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Author Topic: Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea  (Read 405 times)


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »

I don't believe muslims are bad people. That would be sorta racist in a way. I mean, Muslims are no better then any other religion out there.

Can someone msg me the link to Daniel Pearl thing? I haven't seen it, and the link was removed. I am preety instrested in what happend.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2003, 06:11:00 PM »

QUOTE (GREGWILLRULEYOU @ Sep 15 2003, 11:52 PM)
damn i dont know if i should watch the vids. after seeign that pic of the man with that babys head in his hand im kinda scared see what religion does to people? mad.gif

Exactly, thats why I'm not religeous  cool.gif


I am sick and tired of this racism, some kid at my school fucking said that MY DAD WAS SADDAM HUSSIEN, you know why? BECAUSE IM FROM THE MIDDLE EAST. I care at the fact he said my dad was saddam, I care that he presumed some thing because I am from the middle east. People like this should be thrown in a bag with all the scum in the earth and fired towards the sun.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2003, 06:15:00 PM »

I remember seeing the daniel pearl video awhile ago, I can't believe I actually watched it. Absolutly shocking and disturbing, and it seriously makes me wanna cry inside.. just to know how beyond fucked our world is and how far it is from being anything worth celebrating about.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2003, 06:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 15 2003, 05:47 PM)
I was searching on the net for news of the middle east etc, and I saw several stories about a news reporter named daniel pearl who was killed by the islamics in pakistan, and this website has the clip. WARNING, IT IS GRAPHIC!!

Link removed due to graphicness Don't flame we really can't like you to this sorry  beerchug.gif

It's a sad video.

i didnt get to see it someone PM me


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2003, 06:41:00 PM »

OMG that site that Asheva10 sent me was horrible. That serious is sad! I got sick by the guy who was talking then he was shot and they cut his head off, and he didn't even do much to stop it either, I feel sorry for him. and the guy who got his head chopped off by that bug knife all up close he stabed his throat then like cut it, man that is sick. I don't think the Daniel Pearl one works on there. Not sure.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2003, 07:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (ASheva10 @ Sep 16 2003, 03:44 AM)
QUOTE (AnThRaX @ Sep 15 2003, 10:41 PM)
OMG that site that Asheva10 sent me was horrible. That serious is sad! I got sick by the guy who was talking then he was shot and they cut his head off, and he didn't even do much to stop it either, I feel sorry for him. and the guy who got his head chopped off by that bug knife all up close he stabed his throat then like cut it, man that is sick. I don't think the Daniel Pearl one works on there. Not sure.

Very disturbing indeed.
This is like going back to prehistoric eras where you militiously kill people for no reason.

Does the Daniel Pearl one work on there? Its now a WMV or AVI file, its a ram document when i try to download it.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2003, 07:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 05:11 PM)
grr.gif Dont even get me F***N started. I swear to god F***N dick heads. Go live in Palestine for a month f***er then tell me what you think after.  Some more pieces of $hit people, believing everything they hear on t.v. grr.gif  F**K You! Blowing themselves up? Is that they way you put it f**ker, just because u live in U.S. you dont know how the F**k things are in F***N other countries. Let me ask you a question. If lets say hitler, came storming into ur neighborhoods, with tanks and missles, and if you set helpless, you would die by *Hitlers* missles. You have no weapons, no guns, no tanks, all you have are rocks and other things. Your family got shot and killed while you were out playing soccer. Next day your friend gets shot and killed. What the F**K are you gonna do. Just wait for them to kill you? F***N just think before you open ur F***N mouth up!! grr.gif

Look bud, you're making a hell of a lot of assumptions.  I don't have anything personal against YOU OK?  Let me calrify a couple of things.

1) I am not american. I AM BRAZILIAN.
2) I have lived for 2 years in the middle east (Iran)
3) I spent a month in Israel and experienced the aftermath of a bombing first hand.
4) CNN is propaganda
5) I'm a lot older than you give me credit for.
6) I don't give a shit about Palestine vs Israel or whatever.  Both people aren't advanced enough to get it through their thick fucking skulls that bombing/retaliation ad infinitum isn't helping anybody.  As far as I'm concerned both Palestine and Israel can go to hell.  I'm sure most of the world is sick of putting up with both of their bullshit.  1000 years of this crap is enough.

Honestly, if you want to go kill Israelis because they killed your friend, you're contributing to the problem.  And the same goes for them for killing your friend in the first place.  BOTH of your people should grow up and stop this code of Hammurabi shit.

But I don't see any good in Islam when your Imams condone the bombing of WTC and when the Palestinians danced in the streets when they saw the footage.  That kind of bullshit doesn't help your argument.

So let me take a stand here and pick a side.  I'm on the side of getting western interests out of the middle east altogether and letting you kill each other until there's nobody left.  OK?


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2003, 07:08:00 PM »

QUOTE (Intelligoth @ Sep 16 2003, 04:01 AM)
QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 05:11 PM)
grr.gif Dont even get me F***N started. I swear to god F***N dick heads. Go live in Palestine for a month f***er then tell me what you think after.  Some more pieces of $hit people, believing everything they hear on t.v. grr.gif  F**K You! Blowing themselves up? Is that they way you put it f**ker, just because u live in U.S. you dont know how the F**k things are in F***N other countries. Let me ask you a question. If lets say hitler, came storming into ur neighborhoods, with tanks and missles, and if you set helpless, you would die by *Hitlers* missles. You have no weapons, no guns, no tanks, all you have are rocks and other things. Your family got shot and killed while you were out playing soccer. Next day your friend gets shot and killed. What the F**K are you gonna do. Just wait for them to kill you? F***N just think before you open ur F***N mouth up!! grr.gif

Look bud, you're making a hell of a lot of assumptions.  I don't have anything personal against YOU OK?  Let me calrify a couple of things.

1) I am not american. I AM BRAZILIAN.
2) I have lived for 2 years in the middle east (Iran)
3) I spent a month in Israel and experienced the aftermath of a bombing first hand.
4) CNN is propaganda
5) I'm a lot older than you give me credit for.
6) I don't give a shit about Palestine vs Israel or whatever.  Both people aren't advanced enough to get it through their thick fucking skulls that bombing/retaliation ad infinitum isn't helping anybody.  As far as I'm concerned both Palestine and Israel can go to hell.  I'm sure most of the world is sick of putting up with both of their bullshit.  1000 years of this crap is enough.

Honestly, if you want to go kill Israelis because they killed your friend, you're contributing to the problem.  And the same goes for them for killing your friend in the first place.  BOTH of your people should grow up and stop this code of Hammurabi shit.

But I don't see any good in Islam when your Imams condone the bombing of WTC and when the Palestinians danced in the streets when they saw the footage.  That kind of bullshit doesn't help your argument.

So let me take a stand here and pick a side.  I'm on the side of getting western interests out of the middle east altogether and letting you kill each other until there's nobody left.  OK?

2 years in iran can you explain more I don't like watching propaganda on cnn all day.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2003, 07:33:00 PM »


My heart goes out to the family of Daniel Pearl  
Fucking terrorists  mad.gif


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2003, 07:49:00 PM »

Did you manage to see it anthrax? Don't balme all religions for this, thats what makes me mad about islam terrorists, they make it look bad for all religions. Believe me, there are more peaceful religions that teach forgiveness and peace and who say if someone slaps you on one cheek, then turn to the other. I am very against violence and I get very upset when my religion is affected because of other relgions like islam.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2003, 07:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (Filabusta @ Sep 15 2003, 07:27 PM)
QUOTE (Intelligoth @ Sep 16 2003, 04:01 AM)
QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 05:11 PM)
grr.gif Dont even get me F***N started. I swear to god F***N dick heads. Go live in Palestine for a month f***er then tell me what you think after.  Some more pieces of $hit people, believing everything they hear on t.v. grr.gif  F**K You! Blowing themselves up? Is that they way you put it f**ker, just because u live in U.S. you dont know how the F**k things are in F***N other countries. Let me ask you a question. If lets say hitler, came storming into ur neighborhoods, with tanks and missles, and if you set helpless, you would die by *Hitlers* missles. You have no weapons, no guns, no tanks, all you have are rocks and other things. Your family got shot and killed while you were out playing soccer. Next day your friend gets shot and killed. What the F**K are you gonna do. Just wait for them to kill you? F***N just think before you open ur F***N mouth up!! grr.gif

I am mexican and though I travel to USA frequently, I consider myslef Mexican. I not only see TV images from USA, but from mexico and also the internet which would be the entire world. I never have seen any jew from israel commit a sucide bomb attack to blow up in a crowded place with all innocent people. It is obvious palestenians randombly and purposely kill innocent jews simply for being from israel. Israels on the other hand only targets terrorists. While innocent poeple are sometimes killed, it would be the fault of the terrorists for initiating the attack. What do they expect? Do they expect Israel to bend over and take it without retaliation?

I think the people getting the wrong TV images are the palestenians who have a dictator who tells the TV channels what to show. I can still remember the day the terrorists crashed into the WTC buildings and the palestenians were dancing, celebrating, pasing out candy as they saw that on TV.

Who should I believe, Mexico, USA, other channels from the world, or the channels from the middle east with dictators running the country?

Even in Iraq right now the islam religious leaders are calling for muslims to kill the "invader" which they mean USA, and all USA was doing is removing sadamm and hepling the iraqy people. Those muslim religious leaders are making islam look bad also.

What about the cameras from saudi arabia, and other muslim countries embedded with saddams soldiers a few months ago? If that doesn't show a bais against non-muslims, I dont know what does.

Also, the way you talk with so much anger and cussing like it's running out of style makes you look like a very violent person and doesn't help your case at all.

  You say youre from Mexico, so dont talk about other countries wink.gif . Hey Dick head, the reason why Israeli people dont have to wear bombs, cause all of their ammo, tanks, guns... Are all from U.S. , were Palestinians dont have any weapons  wink.gif  AND WTC WASNT ISLAM, IT WAS PEOPLE. Islam doesnt teach fighting, or anyother of the $hit that you blaim on Islam. It is radicals, and you have them in all religions. Hey and dont speak cause it was the Isreali's who came into Palestine and tried to kick them out in 1948. And if someone came to ur house and kicked u out, are you just gonna leave all that you've worked for your entire life and just leave? wink.gif  I didnt think so. This thread is just gonna blow alot of steam, and I request that it be locked. Have a nice night dry.gif


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2003, 08:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (loai @ Sep 15 2003, 11:51 PM)
Islam doesnt teach fighting, or anyother of the $hit that you blaim on Islam.

user posted image

user posted image

hmm, very interesting, and you were saying?


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2003, 08:28:00 PM »

wink.gif  , Now you will defend that if you are what you are. Exactly the same comments you are making. ISLAM DOESNT TEACH OR INFLUENCE ANY OF THIS. There will always Be radicals in every religion!


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »


some are fags and do stupid things.

I personally think that religeion sux. I am non-religious and damn fucking proud.


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Have You Guys Seen Whats Going On In The Middle Ea
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2003, 08:44:00 PM »


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