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Author Topic: Intresting Political Quote  (Read 159 times)

Wong Hung Lo

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Intresting Political Quote
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2004, 02:59:00 AM »

Here's a interesting editorial.

Up Against Fanaticism By Phil Lucas, Executive Editor, Panama City New Herald

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Sunday, April 4, 2004
Up against fanaticism
By Phil Lucas
Executive Editor

If straight talk of savagery offends you, if you believe in ethnic and gender diversity but not diversity of thought or if you think there is an acceptable gray area between good and evil, then turn to the funny pages, and take the children, too.

This piece is not for you.

We published pictures Thursday of burnt American corpses hanging from an Iraqi bridge behind a mob of grinning Muslims.
Some readers didn’t like it.

Mothers said it frightened their children. A woman who works with Muslim physicians thought it might offend or endanger them.

Well, we sure don’t want to frighten, offend or endanger anybody, do we? That’s just too much diversity to handle. I mean, somebody might get hurt.

We could fill the newspaper every morning with mobs of fanatical Muslims. They can’t get along with their neighbors on much of the planet: France, Chechnya, Bosnia, Indonesia, Spain, Morocco, India, Tunisia, Somalia, etc. etc. etc. Can anybody name three ongoing world conflicts in which Muslims are not involved? Today, where there is war, there are fanatical Muslims. We might quibble about who started what conflicts, but look at the sheer number of them.

One thing is sure. Muslim killers started the one we are in now when they slaughtered more than 3,000 people, including fellow Muslims, in New York City.

Madeline Albright, the former secretary of state and feckless appeaser who helped get us into this mess, said last week Muslims still resented the Crusades. Well, Madame Albright, if Westerners were not such a forgiving people, we might resent them too.

Let’s recap the Crusades. Muslims invaded Europe and when they reached sufficient numbers they imposed their intolerant religion upon Westerners by force. Christian monarchs drove them back and took the battle to their homeland. The fight lasted a couple of centuries, and we bottled them up for 1,000 years.

Now, a millennium later, Muslims have expanded forth again. Ask France. Ask England. Ask Manhattan. Two-and-a-half years ago fanatical Muslims laid siege to us. We woke up to the obvious. Our president announced it would be a very long war, then took the battle to the Islamic homeland. Sound familiar?

Let’s consider the concept of a “long war.” Last time it was 200 years, give or take.

Anybody catch Lord of the Rings? You know, the good part, the part that wasn’t fiction, the part that drew us to the books and movies because it was the truest part: the titanic struggle between good and evil, between freedom and enslavement, between the individual and the state, between the celebration of life and the worshipping of death.

That’s the fight we are in, and it never ends. It just has peaks and valleys.

There may be a silent majority of peaceful Muslims – some live here – but that did not save 3,000 people in the World Trade Centers, the millions gassed and butchered in the Middle East, the tens of thousands slain in Eastern Europe and Asia, the hundreds blown to bits in the West Bank and Spain, or the four Americans shot, burned and hung like sausage over the Euphrates as a fanatical minority of Muslims did the joyful dance of death.

Maybe we are so tolerant, we are so bent on “diversity,” we are so nonjudgmental, we are so wrapped up in our six-packs and ballgames that our brains have drained to our bulbous behinds. Maybe we’re so addled on Ritalin we wouldn’t know which end of a gun to hold. Maybe we need a new drug advertised on TV every three minutes, one that would help us grow a backbone.

It doesn’t take a Darwin to figure out that in this world the smartest, the fastest, the strongest, and the most committed always win. No exceptions.

Look at your spouse and children. Look at yourself in the mirror. Then look at the pictures from the paper last Thursday. You better look at them. Those are the people out to kill you.

Who do you think will win? You? Or them? Think you can take your ball and go home and they will leave you alone? Read a little history. Start with last week, last month, last year, and every other year back for half a century. Then go back a thousand years. Nobody hides from this fight.

Like it or not, that’s the way it was and that’s the way it is.

But many Americans don’t get it.

That’s why we published those pictures.

If they jarred you off the sofa, if they offended you, if they scared your children and sent you into a rage at mass murderers or heartless editors, then I say, it’s a start.


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« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2004, 03:17:00 AM »

You are a racist pig.

Llord of the rings! Tolkien wrote that book during and just after WW2 where he served as a soldier on the front line. There is another thread for that comparison.

I have many muslim friends and I live in a very ethically diverse city.
I presume it is the Ottoman empire that invaded europe. No force was used to convert people to Islam. Financial benefits were offered to those who converted.

Lets go back further in time to the Roman empire. A lot of europe was pagan and were forced to changed religion.

In the present day America and the UK are trying the same thing. Forcing there beliefs and political systems onto objecting countries.

Pictures of dead people are horrific but America has torn up the Geneva convention in the last few years. What is worse? We are an invading force!
Of course Iraqi's are going to be happy Americans are dead, read some of the other threads and you may realise why they are entitled to be.

Just like Americans were celebrating when Saddams sons were killed. Double Standards?

I say again you are a racist and a bigot.
With a deep paranoia about the muslim religion as a whole. What makes your religion so perfect? If your Jewish or Christian there is blood on your hands.


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« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2004, 03:45:00 AM »

If your Jewish or Christian there is blood on your hands

Whew....what a blanket statement.  Every Jewish person or Christian is now an evil killer?  And you called the other poster a racist and a bigot?


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« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2004, 04:55:00 AM »

One thing is sure. Muslim killers started the one we are in now when they slaughtered more than 3,000 people, including fellow Muslims, in New York City.

Yet again confusion between Alqieda and Saddam. I didnt realise it was 18 Iraqi's on the planes.

400 of the 3000 were British. I was upset and remember that day vividly just like many others. But I will not accuse anyone who belives in Allah of bieng a terrorist. That is wrong.

Wong Hung Lo

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« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2004, 05:04:00 AM »

QUOTE (melon @ May 13 2004, 06:17 AM)
You are a racist pig.

I say again you are a racist and a bigot.

Sorry melon. The race card has no shock value anymore since Jesse Jackson wore it out by overusing it. Kinda like the boy who cried wolf.  laugh.gif

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Oh by the way. I'm not a racist or a bigot. How could I be a racist or bigot since I married a woman outside of my race?  As for being a pig. I guess I am one since my wife tells me that I'm a pig when I mess up the house.  laugh.gif



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« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2004, 05:19:00 AM »

It was meant to be retorical. Every jew or christian hasnt got blood on his or her hands just like all muslims dont want to detroy the west.

Gotcha, just wanted to make sure.  Sounded like you were going a little too far left there... biggrin.gif


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« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2004, 05:49:00 AM »



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« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2004, 08:27:00 AM »

no reply wong pong po?

you could defend yourself. tell me why your not a racist!

Just because you married someone of a different ethnicity doesnt mean your not a racist.

(not comparing you to him..)
Hitler liked Germans but hated Jews.
Im sure the KKK like Italians (good catholics), but they are still racist.

As are you. Just so your not alone Bloody Mary has been sounding quite racist, and once  you show a blanket hatred for muslims the war becomes unjustifiable as you dont care about the liberation of the people.


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« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2004, 09:18:00 AM »

QUOTE (melon @ May 14 2004, 12:27 PM)
As are you. Just so your not alone Bloody Mary has been sounding quite racist, and once  you show a blanket hatred for muslims the war becomes unjustifiable as you dont care about the liberation of the people.

I never said that I wasn't racist.  Then again, I never said that I was... either way... I don't know how you derive that, and I don't much care... I see people as people till they start looking not like people... If I am a racist, it's that I'm against people that don't see people as people when they look like people... I just a person and your just a person... It's not about race, it's about words and actions together (not just one or the other)... Thanks for passing judgement on me so quickly, by the way... I much appreciate your single minded view point...


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« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2004, 10:51:00 AM »

Fuck the middle east
There's too many problems
They just get in the way
We sure could live without them
They hijack our planes
They raise our oil prices
We'll kill them all and have a ball
And end their fuckin' crisis
BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done
LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can
SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks
Nearly 20 years old and the song is just as true today
as it was 20 years ago... how ironic.

I just felt this was quite racist.
You cant really argue that it isnt.


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« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2004, 11:15:00 AM »

QUOTE (HeLiuM @ May 14 2004, 02:56 PM)
QUOTE (BloodyMary)
I never said that I wasn't racist. Then again, I never said that I was... either way... I don't know how you derive that, and I don't much care... I see people as people till they start looking not like people... If I am a racist, it's that I'm against people that don't see people as people when they look like people... I just a person and your just a person... It's not about race, it's about words and actions together (not just one or the other)... Thanks for passing judgement on me so quickly, by the way... I much appreciate your single minded view point...

nothing personal, but you haven't had the most open mind here either...
look at the berg thread, you have your share of "america is right and thats final" posts.

only point is, everyone could use a wider viewpoint here.

Actually I haven't said that at all... reread my post throughout that thread... You obviously are mistaken mine with the other guy in there, that is stating what you said...


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« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2004, 11:19:00 AM »

QUOTE (melon @ May 14 2004, 02:51 PM)

I just felt this was quite racist.
You cant really argue that it isnt.

Ok, hello, I was quoting the lyrics to a song... and it's not like I listen to that song and go 'yeah yeah, kill them, yeah...' a duh a duh... it's actually that I can listen to it and not think seriously about the situation over there for a moment and get a few laughs out of the song... you on the other hand are obviously targetting me... have fun in your one track mind...


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« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2004, 11:32:00 AM »

sorry if you think im targeting you, im not. and im not comparing you with wing dung do. I just thought when you said

"Nearly 20 years old and the song is just as true today
as it was 20 years ago... how ironic."

it was a bit wrong


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« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2004, 12:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (HeLiuM @ May 15 2004, 02:11 PM)
If i were to quote a kkk rally and then say "just as true today as it was 20 years ago", people are going to call me racist, and rightfully so.  Whether I am or not, i've given them reason to suspect me.  You have given the claim justification, you can't say someone has a one track mind for taking the obvious inferrence.

You as well have a one track mind.. it is.. get Bloody Mary... that's ok.. I see your game.. fine by me.. play you game.. enjoy... makes no matter to me..


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« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2004, 03:28:00 PM »

QUOTE (BloodyMary @ May 15 2004, 09:01 PM)
You as well have a one track mind.. it is.. get Bloody Mary... that's ok.. I see your game.. fine by me.. play you game.. enjoy... makes no matter to me..

are you paranoid or are you joking  uhh.gif
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