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Author Topic: Street Racers  (Read 423 times)


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Street Racers
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2004, 05:15:00 PM »

QUOTE (DaGamePimp @ Dec 31 2002, 05:24 AM)
My Civic SiR was not even close to $50k to build

Um, what junkyard has cars America never even got laying around in it?

That's right, couldn't buy an SiR here in the Americas.

Anywho... Street racing is for people who have some kind of inferiority complex, like somehow risking your life and the lives of others to prove your inanimate object if faster than their object is just stupid. Besides, it's illegal and because of dumb-assed teenagers who do it we all have to pay higher insurance rates. So thanks again.

Nothing screams "Hey Look At How Small My Penis Is" more than a kid and his dumb friend revving the engine on their POS beater car then dumping the clutch at a green light while looking over at the car next to them.



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« Reply #46 on: May 12, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »

Most of you guys hatin on street racers, but in fact when it comes to street racing i never see anyone harm anyone else, I know it happens, but considering how man illegal street racers there are to the ammount of wrecks a year there is no comparison, it is just the complete idiots who wreck, the others DO know how to controll their car and know what they are doing, just because some cant doesnt mean nobody can, I think its awesome street racing but I do know its stupid for the most part, but if you are going to call it stupid and talk so much crap about it then any racing is stupid, because no matter what, your car will go out of controll sometime when you least expect it, and no matter if it is on the track or on the streets, when you wreck, you're screwed.


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« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2004, 04:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (SS-King @ May 12 2004, 06:12 PM)
Most of you guys hatin on street racers, but in fact when it comes to street racing i never see anyone harm anyone else, I know it happens, but considering how man illegal street racers there are to the ammount of wrecks a year there is no comparison, it is just the complete idiots who wreck, the others DO know how to controll their car and know what they are doing, just because some cant doesnt mean nobody can, I think its awesome street racing but I do know its stupid for the most part, but if you are going to call it stupid and talk so much crap about it then any racing is stupid, because no matter what, your car will go out of controll sometime when you least expect it, and no matter if it is on the track or on the streets, when you wreck, you're screwed.

I'm going to have to disagree 100% with everything you've said. Your logic is the number of street racers in accidents is a lot less than the number of everyday accidents? I refuse to believe that until I see some numbers.

Also okay so let's say your right though and yeah street racers are in less accidents, accidents by the numbers include fender benders and such, so yes more people are in normal everyday accidents than street racers. Also when a street racer gets into an accident it's usually a fatality, of themselves or the car they hit. Suppose you're showing off in your car and you blow out a tire doing like 100, your car skids out of control and takes out 10 people. Don't say, "oh at 100 I can handle a front wheel blowout, because I doubt 99% of the people on the road could keep their car under control at 100mph with a blown front tire.

Also with street racing there is no "knowing what you're doing" because if you did you'd have the money to do SCCA or something like that, with training and licensing, and actually be a good driver. I know when a 17 year old kid in a hopped up civic plows into the side of a minivan because he was racing his friend down a stretch of public street and trying to show off how cool he is that he didn't know what he was doing. If anyone makes the "street racers are better drivers or safer" remark to me in person i swear i'll give them a fist straight to the balls. Because how is going 90 in a 35 safer than going 35 in a 35?

If you think street racing is awesome try huffing paint fumes, people say that's awesome too. Street racing is stupid period, there's no safety system, not structure to it, nothing. If I'm driving in a SCCA car there's rules I must follow on the track, there's safety requirements, there's ambulances and fire trucks on site, there's reinforements made to your car so in the event you do get in an accident you'll most likely survive. Also take into account in SCCA racing there's not a bunch of kids two feet from the track cheering you on just waiting to get clipped by your fender.

Bottom line is street racing is dumb and unsafe, you put people at risk who don't ask to be put at risk. Legal sanctioned racing is safer in every way imaginable, I know Rylinkus will back me up on that.

I disagree that if you wreck on the track you're as screwed as on the street. If I wreck on the street I could be taking out innocent people unaware to the risks. On the track it's me and at worst another driver who knows the risks as well. We'd have safety crews everywhere trying to save our lives. Street racers would have their fellow deuchebag buddies scramming to save their asses.

Edit: I forgot to thank all the street racers out there for the higher insurance rates.


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« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2004, 05:43:00 PM »

I didnt say all were, and i do not know if you have, but i never see anyone racing on public city streets in 35 zones,  i have never seen anything like that, it's always on the highway or shit like that, and you are even stupider to do it in the fucking daylight, when all the popo's are out. But as i said, we have our own opinions, so oh fucking well, life sux, live with it, like momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what ya gonna geeet.


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« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2004, 06:58:00 AM »


-Things happen faster when you're moving faster. Braking times increases. And crashes become more dangerous.

The type of people that try to hide behind statements like, "Racing isn't dangerous for me, because I'm a great street racer", are the very idiots that cause the accidents. To think that your "superior" driving skills can counteract the dangers of racing is assinine.


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« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2004, 10:29:00 AM »

Exactly, there are some shit heads who are fucked up and just drive crazy like that all the time, but not all, some i know wakes up every morning around 3 and goes out on the highway when barely anybody is out and practices, just practices driving and keepin his car under control when something does happen and what not, some people, not all, do think about endangering other people, and like someoen else said before, accidents happen, no matter what, old ladies who drive slow as fuck can get in accidents, I do know this for a fact because one knocked my brother off his bike when driving, and she was going 30! Now no matter what you say or what anyone says or DOES, peope are going to street race, i wish they didnt, but getting into the drag strip isnt free anyways, if it were then I think that would maybe stop so much, but oh well.


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« Reply #51 on: May 14, 2004, 05:19:00 PM »

rotfl.gif LOL rotfl.gif LOL

Fast & Furious isn't reality.

When you're racing your '85 Celebrity does Johnny Tran come up on his moped and start shooting at you?

When your NOS (because calling it Nitrous just isn't cool) causes the rivets in your floor board to shoot out of your Celebrity is that real?

And moreover how does your Celebrity do when you try and hijack semis for the awesome neons underglows to make it faster?

F&F is so far from reality, to make your car fast do you add all the weight, the neons, the wings, the heavier wheels, the subs? NO

So you kids are taking after F&F and even if you weren't the kids in the movie are dumb just like the kids in reality. I remember going to see it and ont he way out every kid had to try and race out of the lot and peel out, made me feel sorry for these kids that they need to pretend they're cool instead of accepting who they are and being cool with it

Street racers are not better drivers, that's idiot logic, you're trying to justify a stupid act by saying you're smart.

Some day you'll realize that just because accidents happen it doesn't make it cool to go out and increase the likelyhood of an accident. That logic says because people are going to die someday I should go out and kill people? Just because shit happens doesn't mean you need to make it more likely. Thanks for the laughs.


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« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2004, 08:15:00 PM »

QUOTE (RevoNole @ May 14 2004, 04:06 PM)
Street racers have a better mind for their car and what their doing than regular people do...

That right there is the most ignorant line in this thread. It's typical ricer mentality. And it's the type of attitude that gets people killed. Look at me, I'm a better driver then you because I chronically speed.

And if the Fast and the Furious is based on street racers like you guys, you must be pretty fucking patheric racers.


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« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2004, 08:10:00 PM »

QUOTE (mike96sc2 @ May 15 2004, 02:19 AM)
When you're racing your '85 Celebrity does Johnny Tran come up on his moped and start shooting at you?



"Who the fuck thinks they have the mind to tell us what to do?"

ME, cause if you hit me being a dumbass, YOU BETTER KILL ME.  (Low tolerance for stupidity + Anger issues = not a good situation)


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« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2004, 10:05:00 AM »

QUOTE (UndercoverPunker @ May 17 2004, 05:10 AM)

ME, cause if you hit me being a dumbass, YOU BETTER KILL ME.  (Low tolerance for stupidity + Anger issues = not a good situation)

Agreed 100%. You wreck my car being a jackass, be fully aware, you will get a beat down


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« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2004, 02:24:00 PM »

QUOTE (cityson @ May 18 2004, 03:25 PM)
BTW, 16 yr old is too young to be drivers...Government should pump it up to 20 at least (IMO).

I appreciate ppl who 'never' go higher than speed limit they're truly skilled and experience drivers (IMO).

Two things I couldn't agree with you more about.

I'd also like to see a law saying 10 - 16 year olds aren't allowed near a forum online, maybe the BS would be cut dramatically.


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« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2003, 02:42:00 PM »

Wow... I'm really feelin the love on this post. We've heard from ricers, rich kids in M3's, posers claiming to drive ferraris, and all you other people with car seats in the back. Street racers have got a bad rap after the Fast & The Furious. It ruined it for us! Now every stupid little kid in his eclipse thinks 2 big bottles of NOS will magicly make him pull a 10 sec 1/4 mile. Perhaps they'll blow their car up and grow-out of it. You do need to respect the guys that put the time into their Hondas though. Getting a 4 banger to put out 800 HP takes more then just a big turbo! I'm down in San Diego so I've seen it all. But it's all about the drifters!
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