
Author Topic: Samsung Hl-s5087w  (Read 178 times)


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Samsung Hl-s5087w
« on: December 17, 2006, 06:05:00 PM »

I recently purchased this TV a few weeks ago (Samsung HL-S5087W).  It handles everything gaming wise perfectly.  However, live hdtv is ok, and movies are ok.  The background sometimes seems to have a "grainy" look to it.  I assumed it was in part that I was using the xbox to watch regular DVD's and when watching TV I have to assume that most shows are in 720p.  My hd reciever does not automatically switch for broadcast signals and I have it set to 1080i output(I didn't seem to see much difference in 720p mode).  I assumed again the picture was not spectacular because of the source.  My brother brought over his PS3 yesterday and we watched talladega nights on blue ray hooked up through HDMI and I was really not impressed with it... again it had the sandy or grainy looking background.  My 360 is hooked up through component right now, and I'll soon be swapping it over to the vga to see if this helps and also soon be getting the HD-DVD player.  Also my comcast box is hooked up through component, I want to swap this over to HDMI hoping this may help and also reduce "Cable Clutter".

Do you think that my problem here is the source? or is something possibly wrong with my tv? or am I just perhaps being to anal with the picture quality here?

This is my second HDTV, I was wondering if somebody with more HD experience could chime in here and tell me what they think.  I wanted to return the TV and exchange it, but I bought it from a smaller local retail chane store rather then a "big retailer".  The guy told me to have a service guy come out and look at it and they'll go from there, I won't be charged for it as I have their warranty anyway.


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Samsung Hl-s5087w
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 07:11:00 PM »

I have the HL-S6187w hooked up through the VGA and the picture is so damn near perfect I could cry. I thought Gears looked good through COmponent on my 55" Mits CRT, but this totally blows that away. DVD's look really good also, especially Cars biggrin.gif