
Author Topic: Wireless Acess Point Questions  (Read 21 times)


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Wireless Acess Point Questions
« on: December 03, 2003, 06:56:00 PM »

If I buy a USB wireless acess point, will I be able to use more than one wireless device simultaniously or does it only supply a signal for one device?

Would I be better off to go with a wireless router?

The reason I ask is because I have a laptop and my mother has a laptop and I want them connected to my network wirelessly.
Right now I have my desktop and my xbox connected via a linksys 4 port router.  I was thinkign of getting a wireless router to replace it but I would need one that also allows for wired devices.  Would THIS ROUTER work?
That is a really good price and I dont ahve tons of money to spend.  Is taht router shity and will it do what I need it to?

thank you guys