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Author Topic: Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?  (Read 1107 times)


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #105 on: September 04, 2003, 05:02:00 PM »

Oh my Booger you seriously disappoint me. To try and seperate behavior from physiology is impossible. That is in this textbook. Hold on... Here it is.Foundations of Physiological psychology by Carlson. This can also be found in any other basic phys Psych book. I know the definition of Psychology, but if you knew the definition of car, b ut knew nothing of the motor, don't attempt to have a conversation regarding it.

Psychology, and even more so psychiatry, requires a PROFOUND understanding of biology and chemistry. Of course they dont have the chromosome down, yet. But the tests done via twin studies especially give us near definitive "proof" of personality being genetic ("Your just like your father...")

Now before you rant about me and the word proof, please read my A is A post and functionality in the "real" world

I also dont expect you to answer my questionis if theyre incomprehensible. I seperate and organize what I say to make it easier for you. I also edit typos when they make a sentence unclear.

Are you ever gonna' answer my question about animals, free will and souls?

Some might think weve gotten off topic, but there are some important issues that are based in psychology and biology that I want to use to address the belief in God and truth/knowledge.

I can really only do so until you answer my animal question? Are you stalling for time to try to figure out the best answer to give? Or have you missed my repetition of the question in my last..oh... three posts or so?



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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #106 on: September 04, 2003, 05:03:00 PM »

Again you failed to explain malcolms first sentence, which implies to me that you partake in the common human belief that if something doesnt make sense, it must be bigger than you and important somehow. I take your lack of explanation to be your lack of understanding!


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2003, 05:05:00 PM »

The point of MAlcolms argument was that God MUST exist. Yet his first premise doesnt make sense. you think it does, Im telling you to rephrase, explain and "proove" it. yet you seem to be unable to or refuse to do so!


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #108 on: September 04, 2003, 05:12:00 PM »

QUOTE (AkumAPRIME @ Sep 5 2003, 01:05 AM)
The point of MAlcolms argument was that God MUST exist. Yet his first premise doesnt make sense. you think it does, Im telling you to rephrase, explain and "proove" it. yet you seem to be unable to or refuse to do so!

Let him believe whatever he wishes, we do not live in a totalitarian society neither of you have the right to impose your ideology on others, nor do you have the right to use them to influence the actions of others. Both of you have the inherent right to believe in what you choose, and have the right to practice in any manner you choose.

Booger Bob

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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2003, 05:16:00 PM »


his existence is part of what he is: that is, his existence is logically necessary,.......

But if God's non-existence is part of his definition, then his existence is logically impossible (which would mean that the existence of God would be a contradiction in terms, a logical contradiction). However, we know that there is nothing logically contradictory about a God who exists, so we can rule out the possibility that God does not exist. The only other available option is that he exists, and (as shown above) if he exists he exists necessarily.

Im gonna clock out for now football is on, ill check your response(s) later
it also to good to have an intellegent discussion with someone


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2003, 05:21:00 PM »

Booger, If theres a question I havent answered REPEAT IT, as Ive done. That'd help

Have to disagree with you Mech. We can certainly try to sway others.

A 4th premise of mine I should add is this:

4: there is no such thing as good/bad, wrong/right

So as to what rights we have, I don't think we have any excpet those we allow our selves

PS booger: I expect you to ask me the questions you have that are unanswered, then answer my animal, free will and soul question.

Actually though, if you're going to say that well established scientific studies are bunk, Im gonna stop right here, as youd seem then to be more willing to accept philosophical theory over emipirical "evidence"!


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #111 on: September 04, 2003, 07:10:00 PM »

I cant teleport the book to you. Grab any basic phys Psych book. look in index for twin studies. In my book its page 148. Im actually done now, but the discussion was good.


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #112 on: September 04, 2003, 07:14:00 PM »

BTW, I want to see your empirical evidence on GOD you cant just say he exists. LOL double standard time.


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2003, 08:01:00 PM »

someone had to start it

I agree with Booger Bob

you are responsible for your own actions...


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #114 on: September 04, 2003, 10:36:00 PM »

What about kids who are adopted, i know adopted kids who are just like their parents but have no genetic relationship. People you are around have effects on your behavior.

Like halle barry  she was adopted by a white family.....


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #115 on: September 05, 2003, 07:57:00 AM »

again, like skepticism, no one can (nor should) live a life of moral relativism, where "what's right for you is right for you, and what's right for me is right for me..."  Case in point: Nazi GErmany...  can we really say thay Hitler's view of morality is equal to that of Jesus?  Of course not?  Why?  Because even though we are all depraved b/c of our sinful natures, we still have the limited ability to discern b/w right and wrong.  I'm certainly not saying our own consciences are infallible (again the sin problem, our moral compasses are broken), but there are times when we can recognize and discern b/w right and wrong correctly.  

Also, using the transcendental argument for the existence of God here.  Even those who would argue that God is not the standard of morality, but we as humans determine it (which is scary given our propensity to sin), without the existence of God as a properly basic belief, without presupposing his existence in the first place, all talk about morality would be meaningless gibberish...

but again, i'm not speaking out of arrogance, i'm simply trying to give a defense of my faith and the hope that is in me.


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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #116 on: September 05, 2003, 08:48:00 AM »

Lets face it,

Religion is on the decline, with more ppl having access to better education and information resources.
The misguided prejudices of our family’s before us are having less of an influence.

Already most civilized countries run their schools and Justice systems in an agnostic fashion.
It is my hope that in a few hundred years, the bible will be in the fiction section where it belongs, until some credible evidence proves otherwise.

Damn booger can you read all my post and respond in one reply please? that would really help. And Im not 100% on this, but he was born christian but desribed himself as agnostic, coining the phrase. Pretty sure at any rate.

Thomas Huxley is the one credited with coining the term "Agnostic" not Descartes (although you could describe him as one). Sorry to be a stickler, it’s a family issue for me.
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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #117 on: September 05, 2003, 10:29:00 AM »

I am a Christian and believe the Bible is God's inspired word. It's not because I grew up being led into it. It is what I believe after careful study and personal conviction. The problem with debating beliefs on this forum (or most others on the internet) is that it becomes a very defensive flame war quickly, and nobody is going to change their mind based on other people's opinions in that atmosphere. Jesus never tried to force anyone to believe His teachings, He only spoke the truth and let those who believe follow Him. When I read arguments from Christians that turn into name-calling slugfests, that only becomes a stumbling block to someone else, and will never bring anyone to Christ. If you know Christ's teachings and read HIS words and actions from the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), your opinion of Christianity may be a lot different than basing your opinion on how "professing Christians" act.

Concerning all the comments about Christians only being mindless sheep- That can run both ways. I wonder how many who say that have never taken the time to study the Bible and form an opinion based on what they read...

PS: after reading my posts, I do not mean to point fingers at anyone here, just sharing my opinion of what I've seen pretty much anytime Christianity is discussed on Usenet, forums, etc.


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« Reply #118 on: September 05, 2003, 11:37:00 AM »

sigh... rolleyes.gif Religion is not on the downfall. Most statistics I've heard speak of religion being much more popular than it ever was. Christianity is on the general decline (aside from the US), especially in the Catholic faiths. Islam is spreading quite quickly, in the US and across the globe.
I don't think Akuma was saying that he didn't think anything was "wrong," but he was looking at it as a natural observation. If I was a snake, and I ate some eggs, am I a foetal murderer, and should be charged as such? I'm a snake, it's my nature.
Equally, if I believe in everything the Old Testament says literally, am I sinning to eat a cheeseburger, or even make a graven image?
Bah. In any case, I'm still not sure why people believe in a particular deity over others. That'd be interesting. Why Yweh, and not Kali or Odin? I can accept if you feel like there's so much organization that some intelligent design must be around, but why the faith of your choice, in terms that can be understood by others (nothing inconcrete, my dad said so, etc.)

Booger Bob

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Where Do You Think You Go When You Die?
« Reply #119 on: September 05, 2003, 01:09:00 PM »


If I was a snake, and I ate some eggs, am I a foetal murderer, and should be charged as such? I'm a snake, it's my nature

There is a vast diffrence between humans and animals.
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