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Author Topic: Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat  (Read 1496 times)


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« on: March 06, 2003, 02:36:00 PM »

Yup, any semi intelligent person can see that.. unfortunately, we dont even have a semi intelligent president or government.


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2003, 02:40:00 PM »

ph34r.gif totally agree....  Bush has a wild hair up his ass for sadam..  since his father couldn't get the job done in the first place....  Look what these republican presidents do when in office. start wars even without the UN permission...kill the economy...etc...  can't wait tell 2006 to get a new prez... ph34r.gif


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2003, 02:45:00 PM »

I am totally sexist but I am voting for Hilary Clinton in 2004.  

Speaking of Hilary anyone see that VJ on MTV?  I would fuck the shit outa' her.


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2003, 02:47:00 PM »

China is training (HIGHLY TRAINED) 200+ million soldiers. Lets hope we don't piss off China. I don't know what is up Korea's ass, but they need to chill with the Nuke. Not going to do anything, but get them hurt as well. As for the US, they need to stop acting like they're the BOSS of everyone. That's what going to get us NUKED there, which I think WILL HAPPEN...

Anyways, I am against war. What the hell is anyone getting out of it?  mad.gif


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2003, 02:47:00 PM »

Its all a very sad situation, apparently as we all know that this whole thing w/ iraq revolves around $$. I bet if North Korea had as much natural rescource as iraq their arses would be a some 'deep' shit too! It's too bad that the prez. of the U.S. I a raving dumb-ass ohmy.gif  He makes it hard for ALOT of people inthis country w/ all this 'axis of evil' shit! dry.gif  Never liked them bushes in office. mad.gif As for China, they got a SERIOUS bone to pick w/ the U.S.! These higher ups shit where WE sleep! mad.gif


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2003, 02:53:00 PM »

north korea is NOT a threat. they won't dare start a war with the US and South Korean because they KNOW in the end, they will lose. they hit us, we hit them 10 times harder. They always try to show the world that they aren't weak. The day South Korea elected their new president, North Korea launched a few missles in the Sea of Japan. Coincidence?? Nope. They talk the talk, but they do not walk the walk. Besides, america is giving them milllions of dollars worth of food each year for agreeing to close down their nuclear plants. They just began to reactivate them. They want to show the world that they are not afraid of anybody, but in reality, they are. I think America is gonna stop sending them food, and so even more North Koreans are gonna die. It's really unfair for the citizens over there, but it's not like we have a choice.

Korea can throw missles at the US without going anywhere. So what?? We got 30,000+ troops in korea, 30,000+ troops in Japan, 1 million koreans, and troops stationed in the phillipeanes. North Korea has 1 million troops, and so do we. what they DON'T have in the funds to start a long war.

my gf is korean and she's really scared to go back to south korea next december, but i really don't think that this conflict will escalate to war.


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2003, 03:02:00 PM »

consider however that N.Korea is not hiding anything and most of the free world is against them building any Atomic weapons [ this is not just the USA that should be involved ... and we are not ] . Japan is right in the region and they strongly oppose what N.Korea is doing , do you really think that N.Korea could defeat Japan [ I think not ] . China does not back N.Korea either and just because they do not agree with a war on Iraq does not mean that they are ok with what N.Korea is doing . Iraq is a threat to the free world , period . Should the US wage war against Iraq ... no , but the weapons of mass destruction must be found and destoyed before they get into the wrong hands [ even if Iraq never uses them - this is the real threat , think of Bin-Laden with Bio weapons ] .


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2003, 04:49:00 PM »

geez, are like 99% of all modders out there flaming liberals?  uneducated teenagers mostly, or naive college students who've never even been in a war.   am i the lone republican voice crying out in the wilderness?  the only military vet?


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2003, 05:37:00 PM »

do you consider yourself more educated than the rest of us here just because you went to war?,
and i also don't get the correlation that you try to stablish between the people here beign naive and the fact that  we never went to war, are you saying that going to war like you did, will take away your naivete and open your eyes to the fact that we need more wars perhaps?
i am not following you, please excuse me i am just an uneducated fart.


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »

You are not alone, johnobts.

North Korea is a brilliant example of why Iraq must be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons.  The difference in the situation is that we actually have viable allies in the region, South Korea and Japan.  Japan in particular is the third largest military spender after the US and Russia, miles ahead of China, and they are about a screw's turn away from going nuclear should North Korea become excessively belligerent.  People think WWII made them pacifists; all it really did was make the Japanese want to be 100% certain that no one would ever be able to nuke them again without serious repercussions.

At any rate, in the Middle East we have no such latitude, simply because our only ally, Israel, has absolutely no negotiating leverage with its neighbours.  Ergo, we must play hardball, and take care of Saddam ourselves.  

All you anti-American "liberals" are so fond of talking about following the money trail when it comes to US about applying that same logic to France, Germany, Russia, China...etc...all who profit far more from the status quo than they ever could with a functional, freely flowing Iraq.  

I'm sorry, did I interrupt your "Bush is an idiot, make love not war" festival? Please return to your regularly scheduled programming.

i am not following you, please excuse me i am just an uneducated fart.

Is that how you argue on the playground?  Does it get you far there?  

All john was *obviously* expressing was his exasperation at the uniformity of view and the naive, trite manner in which it was expressed.  And, yeah, in fact, if he has indeed been to war, he knows the human cost side of it, and therefore has more of a frame of reference than, say, those that live under the shelter that men like him provide.


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2003, 08:02:00 PM »

ok, so you want occupation of irak an removal of sadam.

now tell me what is that action going to guarantee?
all you pro war boneheads do is say; let's go to war, and those of you who don't agree with the war effort can go fuck yourselves, you are just cowards and live under the protection that 'we' the 'braves' offer to you ungrateful twits.

well, you can say whatever you want but i think that we should be  thinking instead about what is this war really going to settle?

is it going to make america and the rest of the world, (because remember, the reach of bush's protestant fundamentalism is according to him, ehrrr.... universal ) feel safer?
is it going to lower the level of anymosity that many nations including of course the arabs already have towards america?
just think of how would you feel if some army came from a distant country and started bombing your city's strategic infrastructure leaving you for months without tap water or electricity.?

furthermore, what's the point of a possible occupation when after months of inspections they haven't been able to come with solid evidence of anything?

i know the argument is something like, well, the irakis are moving the weapons constantly, the weapons are probably not even inside irak, and notice that we are not even talking about nukes, nukes are not easy to hide and there are no signs of activity on that front apparently.
ok, and if the weapons are that easy to move then what's is the point of a war and an invasion?

they also say occupation and killing saddam would open the way to find those weapons because irakis would start talking and telling where the weapons are hidden (duh!)

i think wars shouldn't be started based on speculation that's all, and altough i understand that the need to do something to change the state of things can lead to military action i think that fighting without a clear target in mind is plain dumb.
wars should be started with a clear idea of the results that a possible victory would award.

it's just that  i can't help thinking about the latest campaign in afghanistan and the results that it yielded.



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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2003, 09:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (Ace25 @ Mar 6 2003, 11:36 PM)
Yup, any semi intelligent person can see that.. unfortunately, we dont even have a semi intelligent president or government.

Ace, stick to xboxes wink.gif Nathan you are right Korea is a threat. Now this is the problem at hand. Iraq is an easy war. And we can't fight two wars at once. Especially when one is a comunist oriental country. So the idea is to get Saddam first and with some luck hope Korea does not go ballistic. Once Saddam is out of the red zone then we can focus on Korea. This is the last Problem if we attack Korea we piss off China, very bad idea. So we kinda have our hands behind our backs on this one. Bottom line we do not want to fight China it would be a devastating result. Nuclear holocaust anyone? The world would split between free worlds and terrorist groups/communism. I sum up (WWIII). So we really have to bite the bullet and prepare for the worst. huh.gif


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2003, 09:29:00 PM »

On a lighter note, I've got a family member over in Kuwait right now (he calls it the "Sandbox"), they bought a bunch of kiddie pools and are going to take pictures of themselves in the middle of the desert lying in them.. I'll post if/when he emails them to me.

Hey! my brother is on the Nimitz he works with intellegence. You are indeed right about our secret ops in No. Korea. I Meant really all out war.
But, ya my brother works with this imagery/reconaissance stuff. The new computer that the USA bought has a super comperter in it...500gigahertz... blink.gif that is fucking wow. there are three in the world like it. Pentagon, Topgun and Nimitz


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2003, 10:03:00 PM »

Bravo I agree noone is perfect including Bush of course... So i comes to this who are you backing Saddam or Bush


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Hmm.. Iraq Is Not The Real Threat
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2003, 10:49:00 PM »

Me shitting on your front lawn is the bigger threat. And, its even worse when I ate beans before hand
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