
Author Topic: Any Advanced Web Designers Who Want To Answer Questions?  (Read 24 times)


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Any Advanced Web Designers Who Want To Answer Questions?
« on: March 12, 2006, 03:06:00 PM »

hey everyone, I am playing around with the XML feed, and making a website around it for a class.
 I can get the info to display using an XSL style sheet, but I have to manually add text to the XML file to do this.
 Also, for some reason, bungie added <br/> tags into their feed. As far as I know this is an XML nono, and they do not line break like they should.
 So I guess my questions are:
 1. How do I make a style sheet grab the XML file from bungie, and not the other way around (so it can be made into a dynamic web page for each person)
 2. How do I display the <br> tags that are embedded in the game info?
 thank you in advance!