.. will i read this again no... enjoy you life tojo kuz i will enjoy mine...


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    « Reply #89 on: May 23, 2004, 07:13:00 PM »

    Sigh...don't ever try to help me again.
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