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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #45 on: December 13, 2005, 03:53:00 PM », how about we have some random japanese dude tell us how loyal his country is to Sony and draw our conclusions from that  sleeping.gif. Its a shame the japanese will miss out on the Xbox 360 because theyre waiting for a "SLICK" console from sony. The PS1 looks like something i should be putting in my dishwasher, and the PS2 looks alright. Lets all recall what the PS2 launch looked like. Lets recall the PS2 units awesome DVD readers. Have any modders here attempted the PS2? The thing is built like pure horseshit - and because Sony doesnt know how avoid bottlenecking the GPU, the games look like asshole too! Remember the JAGGIES? Lets take the Ps2 off its little high horse for just a moment, and remember what sony actually delivered.

Oh, whats that you say? THE XBOX360 has a bigger power supply than your Ps2's power supply? Weird. Because the last time i checked, the Ps2's cpu didnt have THREE CORES. You think the PS3 wont be power hungry? Thats weird, because i dont know wheres its going to draw its power for all 600 controllers, 3000 USB ports and the JEET Cell processor?

Smart consumers hey? Tell the japanese to stop tounging Sonys balls. Turn off the CGI propaganda and Ninja movies for a minute, and ask yourself: can Sony really deliver something thats worth waiting for? All blu-ray discs aside, it can.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #46 on: December 13, 2005, 05:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(Statecowboy @ Dec 13 2005, 02:06 PM) View Post

Why do you feel the need to chime in and repeat what people have already said?  I can't go through a thread without seeing you repeat what three people have already said.  Lay off the post button and chime in when needed.

Use the Ignore feature there tough guy. If you need assistance as how to use it, I will gladly walk you thru the process smile.gif And dont respond with "well I shouldnt have 2 use it".

Its there for a reason, use it.

Hey did I show you the comment m_hael made? If I didn't, here it is...

The ps3 was NOT designed to do HD, its NOT great at HD in fact it performs rather poorly in HD modes. It is a poly monster is all. Sony also showed a lot of "demo's" that were later proved to be nothing of the sort. We have the hardware and it doesn't handle the fill rate required for that resolution... in short yes you CAN do 1080p if you want to play Tetris or have a few screens within a game at that resolution.. but a full 3D game with 20X overdraw & AA... nope.. not gonna happen.




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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #47 on: December 13, 2005, 09:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(BasicAir @ Dec 14 2005, 12:14 AM) View Post

The "size" debate really -is- just a lame excuse for Japanese. Sure they may really be concerned with it, but not rightfully so. As someone already pointed out, the Xbox 1 is not much bigger than the P.o.S. 2 nor than a mini pc tower... Okay, so a lot of people live in confined spaces. So what? Even if I lived in a 6x6 jail cell, the minor size difference between Xbox and P.o.S. 2 wouldn't bother me a bit and neither would it anyone else unless they just have a vendetta against the Xbox, like Japs do. Tell me, Japs - What exactly would you do with the extra couple inches of cubic space by having a P.o.S. 2 instead of an Xbox? Exactly -- Nothing. The fact is that if the P.o.S. 2 was the size and shape of the Xbox and vice versa, you wouldn't even have conceived this bs excuse that it's "too big". Also, the GameCube, as someone said, is clearly the smallest of the three... What's wrong there? Too small? Exactly, you don't even mention it because you're lying ignorant Japs.

Your are so self-centered, just because size & weight doesnt bother you, so it shouldnt bother everyone else in the world?  You should try living in different cultures for a few years and open yourself up.  What people value varies in different culture you know.    2ndly, you type 125wpm, and you have to use the word Japs over and over... "lying ignorant japs?" are you going to start calling chinese chinks now?   The feeling from your post made me feel as if you are a racist more or less.   I am 1/2 Japanese, lived for more then 8 years in Taiwan/Japan/US and I think I qualify to know more about japanese culture then you.   When it comes to consoles, my family was in the business of the palm-top games release by Nintendo before NES even came out so I've grew up playing game my whole life.  

To go back to the size issue, if you are living in a 6x6" jail cell, you wouldnt care eh?  Well, maybe for jail cell when you have nothing but a bunk bed.  In real, people have furnatures.  People have other uses besides playing game for their "living" room.  Just to give you a picture in your head, imaging your whole house is the size of your bed-room where everything in in there (plus a small kitchen & bathroom).  Often time your "console machine" will need to be moved away for other uses of the room.   Those who are into games in Japan, are probably into animations as well, books, figures, computer system, all these takes up room.  Honestly, making able to stand up vertically is quite important because it takes up less floor space.  
Maybe poeople here are more picky about "looks".   If two console machines both have same price, same games, I will pick the one thats lighter and better looking (of course, some might find xbox better looking but in the eyes of the Japanese, xbox is ugly).    You see MS trying to tackle this by using Japanese designer, Murata (I never heard of this guys as I am not in the business, but his webpage is: if you are interested)   It goes to show how MS value Japanese market....good preparation but they screwed up by not putting out enough titles at launch to make 360 more attractive which is more imporatnt then size/weight.


So what's -really- wrong with the Japs? Someone already pointed it out -- They dislike the Western world, particularly the United States. They never want to even -think- about embracing video games and video game machines from us Americans. It's really sad, actually, just how bad they are anti-American... Like someone said, many see their fellow Japs as "traitors" for buying the Xbox and those in Japan who can open up their mind enough to think the Xbox may be fun and a wise purchase are afraid to go buy one because these closed-minded, ignorant Japs who are anti-American will shun them. How ridiculous!

Japanese dislike western world?  True, they dislike anyone, not just the western word, 300 years ago when they lock their own country up from outside contacts.  You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, and knows nothing about Japan, its people and culture.  anti-American?   Have you been to Japan?  Have you see how people dress here? How western cars (including American cars) are popular?  Do you think no foreign cars are being sold in this country and only Honda, Nissan & Toyota are running on the steets?    

Debate has been PS2 & XBOX, u make it Japanese VS Western.   Where do you think gamecube is made? What about Nintendo?  You think that is NOT a Japanese company?   Pioneer of video games in this country and people buy PS2.   NES/SNES dominated the market for so long, but people switched.   Why?  You tell me.   Which one is more Japanese, Sony or Nintedo?  I think Nintedo runs in a even more traditional Japanese management then Sony.    

Need more advertisment as someone mentioned(actually been seeing Perfect Zero ad in trainstations), but more importantly, more titles is defenitely the key to win in this country.   True, Japanese people likes RPG the most, but there are also people that like FPS like Halo.  I recall reading a review of 2 Japanese guy who went to XBOX countdown event in the States and one of which is like a 2nd place winnter for some world FPS game competition.    MS need to cut deals with game publishers to have popular titles come out on 360 first(if not, at least at the same time with other console machines).  It is going to be a tough fight in Japan if  PS3 come out to have backward compatibility.   Instantly, first-time console buyers will buy PS3 because of all the available PS2(and probably bunch of PS3) titles.

Some of you think I am all for Sony/PS2.  Hell no.  I dont even plan to buy PS3.  I have a Pioneer 43" plazma and I value quality way too much.  Maybe I am not such a hardcore console gamer.  I love the Dynasty Warriors series game, but I dont even own a copy on my PS2, I actually wait for months and buy only the XBOX version.    360 I will defenitely buy once XBMC runs on it.   Cant wait to get rid of my XBOX and replace with something thats finally presentable.   I do hope 360 makes it here in Japan.  Its pathetic when I go to a game software store and always have to go to that little section in the corner and pick from limited titles.



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #48 on: December 13, 2005, 09:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(ikecomp @ Dec 13 2005, 04:33 PM) View Post

Grill cheese sandwichs anyone?  tongue.gif

Over here.   smile.gif



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2005, 10:20:00 PM »

Finally got my account back after some misunderstandings.
Anyhow, back to the thread.
I am amazed how bad the 360 is doing in Japan considering how much $ MS put in it with the 360 lounge, XBOX 360 MONUMENTS on the streets, and advertisements.
I think it is all due to its terrible line-up which is one of the worst I've ever seen because they got no good titles like COD2 here or something alike and all the major games were delayed.
MS should have instead postponed the launch in order to avoid such embarrasment as having the worst system launch ever! (worse than the original XBOX in sales).


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2005, 11:37:00 PM »

QUOTE(Deftech @ Dec 13 2005, 08:04 PM) View Post

Use the Ignore feature there tough guy. If you need assistance as how to use it, I will gladly walk you thru the process smile.gif And dont respond with "well I shouldnt have 2 use it".

Its there for a reason, use it.

Hey did I show you the comment m_hael made? If I didn't, here it is...

Anybody that has 15.5 post per day has got to be one kick ass dude.  Deftech, you can say whatever you want back to me, this is a hobby for me that sometimes gets out of hand, for you unfortunately this is your life.   sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif

For some real "non online" people and go outside.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2005, 12:04:00 AM »

I see you don't know how to use the feature. A simple "Please" and help will be given  smile.gif



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #52 on: December 14, 2005, 12:42:00 AM »

Note about COD2:

1) FPS is just not a selling genre here.  Most all my Japanese friends, gaming fiends all, just don't dig it, even though they can watch me whip through a bit of Halo 2 and say "Yeah, that's pretty cool."  

Those who DO dig FPSes are the Akiba crowd that have high-end gaming PCs, even then they are in the minority.

2) Games based in real wars don't fair well often (this doen't include wars older than a century or so, hence the popularity of the Dynasty Warriors series, Nobunaga's Ambtion series etc..).

I'm not trying to say that every Japanese soul is programmed by the pacifist constitution Article 9, but war is just not so "cool" here.  I thought was a fluke when my wife commented on it when I played the original Medal of Honor, but when a couple other friends mentioned it in reference to WWII games, even when only the European theatre was the battlefield.

One interesting converstation was when I was playing Full Spectrum Warrior while the U.S. was invading Iraq.  My best Japanese gamer friend asked me if I didn't feel "guilty" doing so given the time (I explained it was more cathartic, but that I saw his point).

So, PDZ launches as its a "future fantasy" FPS.  But doesn't sell well due to genre.  COD2 doesn't see release.  They new better than to bother with a double whammy.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2005, 12:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(Xombe @ Dec 14 2005, 12:49 AM) View Post

Note about COD2:

1) FPS is just not a selling genre here.  Most all my Japanese friends, gaming fiends all, just don't dig it, even though they can watch me whip through a bit of Halo 2 and say "Yeah, that's pretty cool."  

You can only kill so many Germans before it gets old.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2005, 01:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(miggidy @ Dec 14 2005, 04:35 PM) View Post

So do you live in Japan?
Perhaps you can end this debate by backing me up in what I've been saying for months now.
There's really a simple explanation as to why the Xbox or any other foreign console always fails in Japan.
A few years ago I read an article on EGM where they explained why (at that time) American games always sold poorly in Japan. Some Japanese editor from Ziff Davis said that the main reasons why American games don't sell well over there is because the Japanese gamers feel that American games are lame.
They're wack! Basically, they're just bad quality compared to their own games.
To them it's like comparing an authentic Japanese Sushi bar, to an American Sushi bar with a non-Japanese cheff.... The guy went on to say that the Japanese even had a slang term (name) for American games. It was a derogatory name.
Can you fill us in on this word? I forgot what it was, perhaps you can ask some Japanese gamer over there.

This would finally put this debate to rest. It would explain why foreign consoles don't settle too well with Japanese gamers....

Yes, I live in Tokyo and is where I am typing from.  I dont know what the slang is for American games.  Why dont them sell good in Japan?  its just matter of taste.  There are tons of games that do not sell well locally too.  It didnt sell well not becasuse its "American" but because people didnt liked the game itself.  For one, Some American football game(madden?) sold pretty well in U.S. but if bring into Japan, I doubt anyone will buy.  Hell, most people dont even know how football rules work.  You talk about football, they think you are talking about soccer.   Anyways, even with RPG games, I find that Japanese people like Cartoonish RPG games, where western like more "realistic" feel ones.(sorry dont know how to express myself here), for example look at Dragon Quest series games  But its changing, Final Fantasy series games had similar look to dragon quest ones, but  11th series actually look very much alike to western RPG games.  oh this is just personal opinion btw, I never really asked anyone.   Again, culture influences on what the game will turn out, and I guess some or most of the american games, the graphic, or playstyle just dont suit the taste of Japanese gamers.  But there are also games that are popular worldwide, like Ninja Gaiden, one of the few games I actually finished.  Capcom games are popular not only in Japan I think...    There is no way you can satisfy everyone, really so to win the market, probably need to give people selection, flood the market with all the available games on the 360.   There is no need to have to "import/export" games.  They just need to get the local game developers to develop games for them.   I mean, see what happened to Atari's "world's first 64bit" game machine, what was it call? Jaguar?  How many games was available? People didnt buy it because it came form foreign country? I dont think so.  

I think it could also come down to advitisment.  Local games probably have more ads, and most likely local publishers have contacts with game magazine reviewers and they get more coverage?


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2005, 01:28:00 AM »

Reason I bought  my ps2 was for the game franchises on it, alot made overseas. The reason i bought my xbox was because it is moddable thats about it. There are some great games on xbox but it seems the xbox library is flooded with too many fps and not enough of everything else.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #56 on: December 14, 2005, 02:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(nyarlathotep @ Dec 13 2005, 05:30 PM) View Post

But it is not a family console. My girlfriend has a ps2 and I love it. Karaoke games, guitargames, crazy wierd games, the ps2 has it all. The ps2 covers all genres. With the xbox your into limited genres. Hmm.. is genre a swedish word or universal? Many people I know choose the new ps2 because of it slick design which I understand.

Exactly the reason for me not to buy the ps2 or even ps3 ...

I want real games.... not some bullshit game...

I love the 360 games.. not that many at the moment.. but i dont need 20 games to entertain myself.. i can manage with 3-5 games.. even over a period of several years...

But if u like karaoke games guitar games etc, its a valid reason to get a ps2 over xbox ...

With kind regards
360 owner smile.gif


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« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2005, 04:31:00 AM »

Many of you guys fuel the notion that most americans are just ignorant.  sad.gif


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« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2005, 05:26:00 AM »

No one seems to have commented that Maru means round. They should have used Ze-ro, which actually means zero. Though, they reeally should have used san-hyaku-roku-juu-zero, but that's just me being a picky bastard.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2005, 06:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(TwigFigure @ Dec 14 2005, 09:33 PM) View Post

No one seems to have commented that Maru means round. They should have used Ze-ro, which actually means zero. Though, they reeally should have used san-hyaku-roku-juu-zero, but that's just me being a picky bastard.

No, it's correct. maru is used very often in numerical strings.  

For example, when I order pizza, I say "Niikura 2884, 201" (201 being the apartment number) and it goes: niikura ni-hachi-hachi-yon no ni-maru-ichi. It would sound very odd to say ni-zero-ichi, though it would not be, technically, incorrect.

maru represented the nil sum zero before common usage (or even advent) of katakana, which is used to write zero.

While your at it, when hundred is used in that case, the ha becomes ba (with the ten-ten) and thus the numerical sum 360 is san-byaku-rokujyuu (no zero, maru, whatever on the end).


Thank you, come again. Classes begin at 8:30 all week (土日除く).

And resize your sig..
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