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Author Topic: Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea  (Read 406 times)


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2003, 08:54:00 PM »


But all in all, US is the best place to be at this point in History, so I am proud to be American, and have never thought about changing "Allegiance"  beerchug.gif

Large Dopant white

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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2003, 09:16:00 PM »

QUOTE (Hoppy @ Sep 16 2003, 05:18 AM)
QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 15 2003, 08:57 PM)
Already I hear people saying all religions should be banned and a start to a new world order with no religion after the 9/11 attacks.

Funny you bring that up.  You probably already know this Filabusta, but for those of out there that don't, the book of Revelations in the bible talks about how the world will be brought to a new world order, with one currency, one government, pretty much one everything.

Actually, it doesn't say most of that outright (hints at the government and the branding, but doesn't outright say it). Most of that was ranted off by some Evangelists (sp) that people took to heart, which was then made into a series of books ("Left Behind", I believe). Now, tell me, do you read the Bible (like I do... and I'm not even of a religion), or do you let others read it for you?
Again, you all focus on the wrong issue- you're all believing this to be of race or religion, but as I said before, it's really about a bunch of sickos that use said touchy issues as a battle cry... no more than an excuse, really. As quoted from 00XeRo:
Americans DO tend to jump to conclusions...a LOT, as demonstrated in this thread


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2003, 09:55:00 PM »

just wanted to add that the daniel pearl story is very old. it was in the news long ago.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2003, 10:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 16 2003, 04:51 AM)
QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 15 2003, 07:27 PM)
QUOTE (Intelligoth @ Sep 16 2003, 04:01 AM)
QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 05:11 PM)
grr.gif Dont even get me F***N started. I swear to god F***N dick heads. Go live in Palestine for a month f***er then tell me what you think after.  Some more pieces of $hit people, believing everything they hear on t.v. grr.gif  F**K You! Blowing themselves up? Is that they way you put it f**ker, just because u live in U.S. you dont know how the F**k things are in F***N other countries. Let me ask you a question. If lets say hitler, came storming into ur neighborhoods, with tanks and missles, and if you set helpless, you would die by *Hitlers* missles. You have no weapons, no guns, no tanks, all you have are rocks and other things. Your family got shot and killed while you were out playing soccer. Next day your friend gets shot and killed. What the F**K are you gonna do. Just wait for them to kill you? F***N just think before you open ur F***N mouth up!! grr.gif

I am mexican and though I travel to USA frequently, I consider myslef Mexican. I not only see TV images from USA, but from mexico and also the internet which would be the entire world. I never have seen any jew from israel commit a sucide bomb attack to blow up in a crowded place with all innocent people. It is obvious palestenians randombly and purposely kill innocent jews simply for being from israel. Israels on the other hand only targets terrorists. While innocent poeple are sometimes killed, it would be the fault of the terrorists for initiating the attack. What do they expect? Do they expect Israel to bend over and take it without retaliation?

I think the people getting the wrong TV images are the palestenians who have a dictator who tells the TV channels what to show. I can still remember the day the terrorists crashed into the WTC buildings and the palestenians were dancing, celebrating, pasing out candy as they saw that on TV.

Who should I believe, Mexico, USA, other channels from the world, or the channels from the middle east with dictators running the country?

Even in Iraq right now the islam religious leaders are calling for muslims to kill the "invader" which they mean USA, and all USA was doing is removing sadamm and hepling the iraqy people. Those muslim religious leaders are making islam look bad also.

What about the cameras from saudi arabia, and other muslim countries embedded with saddams soldiers a few months ago? If that doesn't show a bais against non-muslims, I dont know what does.

Also, the way you talk with so much anger and cussing like it's running out of style makes you look like a very violent person and doesn't help your case at all.

You say youre from Mexico, so dont talk about other countries wink.gif . Hey Dick head, the reason why Israeli people dont have to wear bombs, cause all of their ammo, tanks, guns... Are all from U.S. , were Palestinians dont have any weapons  wink.gif  AND WTC WASNT ISLAM, IT WAS PEOPLE. Islam doesnt teach fighting, or anyother of the $hit that you blaim on Islam. It is radicals, and you have them in all religions. Hey and dont speak cause it was the Isreali's who came into Palestine and tried to kick them out in 1948. And if someone came to ur house and kicked u out, are you just gonna leave all that you've worked for your entire life and just leave? wink.gif  I didnt think so. This thread is just gonna blow alot of steam, and I request that it be locked. Have a nice night dry.gif

You guys have many radicals then because it is very angering that every single day terrorism occurs in the middle east. And just because israel has weapons from USA is not a good reason for palestenians or other muslim nations to hate USA! Should USA, Britain, Mexico, columbia, australia, or argentina, lets just say all countries who have dealt with mobsters hate Russia because the mobsters had AK47's? Should we all hate russia and terrorise it because terrorists have AK47's?

If you know any history, you should know that USA saved afghanistan and several other muslim nations in the past from evil dictators such as when USSR invaded afghanistan. USA supplied weapons to afghanistan, are you angry that afghanistan for having USA weapons to protect them from the USSR?

Did you know USA gives 2 billion dollars a year to egypt, a known muslim country, and several other muslim countries?

Why not mention that? Is USA racist still? Do racist people give money to the race they hate so to help them?

USA helps israel protect themselves from terrorism by giving them several weapons, but most of israel has and makes their own weapons. But then again USA helps many nations like I said. Even pakistan has received many USA weapons and only refused to sell them 2 F-16's after pakistan detonated Nuclear weapons.

I guess they don't show that on your TV because even though billions of dollars are given by USA to those muslim nations, USA is still hated simply because USA is also helping israel as if only muslims should receive the help.

Frankly, I am opposed to giving those nations money who then turn around and buy weapons from russia to use against us. I regret that USA helped afghanistan during the invasion of the USSR.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2003, 10:04:00 PM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 16 2003, 05:28 AM)
OMFG, Ok then if you wanna put it that way, all Catholicism is, is priests who rape kids  wink.gif  , Now you will defend that if you are what you are. Exactly the same comments you are making. ISLAM DOESNT TEACH OR INFLUENCE ANY OF THIS. There will always Be radicals in every religion!

Muslims rape kids also, but at least catholitism teaches that it is wrong were islam teaches that it is ok and that it is ok to have many wives and temporay wives (Prostitution except without paying them).


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2003, 10:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 15 2003, 10:04 PM)
QUOTE (loai @ Sep 16 2003, 05:28 AM)
OMFG, Ok then if you wanna put it that way, all Catholicism is, is priests who rape kids  wink.gif  , Now you will defend that if you are what you are. Exactly the same comments you are making. ISLAM DOESNT TEACH OR INFLUENCE ANY OF THIS. There will always Be radicals in every religion!

Muslims rape kids also, but at least catholitism teaches that it is wrong were islam teaches that it is ok and that it is ok to have many wives and temporay wives (Prostitution except without paying them).

Ouch! biggrin.gif


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2003, 10:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (AnThRaX @ Sep 15 2003, 07:08 PM)

2 years in iran can you explain more I don't like watching propaganda on cnn all day.

Sure.  What is it you'd like to know?  Anything specific?

I lived in Iran from late 1976 to August 1978.  Funny enough my family and I got the fuck out when they Ayatollah returned and started up a religious revolution.  And before the Islamics say "it's only a few people that give Islam a bad name..."  BULLSHIT.  There were a fuckload of Iranians ready to depose the Shah and accept Khomeni's radical fundamentalist government.  In case you're wondering what we were doing there in the first place, my Father was an engineer who worked for a company that was contracted to build power plants for the Iranian Government.

The way I saw it, the region was fairly stable during the years the Shah was in power in Iran.  It was only after the Muslim extremists took over that the country went for shit.  Oh hey, the same thing happened in Afghanistan too.  So, what part of a "Muslim State" is a good idea?

Oh and here's the kicker.  The power plants that my Father and other "Western Infidels" were building (which would have benefitted the Iranians) were rendered non functional and damaged quite badly by protesters.  I applaud Islam for fostering  such a progressive, forward thinking culture.

So if the Islamics want to call me 'racist' because of what I've experienced, go right ahead.  I'm not a big proponent of the US military as a tool in foreign policy, but if it helps rid the world of one less group of Islamic Fundamentalist then, yes, by all means Mr. Bush.  Drop that fucker.  Twice.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2003, 11:06:00 PM »

after seeing that video, you know what makes me want to really vomit?  the amount of ignorance that exists in this thread.  i'm not going to point fingers because i dont to take part in a flame war but some of you really need to open your mind up.  i once thought like some of you do now until i took my personal feelings and teachings from others out of my head and what Islam is all about.  It's not what you see on CNN, it's not what you heard on your local news channel and it sure as hell isn't all about the WTC.  There's so much more to it than you're fed through the media.

Islam, in general, is fed by the idea that if you commit suicide for the good of Allah, you will immediately find your place in Paradice reguardless of past transgresions.  Imagine doing those worst of things you can imagine and your key out is killing men from another religion.

The Qur'an has so many contradictions in it, it is shocking.  Imagine that the country you live in is founded by a book that can't make up it's mind.  How can you not expect a confused nation when this is the case?

Large Dopant white

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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2003, 11:18:00 PM »

QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 16 2003, 07:04 AM)
it is ok to have many wives and temporay wives (Prostitution except without paying them).

Mormons say the same thing... there's not much of a difference between Islam and Christianity (well, there is, but not a huge, wide gap that it is commonly believed). In fact, depending on your outlook and who's story you believe, Mohammad (sp) learned from a few Missonaries that he ran across in his travels... with his own interpretation, of course. Also remember that that same man preached for peace, just as Jesus did.... a different sort of peace, yes (submission to God, really), but peace nonetheless.
EDIT: I do not agree with you, Lookformeb, that the Qur'an (sp) is contradictory... no more than the Bible, at least. It's straight-forward: submit to God, and avoid his wrath, and you got a place in Heaven. Submission commonly means following Mohammad's teachings to the letter and practicing the rites properly, but there's always going to be some whack job that thinks that means "eradicate the 'heathens'".


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2003, 11:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 07:51 PM)

No.  No.  Your saying so doesn't make it so.  It was Islamic People carrying out the "will of Allah".  Conversely you could also say that it was the "will of Allah" that resulted in the Taliban getting their asses handed to them.  And, Osama Bin Llama living out the rest of his life in a cave with a $25 Mil bounty on his head is ALSO the "will of Allah".  So does Allah kick ass, or what? laugh.gif


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2003, 08:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (Large Dopant white @ Sep 16 2003, 02:18 AM)
EDIT: I do not agree with you, Lookformeb, that the Qur'an (sp) is contradictory... no more than the Bible, at least. It's straight-forward: submit to God, and avoid his wrath, and you got a place in Heaven. Submission commonly means following Mohammad's teachings to the letter and practicing the rites properly, but there's always going to be some whack job that thinks that means "eradicate the 'heathens'".

After I get out of class today and get some free time I will quote some things out of a book I read.  There's a lot of stuff so I may not be able to quote the passage also.  If you have a copy the the Qur'an, I will leave the actualy scripture up to you.

I'm not arguing... Just saying what I know and have learned.  Knowledge is contageous you know?  biggrin.gif

Wong Hung Lo

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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2003, 09:43:00 AM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 11:51 PM)

Hey Dick head, the reason why Israeli people dont have to wear bombs, cause all of their ammo, tanks, guns... Are all from U.S. , were Palestinians dont have any weapons  wink.gif 

So Israel gets all of their weapons from the USA?   laugh.gif

Take a look at this website and think again.



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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2003, 09:52:00 AM »

Some one pm me the link pls


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2003, 11:52:00 AM »

QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 16 2003, 06:04 AM)
QUOTE (loai @ Sep 16 2003, 05:28 AM)
OMFG, Ok then if you wanna put it that way, all Catholicism is, is priests who rape kids  wink.gif  , Now you will defend that if you are what you are. Exactly the same comments you are making. ISLAM DOESNT TEACH OR INFLUENCE ANY OF THIS. There will always Be radicals in every religion!

Muslims rape kids also, but at least catholitism teaches that it is wrong were islam teaches that it is ok and that it is ok to have many wives and temporay wives (Prostitution except without paying them).

tempeory wives and shit was only allowed during war when men were all almost dead and there were about 10 women for every man, women in those days dident work and stuff so they needed a man to take care of them, in islam sex is only allowed for reprducing and both partners must be willing, it is not for pleasure and rapeing is a mortal sin,


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2003, 02:34:00 PM »

It is against Islam To HAVE SEX BEFORE Marriage. And where the Fuck do you come off saying any of this shit. You take crazed people, who call themselves muslims, and generalize Islam on that. And what the F**K are you talking about saying Muslims hate USA?  I never said that, and we dont.  If I did, then I wouldnt be living here right now. Islam is based on one book and one book only, the Quran, nothing has been changed of the quran, not even a single word or letter has been changed. Where in Christiainity, you have many books.. and different versions of the bible. I respect all religions. And don't talk $hit about any other religions, but when it comes down to this. Show some respect for yourself. And take a look at yourself, and your own problems with your religion, or people that make the religion that way. I feel like I'm dealing with 12 year olds.... Lets take religion out of this, as it is irrelavant to modding, or anything about the scene. Everyone has their own religion, and different viewpoints on religion. Dont generalize! End of topic, I am sick of this.
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