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Author Topic: Do You Believe In Aliens?  (Read 124 times)


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2004, 06:42:00 PM »

Which brings me to say: Time travel, Matrix, possible? Very.

"if time travel was possible then why arent we inundated with visitors from the future?"
-Stephen Hawking


ok ok, i know there are a whole bunch of contradicitions and arguments to this quote.... but i just thought id post it.....

-Mike smile.gif

oh yea, Stephen Hawkings is cool cool.gif


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2004, 07:18:00 PM »

I will find out the true answer.

WOW I never noticed this until I re-read your post.
Good luck and may God be with you!  laugh.gif  J/K!

Edit: This may help your research:

Principle of Biogenesis living things come only from living things.
Sounds kind of like the chicken and the egg.
Oh while you are an your quest can you answer the chicken question for me too?  biggrin.gif

Hercules Q Einstein

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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2004, 07:32:00 PM »

QUOTE (sk8ermike6789 @ Jan 13 2004, 04:42 AM)
Which brings me to say: Time travel, Matrix, possible? Very.

"if time travel was possible then why arent we inundated with visitors from the future?"
-Stephen Hawking


ok ok, i know there are a whole bunch of contradicitions and arguments to this quote.... but i just thought id post it.....

-Mike smile.gif

oh yea, Stephen Hawkings is cool cool.gif

Some people (albert einstein comes to mind) say that time travel is possible but you couldnt interact with anything just watch (like a ghost). Or maybe it cost to much for anyone to make a time travel device so only goverments have them and they regulate them. Also maybe there are time travelers among us that would explain UFOs.

As for aliens I think they do exsit but not near earth, and probably nothing close to a human. Most likely there is atleast some kind of worm on some planet.


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2004, 07:54:00 PM »

well there is always the theory that tiem travel is possible but it requires the ability to make a wormhole and move it at light speed, so when you stop it, the wormhole will still be back in that time and you can go thru to there

so given that they cant come back here cause we cant do either

but i think the entire theory of the relation between speed and time is a load of crap


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2004, 08:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (DermicSavage @ Jan 13 2004, 04:54 AM)
but i think the entire theory of the relation between speed and time is a load of crap

There have been proven tests with atomic clocks that show time travels slower at faster speeds.  Of course that doesn't mean traveling at the speed of light would send you backwards in time.


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2004, 01:25:00 AM »

Im sure I read somewhere that one of the russian cosmonauts had technically travelled time by a few minutes! I dont remember whether it was forwards or backwards though!


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2004, 05:16:00 AM »

QUOTE (Zero @ Jan 12 2004, 10:40 PM)
QUOTE (DermicSavage @ Jan 13 2004, 04:54 AM)
but i think the entire theory of the relation between speed and time is a load of crap

There have been proven tests with atomic clocks that show time travels slower at faster speeds.  Of course that doesn't mean traveling at the speed of light would send you backwards in time.

there have also been various experiments disproving it

and by einstein's theory nothing can travel at the speed of light, as he also says that light moves at a fixed speed, but there is a specific experiment where they had sent a microwave traveling from within a closed enviroment that moved faster than the microwave moving from outside

thus the speed of light is variable, which may or may not play a role in wether time is variable by speed


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2004, 02:34:00 PM »

There have been many people claiming that the Bajak Flux Capacitator they built 'held time', as in stopping it completely when the rays were subjected to clocks, watches, and sliced apples (They didn't rot). But who am I to say it is true, I've never build such a thing, neither do a plan to soon (at the age of 12? Hell no!), I don't wanna be messin with capacitators.

   David Hamel suggests that the egyptians built time machines in their pyramids, using magnets as the the source of energy (research David Hamel and the 45gd), once you read it all, you start to think, "It's not that complicated".

I have a very little understanding on physics, but I know enough to prove my point.


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »

My ideas on time travel is that it really isnt possible because time isnt a thing.  I view time as just something the human race has invented to organize their lives.  There is not true 'time'.  You cant touch it, feel it, or even reallly prove that it exists, it is just htere because we need it to be or we would go crazy.  (maybe my views are dumb but thats what I think.)  Times doesnt exist so how can you travel through it?

As far as aliens.  Yes I believe that it is true.  Whether or not they visit Earth I do not know.  It is very narrow minded to think that of the entire universe we are the only living things.  Just because other planets that we know exist dont seem to be able to support human life doesnt mean that they couldnt support other life forms?.  I mean whos to say that extraterrestrial life would be carbon based life forms like we are?   There really is no reason for them to be.

Did we come from another planet?  Well I used to think that maybe we were decendants of an ancient extraterrestrial life form that migrated to Earth maybe to escape the destruction of their home planet but after really thinking about it I decided that that really wasnt feasable simply because there has been nothing found to support it.  Archealogical studies clearly point to the approximate time at which humans came into existance but nothing has been found in the manner of space travel or anything else.

And god is just a crutch for people to lean on.  Religion really isnt necissary to society.  We dont 'need' god in order to function so why should we believe he is there?  I make due perfectly fine (if not better) without god so what reason do I have to accept his existance?


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »



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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2004, 06:24:00 PM »

Funny thing is the guy chose a forum for all his stories.

Hey, if you really want to pull a hoax, do it properly.

Came back to get a unix computer?  And spent how many months? And all of the unix documentation (and books) worldwide was completely destroyed in 30 years? And it was worth time travelling to fix a 30-year-old computer? And time travel is possible? Einstein knew nothing? Science in 30 years will let us timetravel? I could go on, but I've proven my point.



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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2004, 06:28:00 PM »

I read alot of the things that this john titor said in his posts.  The main thing that I find unbelievable is that it seems that society in his descriptioin has degressed (is taht a word?)  Like things are more like they were years ago.  I dont know.  When reading it you get this weird feeling that just makes you think its true.  This guy seems to have a perfect answer for almost everything but maybe thats teh true pointer to it being a fake.  No one could relaly have answers to everyth question they are asked.


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2004, 07:06:00 PM »

Well I've spent a while looking at that Titor site when I should have been studying...

Things like that really interest me. Thanks for posting that. I'm always half-believing yet still always trying to be logical at the same time. I'm not going to worry about studying for the night now. I've got the civil war of 2005 to get ready for apparently.


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2004, 11:20:00 PM »

Just as a further point on the alien theories that have been put forward, so far most people have talked about the possibility that the alien life forms would be some kind of worm or other simple life form.

Lets not forget that there has been life on Earth for over 1 billion years. Just think how easy it would be for another planet with life on to be, say, a million years ahead of us in terms of evolution.

Now think how far we have advanced in the last hundred years, technology wise.

Is it really that difficult to believe that there are intelligent beings that are capable of interstellar travel?

Personally I believe that it is impossible that intelligent life has not formed somewhere else in either this galaxy or one of the billions of other galaxies scattered throughout the universe...


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Do You Believe In Aliens?
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2004, 11:45:00 PM »

Universe goes on forever, must be something else out there, the odds are good if its infinte.
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