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Author Topic: Big Bang = False?  (Read 460 times)


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Big Bang = False?
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2004, 09:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (CHRONOSTORM @ May 4 2004, 07:48 PM)
the bible isnt infalable. it mentions that the earth is both flat and round. that it is the center of the universe. that donkeys talk. u cant base truth on a book

I guess you didn't sense my sarcasm.

Chuddy you may enjoy this informative website I found using Google.


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« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »

jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif

well u see sarcastic posts and insane zealots seem to sound the same.

jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif



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« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2004, 03:31:00 PM »

QUOTE (falser @ May 7 2004, 06:27 PM)
I guess you didn't sense my sarcasm.

Chuddy you may enjoy this informative website I found using Google.

And falser, you can make ANY book look bad if you take it out of context.  I read through that site and couldn't believe how they misconstrued what the Lord meant into something twisted and dirty.


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« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2004, 09:18:00 PM »

QUOTE (chuddy117 @ May 8 2004, 12:28 AM)
Wow, finally someone on the scene here who hasn't fallen into the indoctrination put out by our education system.  You know Hitler once said, "If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough....people will believe it."  Unfortunately, that guy was an absolute genius, just misguided.  Here's some more quotes said by Hitler:

"People are more likely to believe a big lie then a small one."

And my personal favorite:

"Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state."

He realized that to gain ground in Germany, he would have to indoctrinate the youth.  After all, they were the future.  If he could get them on his side....who's going to stop him?

Don't you think the whole "indoctrination" thing goes both ways?

Most children are taught religion before history


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« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2004, 07:00:00 AM »

QUOTE (Colonel32 @ May 8 2004, 06:18 AM)
Don't you think the whole "indoctrination" thing goes both ways?

Most children are taught religion before history

Hey, we are all free to believe what we want.  If you want to believe in the Big Bang, seriously, its fine with me.  HOWEVER, when Evolution is taught in our schools using MY tax money and portrayed as being fact, now thats another story.  What happens when people are only told ONE side of the story?  Obviously they are going to believe what they are told, which is what has happened with a lot of you.  I understand both theories, and I simply choose to believe in Creation.  I think, to be fair, BOTH theories should be included in the textbooks.  Tell the students about Evolution and Creation, let them decide what to believe on their own.  I'm not saying tell them to believe in God.  I'm saying tell them the other side, the other theory regarding how this earth came to be.  Both theories cannot be proven 100%, so why not let the students decide?  After all, thats what education is supposed to be.


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« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2004, 01:54:00 PM »

Aren't churches where religion is supposed to be taught?  There are laws that prevent religion from being forced upon the people for a reason you know.  Modern science didn't really get going until the church was stripped of it's authority to punish those that proved religion wrong.  There's no way to teach creationism without mentioning God - it's the whole point of creationism.  If you did, then you'd get sucked into a whole whirlwind about which God do you teach about.  Surely Christian parent's wouldn't appreciate their children learning about Allah and Ra and Zeus on the same level as the Christian God.


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« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2004, 06:47:00 PM »

Actually, there is no law against teaching Creationism in the public schools.  There aren't even any laws preventing teachers from teaching out of the Bible.  Look it up if you dont believe me!  The reason teachers dont is fear of the ACLU, or losing their jobs.  The Bible is one of the greatest books ever written, whether or not you believe it or not.  There's no law AGAINST teaching out of it.  Now, there ARE laws against preaching to kids.  Those are two totally seperate issues.


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« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (chuddy117 @ May 8 2004, 04:00 PM)
Hey, we are all free to believe what we want.  If you want to believe in the Big Bang, seriously, its fine with me.  HOWEVER, when Evolution is taught in our schools using MY tax money and portrayed as being fact, now thats another story.  What happens when people are only told ONE side of the story?  Obviously they are going to believe what they are told, which is what has happened with a lot of you.  I understand both theories, and I simply choose to believe in Creation.  I think, to be fair, BOTH theories should be included in the textbooks.  Tell the students about Evolution and Creation, let them decide what to believe on their own.  I'm not saying tell them to believe in God.  I'm saying tell them the other side, the other theory regarding how this earth came to be.  Both theories cannot be proven 100%, so why not let the students decide?  After all, thats what education is supposed to be.

there's a thing called freedom of religion.  If you want your children to learn out of the bible, send them to a private school (that's what they're there for).  Afterall, why should christianity be taught above any other religion in public schools


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« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2004, 07:12:00 AM »

So if we are all after truth, why is everyone AGAINST getting lies out of the textbooks?  I would think that would be a priority for EVERYONE so our kids aren't brainwashed with blatant lies.  It's ok to offer it as a POSSIBLE THEORY, but when the textbooks are FULL of evolution touting it as the only way this world came to be.....then we have a problem.  And I think EVERYONE can agree on that.


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« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2004, 01:17:00 PM »

not a public teacher on earth will teach evolution or the big bang as anything other than a theory not with out political problems in the school. there so touchy about the subject that they state before during and after that its a theory. and all of my old teachers believed in god.

remove blatant lies. id reccomend ud remove the references to the world being flat.
remove the fact that it says unicorns exsist
remove the info that the earth is the center of the universe
remove the idea that animals talked.


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« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2004, 05:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (chuddy117 @ May 9 2004, 04:12 PM)
So if we are all after truth, why is everyone AGAINST getting lies out of the textbooks?  I would think that would be a priority for EVERYONE so our kids aren't brainwashed with blatant lies.  It's ok to offer it as a POSSIBLE THEORY, but when the textbooks are FULL of evolution touting it as the only way this world came to be.....then we have a problem.  And I think EVERYONE can agree on that.

evolution has support! noone says it's the only possible way things happened, it's a THEORY.  But it's the one most supported by science.  Should we put unicorns in biology books, and teach the earth may be the center of the universe? Science is what is taught in public school, not religion.  If you can't accept that, send your children to private school.  Why? because science is the future.  What would the world be like if everything was accepted because the bible said so?

edit: er..


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« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2004, 06:04:00 PM »

and teach the earth may be the center of the world?



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« Reply #72 on: May 10, 2004, 04:11:00 AM »

In order to teach creationism you would first have to teach evolution anyway.  Then you would have to tell the class that everything you just learned about evolution is incorrect because the bible says so.  That's the way creationism works - it's merely a bunch of ideas for why various aspects of evolution *might* not be correct - with no foundation of science.

Heh, for fun here's a quick quiz for Creationism course:

Q: How did the universe begin?
A: The bible says God created the heavens.

Q: What is the age of the earth?
A: The bible says 6000 years.

Q: How did life start on earth?
A: The bible says God created Adam and Eve.

Q: Why are there similarities between all species of animals?
A: Because God made them that way.

This stuff all sounds a lot like bible studies to me.  I think it would be a big step backward for society to teach children's sunday school information to high school students.


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« Reply #73 on: May 10, 2004, 06:08:00 AM »

if i wanted to i could put any answer as its gods fault.

what causes mitosis to begin and whats its purpose?
god did it. he works in misterius ways. ask him.<<could be a perfect answer for everyone that goes to overly priced school

i have never ever ever seen a question in school that says

How was the universe created? Explain?

that is like impossible to answer as some peole only have ideas. zealots believe it was god or ala or u can continue the list.

i have seen

what is the big bang?

that in no way conflicts with anyones religion.

u know in high school we only barely went over the big bang. it was to complicated for the kids. in a biology honors class it was to complicated. i explained it but i had to thank the science channel for that.


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« Reply #74 on: May 10, 2004, 10:40:00 AM »

I just wonder how some of you christians can say that WE, the secularized, are indoctrinated??? Most christian I know don't talk about anything but christianity in front of their children. Had I been one of these kids I most probably would've been christian myself, but my parents never spoke about religions when I was young, so I had to find out myself. My grandpa and grandma on mom's side were christian, but she broke up with that for some reason.

I can admit though that I'm being indoctrinated, everybody is, all the time, by everything. That's why there are so many religions, our parents indoctrinate the religions in us, and how can the persons the whole world evolves around(your family) be wrong? They can't lie to me!?! On the other hand I know that I as a secularized am not a threat to anybody(unless somebody wants to beat me for some reason) like religious people are. Christians are obviously a direct threat to muslims, and muslims are a direct threat to christians. All in all, religions creates strong bounds in nations, which makes it more clear why you should nuke the other one(USA Vs. Iraq, christianity Vs. Islam), which eventually will lead to a new WW.

There are positive things with religions though. If you weren't indoctrinated as a child to be christian and becomes a christian later, there's a great chance something you've been part of a very tough situation e.g. your wife, or mom died in a tragic accident. When it occured you didn't know what do do, you were literally crushed, and probably saw little meaning in life. So here comes the saviour in, "God", and you accept his arms with every reason to do so. You will see that this guy saved your life to have a purpose again. The body cannot live without the mind (as they say in the ironically christian film The matrix), so this guy's been saved by a "God". That's a positive thing.

We all choose to create our own reality. Look at your own school, it's divided in many parts. (Generalization ahead)You are in the economic class, and some are in the industry class, and some in the esthetic class. Can you honestly say that you like the esthetics? They dress provocative(pink, green, purple and black dresses all in one), look funny and seem dumb. Or, you're esthetic and think the economics are stupid that does everything to look and act like eachother, and don't dare to think for themselves. I take the economics course(big mistake, should've taken the media course), and dress like economics, but have a mentality as the esthetics, because I've chosen my OWN reality. I don't even like that we choose our own realities, sometimes it leads to religions and similar, but our mind unfortunately can't comprehend to be open-minded in all aspects.
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