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Author Topic: Coooooooooooome Back!  (Read 1254 times)


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« on: May 24, 2006, 04:13:00 AM »

I wish w m z was still here, I don't know if brahm2 still posts here but he was always a really sweet guy smile.gif

Who did you like in the old days?


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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2006, 10:10:00 AM »

No disrespect to new members but X-S isn't anywhere near as fun as it used to be. The neutering of the B/S/T, the flood of X-S Enthusiasts that seem to be here just to troll, etc. IMO the newer mods don't do the job the older ones did by any means. Brahm2 took care of stuff always, Xantium used to be a lot more active, Shanafan I don't miss but I won't get into that.

X-S has more of a wink/wink nudge/nudge policy towards piracy now. Here we all are, Xbox fans, and there is tons of talk about how to bypass security on the X360 DVD drive for no reasons other than to run back-ups, no homebrew (piracy I'd say). Also when Halo 2 was leaked there were mods making posts to remember to delete your leaked Halo 2 savegame before going on XBL. Well if a mod was really doing their job wouldn't they prefer those who are using pirated materials be banned?

Probably the last thing that really got me was having to request some trolls in a thread being stopped 3 or 4 times, and all they got was a lame warning when blatant rule violations were running amock.

X-S Slogan contest? Never going to have a winner?

I remember when me and Klatu used to spend the nights at our respective jobs answering noob questions for hours. Now its almost pointless.

Ok my rant is done, if I don't like it I don't have to be here I know, but I stop by for old times sake. Most all I know or knew are now gone.

This post has been edited by mike96sc2: May 24 2006, 05:15 PM


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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2006, 10:29:00 AM »

Completely agree with mike96sc2

scene has run down alot, but its no fault of anyone in particular, just people getting tired of their respective jobs


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« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2006, 10:44:00 AM »

That's how forums usally are.


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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2006, 11:33:00 AM »




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« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2006, 12:20:00 PM »

I do agree that the scene is not as good as it used to be but I'm still very happy that its still around, hell xbox-scene makes up 90% of the reason I even bother to get online. We all know what the other 10% is (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Sure its not as great as it was but its still the greatest website, forum, etc. of all time imo.

Long live X-S!

This post has been edited by poo87: May 24 2006, 07:20 PM


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« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2006, 01:02:00 PM »

I think XS has kinda had its day (i used to lurk for almost a year before I joined - I only signed up when I got the money for an xbox lol!).. When I first joined it used to be the best forum i was posting on, I would check it every day, people were really keen to work together - I remember a 50 page long thread where a couple of guys engineered a controller for someone with a disability to play xbox with.

I think that the attention drew in too many people more concerned with just playing pirate games towards the end of the xboxs run - word was out that xbox chipping was easy to do, and we got an rush of enthusiasts (like mike96sc2 said).

Now I check up to reply to posts on the section I mod - there are rarely any new topics lol) and cant afford a 360 because Im saving for cars, car insurance, deposit for a flat (apartment), and holidays.

Seems the dump has an interesting topic in it every now and again where the old feeling comes back - the 15 year old with the son is an interesting one, I love how most of the members did some research and came to the conclusion together... just like the old days!

This post has been edited by Silentscream__: May 24 2006, 08:03 PM


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« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2006, 01:07:00 PM »

I used to lurk too! This site still is the best Xbox modding site around, but yes, things change over time.


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« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2006, 03:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(Silentscream__ @ May 24 2006, 12:33 PM) View Post

I think XS has kinda had its day (i used to lurk for almost a year before I joined - I only signed up when I got the money for an xbox lol!).. When I first joined it used to be the best forum i was posting on, I would check it every day, people were really keen to work together - I remember a 50 page long thread where a couple of guys engineered a controller for someone with a disability to play xbox with.

I think that the attention drew in too many people more concerned with just playing pirate games towards the end of the xboxs run - word was out that xbox chipping was easy to do, and we got an rush of enthusiasts (like mike96sc2 said).

First, I think X-S is still VERY alive, and we are on the fringe of an Rebirth.  Not just in members, but also in interest, posts, great and original ideas, and a lot of other *positive* things.  But I do agree... there used to be a lot more "stimulating activity (read: not piracy)" on X-S, but a lot of people have moved on either because they modded and aren't interested in "keeping up with everything" or maybe don't have the time they used to.

The bolded statement sums it up.  It used to be all about the creativity, the satisfaction of running XBMP (remember XBMP?), modding something yourself to run Linux on something that was called "unmoddable" and not to mention made by MS. smile.gif

To be honest (and nothing against the guys who make them or anything as some REALLY amazing stuff has been done with them by VERY talented people), I think softmods really contributed to the "staleness" that we have seen a little bit.  They almost made it TOO easy, you know what I mean?  That way any person with a memory unit or buddy with an Xbox could do it.  Just want to play "backups," not interested in the process or anything else, just the dollar.  Then again, it swings both ways.  People without the financial resources for a chip mod ($20 DuoX2 is expensive to a lot of people... we have a lot of young members) or whose parents don't like to order from the internet or don't want them to mod an Xbox (again, young members), or even are afraid to even open an Xbox or solder to the board (I was afraid the first time I chipped an Xbox... $200+$60 for system and chip is NOT cheap... I still refuse to solder to my mobo... plus I lost my soldering wires and X-BIT pogopins work great to this day)... it helped a lot of these people who never would have been able to mod without softmods.

Now... on the the Rebirth.  It is coming.  We can all feel it.  Do you know what the Rebirth is?  The Rebirth is homebrew on the 360... and with all the effort being put into it since so little money can be made from the firmware hack... we might see it soon or in years.  I hope sooner than later, like all you guys, but have NO idea when this may happen.  The 360 has a lot of potential when (notice I didn't say if) it is unlocked... it's just going to take time.
When the Rebirth occurs... all I can say is be ready.  And I hope the Hardware Upgrade is fully completed smile.gif

the black box

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« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2006, 04:57:00 PM »

A while ago I used to come to this site everyday and spend hours on here, but now I rarely come here anymore. Things have died down quite a bit, when all the new apps were coming out for the xbox and XBMP/XBMC came out this site was booming, it has died down a lot since though. This is the first time I've been to this site in over a month, to tell you the truth I don't even touch my xbox that much anymore.

When all the case mods came out people were going crazy over that and creating everything and anything that they could with their xbox. The biggest thing going on right now is the Xbox 360 DVD drive hacks, that's not near as big as what original xbox modding was, I'm sure when a chip comes out for the 360 there will be a lot more going on here but I doubt it will ever be like it used to be.

The old users, well most of them are gone, a few came back, but it's just not the same. I think it went downhill after HSD and Apples, it started to die shortly after that. Sure there's lots of new users here, but they'll never know how it used to be, I'm not one of the original members, but I've been here for a while, didn't post a lot, mostly lurked, and been here for a while before I joined. Back when you could actually use the built in forum search, I remember that, that was awsome. When "General Chat" was around and counted as post counts, a lot of people had huge post counts back then, but post count doesn't really matter. Back when you could sell more then just xbox related stuff in the B/S/T, I sold a few non xbox related things there.

This site has changed a lot from what it used to be, sure I'll always come back and check in every now and then, but nothing like I used to. I don't know, maybe some day it'll come back again with a whole new life, but one things for sure, it will never be the same.


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« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2006, 05:00:00 PM »

I joined in 04, was a big lurker before that. And I'd have to agree I do miss the old scene.
Members I can remember...:
Birdtales (I talk to him on AIM every now and then, and he does post occasionaly)
Twisted.Penguin (pretty sure he was banned haha)
Krappy ( he was banned too lol)
I forget his name...but it was pnl with some numbers...really cool guy
Tyksak (dammit, where the HELL did this guy go? so much respect for him)
reddragon with some numbers...(owns ratemyxbox)

thats all i can think of right now...come back! lol


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« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2006, 05:51:00 PM »

X-S has more of a wink/wink nudge/nudge policy towards piracy now.

I'd go out on a limb and say they have more of a 'dont ask dont tell' policy. They werent giving advice on HOW to pirate Halo2, jsut giving advice on how not to get banned on XBL.

And yeah, I remember I lived here, was my homepage, it was the first thign I did when I got home from school I would check the forums and anything for new news. Oh well, it ran its course, it had its glory, and its fading. Its not a bad thing, but its just following the console cycle.

Although, I'm willing to bet when we start to get modchips and more exploits for the 360, it'll pick up again, big time.


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« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2006, 05:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(the black box @ May 24 2006, 05:28 PM) View Post

I think it went downhill after HSD and Apples, it started to die shortly after that.

good call...


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« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2006, 07:54:00 PM »

I remember the controller mod, whoever did that was awesome. The kid who needed it was disabled and by switching the controls of the analog sticks he could play Halo easier. I remember a lot of mod-shops hooked up the guy who originally did it just because it was so awesome of them.

X-S used to be my 6 hours at my job, now it hardly hits 10 minutes a day.

I would love to see a rebirth in the scene but the excitement seems focused on the "backup" instances now. I know there's a don't ask don't tell policy but go into any forums news posting and the people who are going nuts for it sure aren't hiding the fact they're pirating the software on their 360s and they ride anyone who says they are against all these hacks. Maybe these kinds of people should be banned on sight, or better yet, make me a moderator and I'll mute these people on the spot.

As far as the Halo 2 don't get banned for XBL deal, there was a time when people were banned/muted for mentioning anything piracy related. Then Halo 2 was leaked and there was a strict no-discussion of the game policy. Anyone caught mentioning they had it was XS-BANNED, then there's a moderator going around saying "Ok, we know you pirates should delete your save so you dont get banned from XBL". Personally, I would have let the pirates get banned, that to me seemed to be out of place with the don't ask / don't tell policy.

I would rather see X-S lose a lot of the bulk (aka people who are useless, pirates, trolls, etc) by putting the hammer down more on what isn't a useful part of the scene. I'd rather be part of a small community full of people who are really good and helpful as opposed to the current state of affairs which seems to be too many people, too little info, unprofessionalism / unkindness,  and a lack of community.

On another note it's nice to see a lot of older members who've posted. Nice to know some of us are still afloat in a sea of X-S Enthusiasts.


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« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2006, 08:15:00 PM »

Its not as fun as it used to be but I still come here everyday   smile.gif
Addiction maybe?
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