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Author Topic: Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?  (Read 529 times)


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2004, 01:07:00 AM »

WHy didnt he fight? did u ever think of what was on the other side of the camera?

Being shot sounds like alot better way to go than getting my head sawed off.

After doing some more thinking, and pondering a few of my last questions, one really stood out. Was Nick all ready dead when they took his head off?

While talking to a friend about this very thing, he brought up another question I asked about how easy it was for them to cut thru the spinal cord. As he pointed out to me when you shoot a dear, one thing you do along the way is behead the deer. It dose take alot of force and a very sharp knife to do this as you have to cut thru the spinal cord.

Also, I remembered some thing from good old high school (LOL never thought I’d say that). Mary Queen of Scot's was beheaded in 1587, and the one thing I remember about that account is how it took the heads man three whacks with a very sharp and heavy axe to take her head off. Now if it took this dude three attempts to take a head off with a swinging axe, no way could a guy do it with a knife.

This is also why the French used the guillotine in the way they did. The blade was very large and very heavy. And when dropped gravity compacted the weight and force of the blade when it cut the poor suckers head off.

So any way, it really makes since (at least to me) that Nick was already dead and his head was mostly severed when they did the dirty deed for the cam. Just my opinion, on this whole thing.


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2004, 02:28:00 AM »

Remeber back when 9/11 happened they showed video of a women getting shot to death simply cause she comited adultry . This is the kinda people u are dealing with. " muslim extremeist"

Please just balance that, often justified, view with the fact that the US govt is predominantly run by right wing christian extremists.

And there are people in the US who would rather shoot abortion doctors than advocate sensible birth control.

There is extremism everywhere, regrettably.


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2004, 02:45:00 AM »

QUOTE (rms2001 @ May 15 2004, 05:07 AM)
After doing some more thinking, and pondering a few of my last questions, one really stood out. Was Nick all ready dead when they took his head off?

While talking to a friend about this very thing, he brought up another question I asked about how easy it was for them to cut thru the spinal cord. As he pointed out to me when you shoot a dear, one thing you do along the way is behead the deer. It dose take alot of force and a very sharp knife to do this as you have to cut thru the spinal cord.

Also, I remembered some thing from good old high school (LOL never thought I’d say that). Mary Queen of Scot's was beheaded in 1587, and the one thing I remember about that account is how it took the heads man three whacks with a very sharp and heavy axe to take her head off. Now if it took this dude three attempts to take a head off with a swinging axe, no way could a guy do it with a knife.

This is also why the French used the guillotine in the way they did. The blade was very large and very heavy. And when dropped gravity compacted the weight and force of the blade when it cut the poor suckers head off.

So any way, it really makes since (at least to me) that Nick was already dead and his head was mostly severed when they did the dirty deed for the cam. Just my opinion, on this whole thing.


did you not read what I wrote back here

as far as the arguement about getting the head to come off so easily...
it obviously wasn't easy.. there is a skip right at 13:46:33 and it jumps right to 13:47:46, the guy with the knife was obviously having trouble cutting through the spinal cord... and who knows what they used in that more then one minute span to sever the spinal cord...

This time break makes your arguement about the ease of cutting off the head, very weak.   There's over a one minute time span that is missing and they could have used an axe and whack 3 to 20 times in a 1 minute span to finish the head cutting off...


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2004, 02:54:00 AM »


They may not say this to u in person. If u read there "bible" it even says its ok to kill christians

Please prove that from the Quran (if you didn't even know it's called that you've got to prove your statement, because I find it very doubtful).


after seeing the video, I cryied, and said fuc* those fuc*ing iraqi assholes!!!

You see, by all means this was, no matter USA didn't do it, very good for the american government.


the prisoners. they are in prison for a reason. there rights should be revoked until this war is over. (red necks point of view) stick them in a cell. leave themn alone.

USA released prisoners a few days ago(I even think it was 90% of the prisoners) because they never really had anything to charge them on.

We should not forget that Bush faked some paper pre-war to make it look like a specific country in Africa(can't remember now, too long ago) provided Iraq with WMD's, but it turned out to be faked by Bush. So USA had every possible reason to do this, don't be naive. I still don't know what to think though.


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2004, 03:01:00 AM »

QUOTE (gronne @ May 15 2004, 06:54 AM)
We should not forget that Bush faked some paper pre-war to make it look like a specific country in Africa(can't remember now, too long ago) provided Iraq with WMD's, but it turned out to be faked by Bush. So USA had every possible reason to do this, don't be naive. I still don't know what to think though.

This was never proven to be faked by Bush... so shut up about it until you can prove that it was 'faked by Bush'.  Sure it may have been, but it was never proved, if it had been proved to be faked by Bush, they'd be having and impeachment trial now... get your facts strait before you go yacking off at the mouth... I'm certainly not saying that noone 'faked' the documents, but it was never proven to be 'faked by Bush'.


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2004, 03:03:00 AM »

This is slightly off topic but is in reply to nagmine last comment. I dont think the problem is so much what the religion teaches, as all religious texts were written such a long time ago meanings and interpretations change over many years, coupled with the fact that many texts have crossed language barriers I think its difficult to say one way or the other with alot of texts. Essentially its open to interpretation. From my knowledge of islam there isnt much in the way of regulation as to who may start preaching and interpreting texts in anyway they see fit, in contrast to something like catholicism which interpretation comes direct from the pope and is passed down to priests who inturn pass that information onto followers. I personally dont agree with the idea that someone cannot interpret things themselves but i think this shows an interesting contrast of how religion can be used as a motive for anything. When any person can stand up to the uneducated masses (i think this is the case for the most of the world, not just the middle east) and preach their own adgenda masqueraded as religion it is plain wrong.
When will god come back down and re-iterate 'THOU SHALL NOT KILL'



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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2004, 03:03:00 AM »

QUOTE (BloodyMary @ May 15 2004, 04:45 AM)

did you not read what I wrote back here

This time break makes your arguement about the ease of cutting off the head, very weak.   There's over a one minute time span that is missing and they could have used an axe and whack 3 to 20 times in a 1 minute span to finish the head cutting off...

Ahh, I dont know how I missed your post, but I some how did...


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2004, 03:11:00 AM »

QUOTE (clogicgmather @ May 15 2004, 07:03 AM)
This is slightly off topic but is in reply to nagmine last comment. I dont think the problem is so much what the religion teaches, as all religious texts were written such a long time ago meanings and interpretations change over many years, coupled with the fact that many texts have crossed language barriers I think its difficult to say one way or the other with alot of texts. Essentially its open to interpretation. From my knowledge of islam there isnt much in the way of regulation as to who may start preaching and interpreting texts in anyway they see fit, in contrast to something like catholicism which interpretation comes direct from the pope and is passed down to priests who inturn pass that information onto followers. I personally dont agree with the idea that someone cannot interpret things themselves but i think this shows an interesting contrast of how religion can be used as a motive for anything. When any person can stand up to the uneducated masses (i think this is the case for the most of the world, not just the middle east) and preach their own adgenda masqueraded as religion it is plain wrong.
When will god come back down and re-iterate 'THOU SHALL NOT KILL'


Though your post may be slightly off topic, it's one of the best that I've seen in here so far... I agree with perhaps even all of it... but for sure.. the last line




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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2004, 09:07:00 AM »

And ask people to equate themselves with the dirty iraqis?
I'm beginning to think people never will.  Why their lives are worth more simply because they are American or British, who knows.  Fear leads them to support an unjust war,  the sacrifice of others so they can go to sleep at night.  Defense is one thing, but pre-emptive invasion, ignoring the wishes of the world and going against all these countries are supposed to stand for?  How can you call this freedom?


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2004, 12:06:00 PM »

And please don't label all muslims as extremists

i was not talking about muslims .... i was talking a MUSLIM EXTREMISTS

I wasnt labeling people im talking about the group of extremeist not just muslims.

Heres a qoute from the Quran

Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »

user posted image


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2004, 02:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ May 15 2004, 11:20 PM)
user posted image

IS there some relevance to that or just a statement that the thread has gotten off topic  uhh.gif


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2004, 02:49:00 PM »



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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ May 15 2004, 11:49 PM)
Sorry I thought this thread was about the video not random dick flexing wink.gif

LOL  laugh.gif

That made me crack up


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Was Nick Berg's Excecution Staged?
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2004, 03:22:00 PM »

Well, I personaly have seen images...and it's not nice, imagine the horrible pain he went through in his last few seconds? Who deserves to have their head cut off ?

I dont think it was staged mind...
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