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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2005, 01:13:00 AM »

QUOTE(thund3rcat @ Dec 13 2005, 01:00 AM) View Post

I'm not a huge fan of console games (yes including halo) since the SNES days.

Oh, Ok.  Now i get it.  The biggest selling point of the ps3, for you, is that you can play ps1 and 2 game on it, console games that you are not a fan of anyway. huh.gif

A modchip ps3 sounds pretty good right about now.

Ok, and that has to do with what, exactly?
The xbox360 just hasn't wow me, I will be one of those ps3 converter.

And the ps3 has with all the real games that are currently being shown. dry.gif


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2005, 01:32:00 AM »

Having lived in Japan for a bit myself, I have to call bullshit on the size problem. It's always brought up in threads about why the Xbox didn't sell well in Japan, and it's utter crap. There is plenty of space for such a device as it is no bigger than a mini-tower for PC really. Plus it complements a Panasonic Viera 45 or 50 inch Plasma nicely I have to say.

The issue with the Xbox was that there was no games for it. Sure in America we got a bunch of multiplatforms, exclusives and what not, but it seems like none of that stuff crossed the pond. Every video game shop for the most part had just one shelf dedicated to Xbox stuff, and besides the Team Ninja stuff it was all crap. Seems like most stores didn't even bother to stock some of the system exclusives like Otogi and Phantom Dust. So it's no wonder you'd look like a bloody git if you considered purchasing a system with no games in broad daylight, especially when they'd be mountains of PS and PS2 games behind you.

The poster above is right that some games did come out 6 months to a year after the PS2 edition, the Fatal Frames and Silent Hill 2 ring a bell. It's basically the same thinking in the USA as to why bother to wait for GTA for Xbox when it'll take 6 months or so when you can play it now. Though in my case, I did wait.

Well it seems to me that the 360 is suffering from a similar problem already, lack of games. All the games that I'd imagine would be interesting for the market, DOA4, NNN, etc. have been delayed. So initial interest in the machine has suffered. If the system did launch with DOA4 at the very least, it would have probably matched the original Xbox's sales numbers. Also probably like most rational people, japanese gamers are looking at the longevity of the system and frankly it doesn't seem like a good time to buy one. Blue Dragon and the other big titles are a ways a way. Heck in the US, at least for me, it doesn't seem like a good time to buy one. Well if you can that is.

Also for the japanese gamer, there is still some life left with the PS2, Ryuu ga gotoku and the upcoming Valkyrie Profile 2 come to mind. So why bother when there are other games to play while you wait for the MistWalker releases.

The japanese are brand loyal, but just as much as some Americans with their Fords and Chevys. It is true Sony is a big brand, but so is MS, maybe not with the Xbox, but with Windows in all it's flavors, its everywhere (even on Sony computers -p).


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2005, 02:15:00 AM »

QUOTE(Foe-hammer @ Dec 13 2005, 04:28 PM) View Post

Most cross-platform games, for the xbox and ps2, came out at the exact same time, and look better on the xbox.  For that reason alone, any logical person would buy the xbox version over the ps2 (with everything else being equal).

Come out at the same time you said?  If you read what I said, I was telling you that games come out in PS2 format first, then get ported to XBOX format like half a year later.   IF they come out at the same time, then yes, I myself will buy the higher visual quality version myself too.  If its not noticable, then most people wouldnt care actually.    Availibility of games (and being the first or one of the earlier platform to be released on) will be the key to the success of a console system.  The look/weight issue, is a secondary factor.  If all games are equally released on both PS and XBOX world, then the look weight becomes the key factor.  If the console box looks totally out of place, then people might not want it (again, availibility of game is the main factor).  Just look at both companies trying to design a ferrari of these boxes.  Now-a-days, any piece of audio/video equipment IS a piece of "furnature" on display in your living room.  I was surprised as well when I bought XBOX, and I had to put it on the floor because my glass-stand for my dvd-players, etc just doesnt look strong enough to hold it, not with all the earthquakes we have here and I dont want to find out.    Original XBOX is UGLY, period.  Put together with all the modern Audio/Video equipments, you will see how stand out that green/black square box looks.   Now, 360 on the other hand, I think the look of it is pretty good.


Ya, and the pc or laptop you're typing on consumes less power, and weighs less. dry.gif
What do you expect from something like the 360, that has all the cutting edge hardware in it?  I don't know about you, but when i pay $400+ on a console, i want it to be heavy and powerful, not some cheap, lightweight POS.

heavier weight and consumes more power doesnt mean its better.  So if you get a console machine thats the size of a 19" CRT monitor, you are going to be thrilled and happy that you got the more then your money's worth?   a notebook and a desktop computer, both with same spec, yes desktop will be a bit faster, but notebook will be lighter and doesnt take up as much space.  (same apply, notebook computers sell better then desktop here in Japan, exclude serious gamers)


Plus, the 360 does not consume that much energy.  Ignorant people....

you are the ignorant one.  How much do you pay for your electric bill? Do you even pay your electric bill? I just meantioned that electricity is expensive here..  people like you really take it for granted.  


And with the PS3 supposedly having more hardware in it then the 360, it will most definently be larger, heavier, and consume more power.  Cry on that for a while.

yeah, maybe, I dont know.  We shall see.  If SONY is smart, they will make it smaller then 360, lighter. and more power-efficient.   You can be sure that it will be sleak looking (sony products always are, but that doesnt mean its good quality. I hate sony TV)


Forgive me but i've read all this sony fanboy BS before, and it all came from non-Japanese gamers.

For your information, I dont like SONY, an old camcorder I have long ago, was sony and thats probably it. I hate their product because its mostly cosmetic and the actual product sux.   I hate their recent prodcuts because they support only Memory Stick crap and not SD card like everyone else.    I own a PS2 not because I bought it, but I got it as a gift together with a wheel controller & GT3.  I loaned to my friend 2 years ago and its still there.   I bought my own XBOX, own more xbox games, and am still using it everyday(XMBC)

Loyalty to SONY? I dont think so.  Gamers here are loyal to games.  Final Fantasy fans will buy whatever system that the FFXXXXXX comes out on first.  


Avenger 2.0

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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2005, 05:57:00 AM »

Playstation just rocks in Japan. And even if the PS3 is going to suck, japanese will buy it.
Hopefully MS finally knows now, that European and US people are their main target.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2005, 06:00:00 AM »

Some of you guys really make my head hurt..  rolleyes.gif


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2005, 06:53:00 AM »

I live in Japan, been here 5 years and Raylar is correct. The original Xbox failed here due to lack of games, and YES it's size. Anyone who trys to say the PS2 is the same size or weighs the same is full of their own shit. The PS2 is much lighter and a bit smaller. It also looks sleeker than the Xbox. The Xbox was a fucking brick. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Xbox over the PS2 simply because games looked better and it was easy to mod. But In Japan the Xbox was a piece of crap with no good games at all. Raylar was so correct when he said games would be out on PS2 first, and then be ported to the Xbox a year later here.. Shit, I saw so many games I wanted from the USA that didn't come out for years here. It was a rather pathetic thing to watch Xbox here.
Sadly MS claimed they would do well here, and of course were stupid and released the Xbox 360 with no good games.. The USA got all the kick ass games and we got left with a whole 5-6 games to choose from at launch, none really worth buying. And PGR3 comes out next month on the 12, no Call of Duty 2 or Condemed. MS releases this system here expecting to do well with this kinda game line up? I bet those dumb morons are sitting at desk scratching their heads saying, DUH why we not selling many?
Plus the fact the 360 is not that much smaller, nor lighter than the original Xbox. The things pretty heavy and that damn large power supply is a pathetic site... YES size matters in Japan, while you guys walk around with gay ass walkmans and CD player portables people here walk around with mini disc players and MP3 players the size of a pen. Japanese expect and want quality products, when I buy a Japanese product here I can expect it to be the highest quality and if not I can return it. Sorry to say, the 360 is NOT a high quality product.. With all  the reports of problems occuring with it, if I was Japanese I'm sure I would not buy one. In  fact I bought 2 here and had to have them BOTH replaced already because they didn't work right. How pathetic is that?

MS needs to get their shit together, but it's already to late.. They failed again, releasing this system with no good games here, fucking sad. I honestly am a bit let down over the 360, all that hype and for what? A system with no really good launch titles, breaks down alot and is NOT fully customizable as they promised. Whats so next gen about beefed up graphics anyways? I saw on the news here the new Sony eye toy for the PS3. They showed a demo of a real time person looking into the camera and his face on the TV like a mirror. But the software was changing his hair, clothing and more all in real time so fast. Imagine looking in a mirror and changing your clothing, but without actually doing it... Now thats fucking next gen and if Sony releases that it will literally blow the Xbox 360 away... Thats what Japanese want, something amazing and good and actually I want that as well. Japanese aren't impressed by good graphics they want good game play, better game choices and new things.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2005, 07:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(raylar @ Dec 13 2005, 07:53 AM) View Post

I live in Japan and have been here for 8 years.   I have PS, PS2 and XBOX as well.  I was really tempted to buy xbox360 but I didnt.  Why?  because 1. besides ridge racers 6 maybe Perfect Zero or whatever its call is even worth buying.   There are just no freaking games for it.  I will buy maybe after dynasty warrior game come out for it.

The 3 main reasons xbox didnt sell was 1. it didnt have enough games. 2. it was bulky and ugly, 3. games come out on ps2 first THEN get ported over to XBOX.   Mine you, that American titles mostly do not comeout in Japan and if they do, its usually more then 6 months later.    

You need to have games for the console in order for the consle to sell well.  Games that appeals to the gamers here, not gamers in the States or in EU.  Whats popular at your country isnt necessary popular here.    

In Japan, if you want to be the first to play a new game, you better have a playstation2.  6-12months later after the game stop selling well on PS2, they will port it over to XBOX.  Now, you expect people to choose xbox over ps2? for what reason? less games and on top of that, you can be one of the last person to play your 1 year delayed "new" game?    XBOX360 have no shot at PS3 unless MS is able to get game publishers to publisher games for xbox360 before PS3 (or at the least, at the same time and offer an edge over PS3, like high visual quality on HDTV, etc)

Now, another equally important factor is the size of the console machine.   You might not know, but space is a problem in Japan and people's houses are very small.   The rent I pay, can afford a whole house in the States, where in Japan, I only get a small apartment, the size of a 3-car garage(thats the whole house including kitchen, bathroom, etc).   Why do you think gadgets from Japan are so small?     XBOX f*cked up by making a ugly bulky, heavy console, which u put in a Japanese living room, will probably be the 2nd biggest piece of electronic equipment besides the TV.   PS2, on the other hand, its slick, and lightweight.  Casual gamer buying their first console, will no doubt choose PS2 by just the look of it.   (not to mention by the available games on the shelf)   MS tried to tackle this by hiring a Japanese designer to design their xbox, and the result, its a smaller looking(size isnt that much smaller, but the shape make it look quite a bit smaller visually) console machine thats way cool looking then xbox.     I saw the pics, I see no problem putting that onto my TV stand along with my DVD player, Digital Amp, etc, that are all slim and moden looking.  

Then I saw the power supply.  Holycow,  where did they find a power supply THAT BIG?   I went to check out xbox360 on the 10th, and dude, apprently they still hasnt takent he lead hidden in the console yet, because it still weights a ton compares to other console machines...   and that monsterous power-supply is also heavy as hell too (by the look of it, I guessed it without the need to pick it up).    Lastly, it eats up so much power too!   Electricity might be cheap for your country but its expensive as hell here in Tokyo.

Lets just see if PS3 weights half as much as XBOX360.  From the picture I see, its really sleek looking too.

With all that said, I will be getting one once modchip for xbox360 comes out and MS starts to lower the price and offer XBOX360 game packs(with 1-2 games included).  The current package comes with a cheapo headphone.. what a joke.

My first this gen console was a gamecube and no i didnt want a ps2 or an Xbox. Then 6 months later i was so fucking bored. Then a year later after i bought my cube i bought an xbox guess what its the greatest thing I've ever bought. Umm Ps2 i wasnt even interested in it, and im still not.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2005, 07:52:00 AM »


Very interesting reading here for sure...

Well I live in Japan and have for the over 7 years, most of you are missing the point and blame it on PS2 fanboy-ism or japanese loyalty to one system...which is not stictly the case.

The real problem, I think is
MS just didnt spend enough on advertising here, there are hardly any tv ads, there are hardly any ads on the subways...There are just no ads...Now whether that is because SONY has bought all the ad space available a year before in order to shut the XB360 out or it is MS's ad team not arranging things properly it basically equals to 0 HYPE!!

How can people get excited about a product which they dont even know exists?

And about the the stores here, usually they SELL the floor space to the highest bidder, that is why when you go to BICCAMERA and YODOBASHI, etc, the XBOX is in the corner on a small 20V HDTV, while at the front is PSP, PS2 on 60V Plasma.

So instead of bashing the Japanese maybe you should check to see if MS did a proper advertising campaign in Japan...You will realize that MS failed . Not only becaue of the 0 ad campaign but also because they didnt release the final dev kits until end of the summer either.

The Japanese are perfectionists, that is why you get so many beautifully rendered games from Japan( a lot of the games i have to say are dumb as bricks but anyway)...The delay in the final dev kits, caused major problems when they tried to run THE 2 killer games which were supposed to be availabel on release day. 99knights and DOA4...both delayed, no wonder no HYPE.

There was an interview on the TV here with the developer of 99 knights and they asked him why the game was delayed considering that EVERYONE who they intereviewed at the Tokyo Game show( 1000's) said if that game was availabel at launch would buy the XB360 no questions asked...He said

need I say more.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2005, 08:00:00 AM »

Why does everyone have to argue Sony vs M$??  People are going to play what they are going to play.  No matter what anyone says here you are not going to change anyone's mind.  Do you really think someone in Japan is going to read this and be like wow I never thought of that let me go rush out and buy a 360?

I have a Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, and Xbox 360.  I own each system for different reasons.  Gamecube for Zelda and the Resident Evil series ( all 4 games released here ) PS2 because I had it since launch, was first one out, but FF games help out and I am used to playing Madden here, I like the sports games a bit better on Ps2 eventhough the graphics are usually nicer on xbox.  I bought my xbox for Star wars, KOTOR and the Halo series.  And i bought the 360 because well the graphics are just to sweet to not own!!  And yes I will own a Ps3 when it launches as well.  I am first and formost a gaming geek.  I grew up playing games and will probably die with a joystick in my hand.  



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2005, 08:07:00 AM »

The "size" debate really -is- just a lame excuse for Japanese. Sure they may really be concerned with it, but not rightfully so. As someone already pointed out, the Xbox 1 is not much bigger than the P.o.S. 2 nor than a mini pc tower... Okay, so a lot of people live in confined spaces. So what? Even if I lived in a 6x6 jail cell, the minor size difference between Xbox and P.o.S. 2 wouldn't bother me a bit and neither would it anyone else unless they just have a vendetta against the Xbox, like Japs do. Tell me, Japs - What exactly would you do with the extra couple inches of cubic space by having a P.o.S. 2 instead of an Xbox? Exactly -- Nothing. The fact is that if the P.o.S. 2 was the size and shape of the Xbox and vice versa, you wouldn't even have conceived this bs excuse that it's "too big". Also, the GameCube, as someone said, is clearly the smallest of the three... What's wrong there? Too small? Exactly, you don't even mention it because you're lying ignorant Japs.

The only real debate you have for Sony being better than MS (in your minds, anyway) is games. This -is- a big point and I respect that... Not only do a lot of U.S. titles not make it your way, but a lot aren't your types of games, anyway. It's well known Japs don't like fps titles but rather like RPG and such... Jap games usually don't do a fraction of the hype or sales here in the U.S. and U.S. games usually don't do a fraction of the hype or sales over there. The fact remains, though, that MS is doing everything 'right' this time around to fix that - They signed many of your great studios and persons to make the games you want. Many of you Japs know this but refuse to believe it and put it out of your minds it seems. One of you even said in this thread "maybe if they bring more of what the Jap people like" or something and that's bs because you -know- they're bringing you tons of games you like both in the near and distant future.

So what's -really- wrong with the Japs? Someone already pointed it out -- They dislike the Western world, particularly the United States. They never want to even -think- about embracing video games and video game machines from us Americans. It's really sad, actually, just how bad they are anti-American... Like someone said, many see their fellow Japs as "traitors" for buying the Xbox and those in Japan who can open up their mind enough to think the Xbox may be fun and a wise purchase are afraid to go buy one because these closed-minded, ignorant Japs who are anti-American will shun them. How ridiculous!

Now before I get flamed left and right let me say a couple more things... I'm like that one person who said they haven't been into video games much since the SNES. Except that I went farther... I'm 25 now but I grew up with a few Ataris, a NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega CD, PlayStation, Saturn, Nintendo 64, and a DreamCast. So don't get any ideas that I am "anti-Jap" because I am not... What happened after the DreamCast for me? Well, I was 20 or so at the time and I lost a -lot- of interest in video games. I suppose that comes with getting old... I was down to buying maybe 2 games a year and hadn't rented in a couple years even once. I just didn't care anymore, plain and simple. I loved all my consoles, especially PlayStation. I got it back in late 1995 when it first came out in the U.S. and waaaaay before it got popular by any means. Although things like excessive load times made me angry, I loved it.

I got a job at a video game store (won't state which) for over two years right after I got a DC. When the Xbox, P.o.S. 2, and GC came out I was very vocal to customers and collegues that I thought MS was "stupid" and should "stick to pc gaming" and so on and so forth. Although I didn't play games anymore, I acted like the Japs are toward MS today. I wasn't too fond of the P.o.S. 2, though.. I thought it had slightly worse graphics but they were still impressive. I thought their games were rather boring and once again the load time was insane. The GC I thought had just as impressive graphics as the Xbox (like 95%) and it actually had some games I enjoyed playing even though I wasn't gaming anymore. Here's what happened next, though:

As you may have guessed, I am an Xbox fan. I'm being honest, though, when I say that even if I still wasn't a gamer like I wasn't a few years ago when I lost all my interest, I would still have said everything I've said so far. Anyhow, a couple months after the launch of Xbox I started to become interested in this "Halo" game everyone was ecstatic about (both customers and fellow employees). Afterall, the Xbox system and games wasn't nearly as "terrible" as I thought it would be but I still saw MS as the loser (I was even telling customers I doubted they would be around in a year). So I played Halo and fell in love.. It was among the best games I had ever played. I have to admit, though, that I was just as fond of the "Super Monkey Ball" multiplayer on GameCube as I was with Halo (more, actually with SMB - a Jap title, mind you). I started playing other Xbox titles and realized what a better experience the Xbox was than a P.o.S. 2 (much shorter load times, better graphics, hard drive, and more games I could get into).

BTW, MS -can- take a larger portion of the share in Japan than Sony and there's no question about it.. The main problem, though, is that it -will- take them many more years. And yes, the U.S. is much bigger than the Japenese market for console games. MUCH bigger. I think a lot of Sony fanboys forget this. Personally I can't blame MS for still going into the Jap market, having a bachelor's degree in business.

Okay, people... Bring the flame and start a fire. It's cold in here. smile.gif


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2005, 08:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(BasicAir @ Dec 13 2005, 10:14 AM) View Post

The "size" debate really -is- just a lame excuse for Japanese. Sure they may really be concerned with it, but not rightfully so. As someone already pointed out, the Xbox 1 is not much bigger than the P.o.S. 2 nor than a.....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my freekin gosh.  I was keeping up (relatively) with these rants until this one.  Can you guys please learn to express yourselves without 200 extra words in each paragraph.  "Check Post Length"


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« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2005, 08:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(Statecowboy @ Dec 13 2005, 04:30 PM) View Post

Oh my freekin gosh.  I was keeping up (relatively) with these rants until this one.  Can you guys please learn to express yourselves without 200 extra words in each paragraph.  "Check Post Length"

Oh my freekin gosh... I type over 125 wpm and like to type. Arrest me, officer! IDIOT smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Edit -- I am just miles away from Stillwater (where you are) and in Oklahoma, too. Care to settle this in person?


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2005, 08:30:00 AM »

QUOTE(BasicAir @ Dec 13 2005, 10:35 AM) View Post

Oh my freekin gosh... I type over 125 wpm and like to type. Arrest me, officer! IDIOT smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

I don't give a shit how fast you type, learn to express yourself without all the bullshit.   tongue.gif   IDIOT, it has nothing to do with your typing skills.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2005, 09:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(NEUROMODS @ Dec 13 2005, 08:00 AM) View Post

I live in Japan, been here 5 years and Raylar is correct. The original Xbox failed here due to lack of games, and YES it's size. Anyone who trys to say the PS2 is the same size or weighs the same is full of their own shit. The PS2 is much lighter and a bit smaller. It also looks sleeker than the Xbox. The Xbox was a fucking brick. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Xbox over the PS2 simply because games looked better and it was easy to mod. But In Japan the Xbox was a piece of crap with no good games at all. Raylar was so correct when he said games would be out on PS2 first, and then be ported to the Xbox a year later here.. Shit, I saw so many games I wanted from the USA that didn't come out for years here. It was a rather pathetic thing to watch Xbox here.
Sadly MS claimed they would do well here, and of course were stupid and released the Xbox 360 with no good games.. The USA got all the kick ass games and we got left with a whole 5-6 games to choose from at launch, none really worth buying. And PGR3 comes out next month on the 12, no Call of Duty 2 or Condemed. MS releases this system here expecting to do well with this kinda game line up? I bet those dumb morons are sitting at desk scratching their heads saying, DUH why we not selling many?
Plus the fact the 360 is not that much smaller, nor lighter than the original Xbox. The things pretty heavy and that damn large power supply is a pathetic site... YES size matters in Japan, while you guys walk around with gay ass walkmans and CD player portables people here walk around with mini disc players and MP3 players the size of a pen. Japanese expect and want quality products, when I buy a Japanese product here I can expect it to be the highest quality and if not I can return it. Sorry to say, the 360 is NOT a high quality product.. With all  the reports of problems occuring with it, if I was Japanese I'm sure I would not buy one. In  fact I bought 2 here and had to have them BOTH replaced already because they didn't work right. How pathetic is that?

MS needs to get their shit together, but it's already to late.. They failed again, releasing this system with no good games here, fucking sad. I honestly am a bit let down over the 360, all that hype and for what? A system with no really good launch titles, breaks down alot and is NOT fully customizable as they promised. Whats so next gen about beefed up graphics anyways? I saw on the news here the new Sony eye toy for the PS3. They showed a demo of a real time person looking into the camera and his face on the TV like a mirror. But the software was changing his hair, clothing and more all in real time so fast. Imagine looking in a mirror and changing your clothing, but without actually doing it... Now thats fucking next gen and if Sony releases that it will literally blow the Xbox 360 away... Thats what Japanese want, something amazing and good and actually I want that as well. Japanese aren't impressed by good graphics they want good game play, better game choices and new things.

Hogwash (except on advertising)

This has been said so many times but let me repeat it again. These are launch titles not knock your socks off apps. Let me also ask you this. How many awesome games were launched in the U.S. during the PS or PS2 launch. Thats right....Zilch. But if MS even tries to release a somewhat decent list of games "OH My God these launch games suck" I wish the MS bashers would quit hiding behind this excuse. Its really getting old. I also have another question. How do you think the boomerang of a controller for the PS3 will be received? Its not very small and sleek. Honestly, it looks like a misguided interpretation of what a controller should be. But more than likely sony will put some type of spin on it and the japanese public will not understand how they ever lived without such a controller  rolleyes.gif  And last but not least, the sony hype machine. Next-gen is one thing but BS is another. Its just so hard to believe that people that don't have a ps3 yet already know its going to blow the 360 out of the water. Well let me burst your bubble. Someone who works for a development studio already has a ps3 dev kit and has posted on this forum that the HD abilities of the PS3 are really not all that "Next-Gen". I won't lie. I prefer my xbox but that doesn't mean I'm going to say that Sony is pulling another "Toy Story" ploy (for those of you that remember.) I would at least give each system once launced a fair opportunity.


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« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2005, 09:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(ikecomp @ Dec 13 2005, 11:23 AM) View Post

Someone who works for a development studio already has a ps3 dev kit and has posted on this forum that the HD abilities of the PS3 are really not all that "Next-Gen". I won't lie. I prefer my xbox but that doesn't mean I'm going to say that Sony is pulling another "Toy Story" ploy (for those of you that remember.) I would at least give each system once launced a fair opportunity.

There are dev kits for the ps3?
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