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Author Topic: Advice On Depression Medication  (Read 98 times)


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Advice On Depression Medication
« on: October 22, 2006, 01:39:00 PM »

I think it has been 4 years since a psychiatrist recommended medicating me for "minor depression." Since then I've remained firm in my belief that I will never fall to that level. I don't believe in pills that just make you happy or just make your anxieties disappear. I was afraid that they take who I am and completely obliterate it.

I don't know if I can go on though...I mean...I've never been suicidal only because I'm a coward. I could never actually kill myself, but sometimes I feel like I would be better off dead. Everything in my life is one anxiety attack after another. I have trouble keeping close friends because I'm constantly paranoid that they're saying things behind my back or they secretly hate me. The closest friends hang on, but every day I drive our relationships further apart and I feel horrible. I become incredibly sad at the drop of a hat and all I think about all day is my anxieties about other people...

I don't know anyone who takes depression medication. I'm really anti-most-medication in general though. For the most part I don't even take pain killers. Sometimes I wonder if maybe anxiety/depression medication could significantly improve my life...I mean maybe if I didn't spend so much time worrying and moping over my relationships I could be a better person...but I doubt it. I'm afraid the medication will change who I am. I feel like my fears and sadness have become an essential part of my character. Maybe I'll start the medication and I'll change completely. I'll change so much I wont even remember why I didn't want to take the medication in the first place...I don't want to change and lose my friends...but I'm losing them by being who I am...

If anyone had any insight to this at all...please I would love to hear it...thanks... sad.gif

(EDIT: Just a note for those of you who will inevitably suggest professional help. I have obtained it in the past, but it really did not make a significant impact on me. I don't need someone to tell my problems, I need a method of altering my pattern of thinking. Also as I said before, I'm not suicidal so you can sooth your concerns.)


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 01:49:00 PM »

i know of the best medication ,i myself have been on it for 1 year,
Medicine such as welbutrin, and prozac didnt change me one bit, but JESUS did. biggrin.gif


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 02:03:00 PM »

Yeah, turning to religion is good advice, if you get into it and actually believe it and try to do what whichver one you choose says to do.  I don't believe in medications myself either (the whole artificial happiness thing just doesn't sound good to me, I'd rather beat it myself and know it is gone), I was reall depressed/suicidal for a few years but just kept at it with the help of some close friends, my girlfriend, and God and eventually beat it.

If you do go with the medication option however (at least it worked for an amazingly depressed person I know) I hear Xanax (sounds like Zanex) works great.  It did miracles for [person shall remain nameless].


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2006, 02:11:00 PM »

Sorry guys, religion isn't really my thing. I try to get by with my friends as you said, but I've been trying for so long that it's just not working. My anxieties just push them away.


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 02:34:00 PM »

If you really want to change then i would suggest trying some medicine. Im no doctor but i do believe in some medicinal solutions. There are many situations where medicine is overused for stupid things. However I think that there are serious problems that only medicine can fix. Im not saying that i approve of the money hungery pharmaceutical industry that are trying to sell a pill for everything. but i also think that there is no reason not to utilize the advances in medicine that truly help people. If you think that you have a real problem then there is a real solution out there for you that will help. But only you can make that move to help yourself. I think that you need to take a long look at how much time you spend worrying and how your life (not you) would change by taking some medicine. If you think that all that time is worth something, something more than just spent worrying you should do something. I think that frankly you are afraid of change. You don't want to lose that anxiety because it is part of you???? if that is really the case then you wouldn't have posted this in the first place. Do you really want that part of your life. I think that you should talk to your doctor about what your options are and talk to him/her about how others have done after taking the medicine. Its very possible that others have had the same fears of medicine that you have. He/she could probably tell you about their experience and/or put you in contact with a successful case.

I hope that i have helped somewhat... My opinion is by no means right. but maybe just an opinion helps.

if you need to talk... here is my AIM: alemerson88


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 03:25:00 PM »

I agree, Medication would probrably be the best route.

But if you get the medicine, do NOT drink alcohol. One of my sisters friends was on anti-depressants and she got drunk, and it was a really bad deal. She went crazy.

So I would get the medication but dont get drunk while on them


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2006, 03:56:00 PM »

Has anything in your life changed recently? Were you ever happy? If you have prolonged depression you need to do something to help yourself. If you are going through life the same way you always have, then nothing will ever change.

Things to do that do not include religion or medicine.

1. Excersice - Concentrate on your physical health, lift weights, run, bike, climb, jump, eat right.
2. Compete - Take up golf, racquette ball, mini-marathons, anything so that your training has a purpose. Your days have a purpose. Be the best you can be at what you choose to do.
3. Hump - In order to hump you need a companion. I advise a single companion, that you are both faithful to one another. Humping does tremendous things mentally and physically. I can get into it, but basically it is a form of meditation.
4. Meditate - See example 3. Also, take 20 minutes a day. You have to commit to it, and meditate. On anything, in anyway. I don't advise drug induced meditations, without a guide. Meditate on a thought, on no thought, on an object, a candle, anything. My favorite is humping as you can tell. I try to everyday, if my wife will let me. Try to get it on a routine. That makes it easier. Usually when you wake up, or when you go to sleep.

I like your posts here, I had no idea any of this was going on with you. Goes to show ya, you never know what goes on behind closed doors.


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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2006, 05:02:00 PM »

Yea...I think I used to be happy when I was much younger. Nothing has changed recently as in my life changing drastically. I've just always had social problems and they really get to me. I have my ups and downs, and yea it's not like I'm never happy, but I'm starting to wonder if all of my problems are rooted in some sort of anxiety/depression disorder.

As far as your ideas go:

1) I've tried it. I just don't seem to get that "runners high" or whatever it is people exercise for. It doesn't seem to make me any happier...just sweatier...
2) I have trouble finding a purpose because I can never seem to find a hobby I can keep my mind on. My biggest hobby is music, but it's so arduous that sometimes it just makes me more depressed.
3) Never had any luck with girls. To this day, haven't had a girlfriend nor even kissed a girl. Yes I've tried, no I haven't been successful. One thing that's been killing me as of late is this really flirtatious girl who used to basically just lay around with guys a lot (like literally lay, I don't mean sleep around) and she really helped me to relax, but she has been incredibly reserved as of late and like I said before, I tend to get into weird anxiety fight situation things with my friends so that doesn't really help anything. In other words, good idea, but no hope for me here.
4) Actually I find thinking to be one of the worst things I do. If I give myself time to dwell on my thoughts I end up paranoid and depressed.

I'm really sorry to have been so pessimistic with your ideas. Thank you for your suggestions.

Yea it's kind of hard to read people on the surface...


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« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2006, 05:13:00 PM »

im not sure if my suggestions will help
but i have been down this road and well
i was almost to the end of it, and at the end there was a .45 calibur pointed at my head

what stopped me was the fact that
life has ups and downs and when you think about the downs it gets worse
i had basicly stop all comunications with my friends, didnt go out side, hell i didnt even touch my xbox

i dont take pills for depression and i more than likely never will

just stop and think
you only ahve one life so live it to its fullest, dont let little stuff slow you down, dont get a girl friend cause they cause nothing but more trouble, find a girl thats willing to be a friend, get more friends (even if they are online friends they help the most cause they dont know the issues going on) just take you mind off what ever your troubles are

i think your music is awsome and it doesnt matter if you hate how the sound is just do what ever and enjoy that you ahve that talent

so again i dont know if this will help you or not
but just live life and enjoy what it gives you


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« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2006, 05:22:00 PM »

1) It's not for the runners high. It is a purpose. Reading labels makes you consious of what you are eating. Avoid hydrogonated oils and High Fructose corn-syrup. What you eat plays a big part in mental health. Good blood circulation does as well. Have you ever seen "Super Size Me"? If you havent watch how he gets more depressed as the movie goes on, cause of simply his eating habits and lack of excersice.
2) Join a team, a club, a gaming clan, a computer programming team for school, the baseball team. Your mmotivation will come from team oriented goals instead of individual ones. Everybodys mind strays away from personal goals. Teams are made up of people that help eachother achieve a common goal. I have played baseball professionally for 7 years. I know it is hard to stay focused. That is what a team is about, 1 time someone helps you, and next time you help them.
3) I was being a little silly with the humping idea. I have no idea how old you are. I am 28 years old and I have only been with 1 woman my whole life. My wife and I have been together since we were in high school. I would not change that for the world. When you find the right woman, you will know it. Don't do it because it is meditation. But, it is a benefit.
4) Meditating and thinking are 2 different things. Meditation is on a deeper level. Take the thoughts that are depressing you and push them out. Litterally, invision the words being pushed out of your head. Fill in your head with whatever you wish. But, be consistent. Make it positive affirmation, make in nothing at all. Try right now to think about nothing. It is almost impossible for the untrained mind. With practice you can get it. Whatever you wish to meditate on, do the same thing for a month before you give up on it. It doesn't work overnight.

If you ever want to hit me up on aim and chat you are more than welcome to. my screenname here is the same as my aim.


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« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2006, 07:46:00 PM »

baby steps.

If you have been depressed for so long that "being happy" is a memory, instead of how you feel, then you have to understand that change will take some time. This is something that might take a year to fix. Possibly ten years. The point is for you to do what it takes to make the change.

Music is such a powerful part of our world. It is the closest thing to magic here on earth. Keep that close to you. It's a good thing. Even if it makes you more depressed sometimes, always cherish it for what it does. Maybe it's time for you to broaden your musical palette. Listen to music that you usually don’t listen to in a given day. For myself, I alternate seasonally between rock, classic rock, electronica, and occasionally rap. I never listen to any too of those in a given month. It’s weird. Never turn away from music. It is a good thing.

As for the exercise, it will probably take 1-2 months before you feel the effect that throwingks talking about. It will take time and patience, but it does work. Also, exercise goes hand in hand with diet. Stay away from caffeine, because it is a known cause of depression. Second eat more fish. Fish contains (!science stuff warning!) omega 3 fatty acid. This is proven to help develop the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is used to control mood. This is also what anti-depressants try to do.

For girls, there’s always hope. My advise, just be patient. Sooner or later one will just fall in your lap. The trick is to know how to keep her.

Meditation should really be thought of as relaxation. Seriously just dedicate 30 minutes and sit in a chair. Clear your mind of all thoughts, and concentrate on your breathing. Concentrate on your blood circulation. Concentrate on the sound of the floor settling or cars driving by. The point here is to, free your mind from all its distractions so it can work better. It’s kinda like defragmenting your hard drive, or clearing your cache. smile.gif

If you’re thinking about meds, you should know, that all they do is take the edge off. They don’t solve any of your problems. They won’t make you happy. They won’t change who you are. All they do is take the edge off so the little thing won’t bug you as much. You have control of your dosage, so if it’s too much, you can always back off a little. You should also know that they take 4-6 weeks to “kick in”. Once again, patience.

You have to identify what it is in your life that you don’t like, and work on changing it.
•You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know you have a problem. This is what a psychiatrist is supposed to do for you. They’re supposed to help you identify, what’s wrong. However you only take out what you put in.

Your life needs purpose. Set a goal and strive for it. Over coming depression counts. You need to make achievements, no matter how small, because you need that feeling of accomplishment. You need more pride. (not arrogance but pride).

You need to know that change isn’t always a bad thing. You will never change who you are deep down in your soul. You will never forget how you feel now, and that is a good thing because it will remind you of how good your life is once you’ve overcome depression.

You should also know that the friends, who stick by you when you’re at your worst, are the friends who are the ones worth keeping. Don’t worry about loosing your friends. The best ones will stand by you. The ones that don’t really aren’t that great.

Medication is there to help. If you feel it is changing you, you’re taking too much. You want it to work, but you don’t want to know it’s there.

You need to take it one day at a time. Like an alcoholic, or a smoker, you’ll have good days and bad. You will fall into relapse, and you will learn to keep trying. Baby steps. Slow and steady wins the race.

One last thing. Have a good laugh. Even if you fake it.



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Advice On Depression Medication
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2006, 08:56:00 PM »

First of all, as you can tell by this response, people that have never even met you in person care enough to try to help you through this... to think out their responses and share some of their personal experiences.  
A lot of good suggestions have been made already, and I'd like to add one to the list.  Have you ever tried community service?  It really doesn't have to be a chore.  If you volunteer in something, you really get something out of it.  You can learn new skills and, most importantly, help people.  Sometimes, the look on someone's face after you have helped THEM is more than enough to motivate and help YOU.  If you give back to the world, the world will give back to you.  Also, sometimes you can step back and look at a HUGE project, be it building something or providing a service, and know that you were PART of it.  Without you, it would not be what it is.  Removing one block from a building can cause it to fall.  You are the block.  Because you were there to support it, the building stood strongly and the project succeeded.

Like throwingks said, in all honesty, diet and excercise can be a huge part, but it isn't overnight.  It's something you really have to invest time and effort into.  It doesn't have to be vigorous or extreme dieting... that's not the point.  The point is the excercise releases tension and over time releases seratonin and other chemicals that improve mental and physical mood.  And fatty, sugary, etc foods can just make you feel like crap and cloud your mind, it's really been scientifically proven.

These are just suggestions and I really hope they help you.  Btu just know that we are here for you if you ever need us.  We are now and we will always be.


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« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2006, 09:22:00 PM »

Well man, I have taken tons of meds up to current.  I have taken what some would consider (including myself) a laundry list of different things.  Really, to be honest, most of them made me feel better in one way but worse in another.  Zoloft worked sorta, I was always so tweaked out from it I never slept.  I was "happier" feeling but it had a very chemical feel to it.    Luvox, that shit made me see things. Really the thing that helped me most when I was really down was "Buspar" is how I believe you spell it. It's like Xanax but non addictive, It's not terribly strong but it's enough to get your mind strait on days like you are describing.

 I know a lot of people who take Xanax for this kinda thing and really it turns more addictive than anything, so that's why I tried the Buspar instead, It helped. Certainly didn't fix anything but it was helpful at dealing with things on occasion.  

Sorry to hear you are all botched up inside right now, My best advice is, amazingly enough, talk to a Dr. about medication.  Don't let them give you something when you go there, get some information, some packets and read through what's going to be best and pay close attention to the side effects, they can can be more damaging in the long term than depression in some cases. Then go back and talk to the doc. about it, if anything consider it a learning experience, but believe me it's best to research before some 1 off Dr. gives you something that might not be right for you.  As I mentioned before, I took all sorts of things Dr.'s kept throwing at me, I did my own research, talked to my doc about the buspar, used it for 3 months and I have not taken any medication for it now in 3+ years.

Just my 2 cents.



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« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2006, 02:46:00 AM »

i know religion isnt your thing, but hey 1 year ago i hated god and wanted nothing to do with him, i thought id never become a christian, but God brought me to my lowest, and then it was then i relized my need for a saviour, I prayed to jesus asking him to forgive me for all the wrong i had done, and i confessed all of my wrongs to HIm, and I was saved. Its sad that God had to bring me to my lowest, but hey this sounds where you may be at right now, truly just cry out to jesus, he will listen and hear what you have to say. No medication is going to relieve and rid the depression it will just cushion it and push it aside, only jesus can completly free you of your depression. and its so simple, all you have to do is ask Him, to forgive you for the wrong youve done, and then confess your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your heart. Trust me He will. and you will experience the greatest joy any one can experience. biggrin.gif

Smile Jesus Loves you biggrin.gif


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« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2006, 09:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(_iffy @ Oct 22 2006, 09:53 PM) View Post more fish. Fish contains (!science stuff warning!) omega 3 fatty acid. This is proven to help develop the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is used to control mood. This is also what anti-depressants try to do..

One last thing. Have a good laugh. Even if you fake it.

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