
Author Topic: Anyone Know How To Use A Simon Gift Card Visa  (Read 26 times)


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Anyone Know How To Use A Simon Gift Card Visa
« on: October 31, 2004, 10:22:00 PM »

Hey i was employee of the month and umong other thigns i got a 30 dollar prepaid visa from simon malls.  You can use it just a like a debit card but with moeny already put on it.

I know you can order stuff online with it but i'm not sure what to put for the billing address.  I looked on and looked at some of the FAQ but it didn't really answer my question.  It did say something about the address but i don't really know what it means

"What should I do if I am having trouble purchasing a Simon Visa Gift Card with my Visa® or MasterCard® online?
Be sure to check the following:
1. Card Expiration Date. Make sure the expiration date on your card matches the expiration date in your issuer's system.
2. Address. The address on your Credit Card billing statement needs to be exactly the same as the one you enter on the order. "



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Anyone Know How To Use A Simon Gift Card Visa
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2004, 12:02:00 PM »

That's just referring to ordering a simon gift card, using your present Visa credit card. As far as billing information, your home address should be all that is needed, the card does have a number across the front like credit cards right? If anything, they'll e-mail you, or call asking you a few questions, but it shouldn't be a big problem.


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Anyone Know How To Use A Simon Gift Card Visa
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2004, 05:15:00 PM »

thanks, yeah it has a number and a name on it "simon gift card" or something, but when using a CC online you need to have the correct billing address or it won't process.  ao i'm kinda stuck
