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Author Topic: Sarah Jessica - Transformed  (Read 159 times)

Bomb Dropper

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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« on: August 21, 2006, 09:24:00 PM »

Hey I'm not saying she's attractive either way... but, I sure made her easier on the eyes.

IPB Image


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 09:41:00 PM »

wow dude you did an awsome job great work =D


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 09:59:00 PM »

hell yes great clean up job biggrin.gif


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 01:53:00 AM »

the one on the left scares me  blink.gif


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 03:10:00 AM »

Damnnn!! That is one awesome air brush job. If she sees that, she just might make you her very own personal photo editor.

It's incredible how you basically took 15 years off her age. Removing her skin blemishes and wrinkles, reducing the shine, whitening the teeth, enhancing her lips, brightening her eyes, shaping her nose, eliminating the scraggly hairs. Damn, I'm impressed.



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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 04:07:00 AM »

QUOTE(xboxbox451 @ Aug 22 2006, 02:17 AM) View Post

Damnnn!! That is one awesome air brush job. If she sees that, she just might make you her very own personal photo editor.

It's incredible how you basically took 15 years off her age. Removing her skin blemishes and wrinkles, reducing the shine, whitening the teeth, enhancing her lips, brightening her eyes, shaping her nose, eliminating the scraggly hairs. Damn, I'm impressed.


well, the heal patch and clone tool come in handy with jobs like these.
only thing i dont like is that it obviously looks photoshopped.

Bomb Dropper

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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 07:26:00 AM »

Thanks for the kind words dudes.

Himura - Yeah, I used clone and heal and patch a lot... that's the triad of restoration. Would you prefer I used gradiet overlays and cloud renders? I'm really not sure what you were aiming for with an arbitrary comment like that. The right tools are needed for the right job. Of course, in the hands of someone who does not know how to use them properly, it can still end up looking poorly done.

From now on, I'll only post enormous, epic murals that I've been slaving on for a number of months. Bert Monroy-like cityscapes that have near thousands of layers, and hundreds upon hundreds of alpha channels.

I don't think you quite 'get it.' Photoshopping, or design in general.

I highly disagree that it 'obviously looks photoshopped.' Granted I've had this montior for a number of years, but I don't think anything you're viewing it on will be a quantum leap in visionary accusations.

Your comment comes off as very underhanded and trying to sneak in something under the radar. Like you're trying to bust balls without actually saying anything. I'd rather you be a complete douche bag, than try to shroud your intentions.

If you show any photo, to any professional - if it's been 'shopped - they'll know. That's why they're professionals. I've been one, and been around them a long time. We can smell them.

Even 'regular people' know that every single photo in Playboy and Maxim is 'shopped. Does that stop them from being multi-billion dollar enterprises? Of course not.

Something like this, as good as it turned out, will easily, EASILY 'get past' the untrained eye. Girly mags and advertisements aren't geared toward photoshop pros, they're made by them, and geared toward the general public.


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 07:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(Himura @ Aug 22 2006, 06:14 AM) View Post

well, the heal patch and clone tool come in handy with jobs like these.

No sheeet. Though, his usage of those tools were expertly applied. So why state the obvious?
QUOTE(Himura @ Aug 22 2006, 06:14 AM) View Post

only thing i dont like is that it obviously looks photoshopped.

I don't feel it looks overly photoshopped, though one who is familiar with graphics software could spot some flaws, which are few and minor. The only area's that are noticable to me are the right temple, looks a bit smudged where the veins were masked, the teeth are a bit bright, and the upper lip could use a little more work to make it appear more natural.

Other than that, I would say its ready for any professional magazine.


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 08:48:00 AM »

i'm not really sure himura was even trying to sound talking about the 2 tools you used, he simply agreed that they were they best tools for the job.. so why do you come out with a comment like: "Would you prefer I used gradiet overlays and cloud renders?".
 no offense either..but you stated you are/were a pro!??! you obviously were trying to induce the notion that you are: " That's why they're professionals. I've been one, and been around them a long time. We can smell them.". are you trying to tell us you aren't anymore?... once again, i mean this in the nicest way possible.. but if you'r a pro, at however old you are, then what am i at 16 years old??.. because not tryin to sound cocky, but where does this put me?
 IPB Image - IPB Image
 im' not really sure why all of the sudden lately, we have people coming in here ranting and raving about how amazing they are at photoshop, then they try to cover thier tracks once someone points something out. back it up with something that everyone can agree on, that it's an amazing piece.. don't get all pissed off when somone says "it obviously looks photoshopped", maybe he's one of the professionals you spoke of earlier? (and yes, just before you try to talk me off, the lipstick was a joke so it's "obviously going to look photoshopped" since i didn't spend any time on it. and the glow effect i applied, was aimed towards looking like the subtle look playboy magazine uses in thier "reading-material".)

Bomb Dropper

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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2006, 08:51:00 AM »

QUOTE(Hazanko @ Aug 22 2006, 03:55 PM) View Post
but where does this put me?

At the bottom, of the last barrell in line my friend. Her face is completely blurred out, her skin tone is an absolute joke, and your tonal correction is overall laughable.

I remember you busting my balls a while back, lmao. Now I know you're a complete invalid. I don't care if you're 16 or 60. You have no place in this discussion, and I called out that dude to explain himself, not you - are you his lawyer? He made a comment that I felt was, UNJUSTIFIABLE, not neccessarily WRONG, or whatnot. I merely want him to explain himself.

Please don't try to act like a toughguy, Scott Kelby... You're the very 'noob' in here you mentioned in your very own post. When did I say I was 'no longer' a professional? You have trouble not only working with the software, but apparently reading as well. Also, it's become painfully evident that you have NO CLUE what the definition of 'professional' is. A professional is someone who is paid to prefom a specific action or service... the word is not a measure of skill. Although if it were, you would be nowhere near it.

Don't ever discount my capabilities, with work like THAT, ever again.


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2006, 08:55:00 AM »

glad you like it man :-D

and btw.. all professional's i know, would support the gesture i made as a comment from one graphics artist to another.. i talk a little trash about you, and all of the sudden i'm horrible...? also i was just pondering on the question, what have you done professional just out of curiousity? i'd like to see some of your work posted here.

how about... we do a graphics comp, from one "professional" to a "lowly-peasant", obviously me being the peasant(i'm supposing this to be your incurrence from the above post?).

Bomb Dropper

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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2006, 09:04:00 AM »

QUOTE(Hazanko @ Aug 22 2006, 04:02 PM) View Post

all professional's i know, would support the gesture i made as a comment from one graphics artist to another.. i talk a little trash about you, and all of the sudden i'm horrible...?

You disenfranchise yourself more and more with each reply you make. Have you ever been paid 1 red cent to create a design? Of course not, so you're not a professional. Read my above reply if you're STILL unaware of what the word means, in the design field. Also, I'm not a graphic artist, I'm a graphic designer. Two different things, dude. See how you end up knowing less and less, each time you talk?...

Secondly, 'talking trash' and constructive criticism are 2 opposite ends of the spectrum, guy. If you, as you say, talked trash - I'll be the first to defend myself. Had you given some CC, maybe we wouldn't be involved in this abortion of an argument which has ZERO foundation on your end.

Bomb Dropper

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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2006, 10:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(Areohbe @ Aug 22 2006, 04:49 PM) View Post

whoa... can u back that up bro?
As stated before I like your's very well done...and I too am working on a Bert Monroy like piece. I am considered a "professional", I have been paid for designs. But all that aside, we dont need any more petty fights on the X-S GFX board... so either ignore the bullshit that some people spew, or please dont post anymore. Having a completly innocent post turn into a monster like this is a shame... it's not YOUR fault, and like I said in my last post: please come join us at DD, someone with your knowledge is welcomed with open arms and zero bullshit  biggrin.gif

Thank you. Finally, someone with a brain.

Yes, I can back it up - I would be more than happy to send you some PDFs of my invoices. Frankly I am a bit offended that I would even have to defend that point... no matter.

I AM, a professional by definition. I get paid to do designs.

I appreciate your non-16 year old rederic. I just signed up for DD under the name Mr. Flannery. I look forward to contributing to that forum, and hope it's full of experienced, polite, constructive dudes who aren't douche bags.


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2006, 03:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(Himura @ Aug 22 2006, 04:49 PM) View Post

omfg, where has this forum gone to. ALL i was trying to correct was that xboxbox451 said it was an air brush job, when it really wasnt.

Wow, this thread certainly got batted over the foul line. Talk about a train wreck.

@Himura, not that I want to continue this insane pissing contest, though, just for the record, I used the term "air brush" in a nostalgic sense, which I didn't mean to be taken literally. However, next time I'll speak in the modern terms of the day so not to cause any confusion.


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Sarah Jessica - Transformed
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2006, 03:20:00 PM »

lol aiiiite
s'all good  beerchug.gif
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