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Author Topic: (Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold  (Read 717 times)


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:06:00 PM »

(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold-- Posted by XanTium on December 12 23:59 EST
Bloomberg published 2 articles about the sales of the Xbox 360 in Japan. The 2 market research firms don't seem to agree on the exact numbers, but both are low anyway:


* Microsoft Corp., the second-largest maker of video game systems, sold 28 percent of Xbox 360 consoles on store shelves in Japan, according to preliminary figures from market researcher Media Create Co.
Microsoft sold 41,817 consoles in the first two days since the Xbox 360 was introduced on Dec. 10 in Japan, Tokyo-based Media Create said in an e-mailed statement late yesterday. The researcher will publish revised figures tomorrow.

* Microsoft Corp. sold 39 percent of its new Xbox 360 game console in the first two days it was available in Japan, the world's second-biggest market for video games, according to market researcher Enterbrain Inc.
Microsoft, which started selling the Xbox 360 on Dec. 10, sold 62,135 of the 159,000 consoles it shipped, according to Tokyo-based Enterbrain. That compares with about 123,000 units sold in the first three days for the first Xbox, which debuted on Feb. 22, 2002, the report said.
Delays in getting games like Tecmo Ltd.'s ``Dead or Alive 4'' may have hurt initial sales of the Xbox 360, as 62 percent of gamers surveyed by Enterbrain said they plan to buy the game system to play the action-fighting game, according to the market researcher. The game's release, which has been delayed twice, is now scheduled for Dec. 29.

Note: for those who wonder about the topic 'San Roku Maru' is 360 in Japanese ... or atleast so I'm told ;)

Read the full reports: bloomberg[Media Create Co.] and bloomberg[Enterbrain Inc.]



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 10:22:00 PM »

To be expected. And it of course due to DOA4 not being there. The only reason that the xbox sold "well" in the beginning was because of DOA3, I remeber that it was the 4rth on the top 10 that week in Japan. If I was MS I would wait and launch the box at the same time as DOA4. And those unsold 90 000 units if diverted to North America would have sold out in matter of hours

This post has been edited by Vipernig: Dec 13 2005, 06:24 AM


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 10:40:00 PM »

If not many 360's get sold in Japan by Jan, Micorosoft. Should change the Bios of the 360's not sold in Japan, to allow them to work in European nations. While changing the PSU to an European one.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2005, 10:43:00 PM »

ouch sold less than the xbox 1.... :| i am really hoping it picks up when the great jap devolped games come out


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 10:45:00 PM »

Mircosoft also can't expect to see huge sales in Japan no matter what games they offer because the Japanese are not fond of technology created outside of their own country, especially stuff originating in the US. Am I the the only one not blind to this simple little fact?


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2005, 10:49:00 PM »

No your not blind.  I think its commented on so little because its blatantly obvious.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2005, 11:53:00 PM »

I live in Japan and have been here for 8 years.   I have PS, PS2 and XBOX as well.  I was really tempted to buy xbox360 but I didnt.  Why?  because 1. besides ridge racers 6 maybe Perfect Zero or whatever its call is even worth buying.   There are just no freaking games for it.  I will buy maybe after dynasty warrior game come out for it.

The 3 main reasons xbox didnt sell was 1. it didnt have enough games. 2. it was bulky and ugly, 3. games come out on ps2 first THEN get ported over to XBOX.   Mine you, that American titles mostly do not comeout in Japan and if they do, its usually more then 6 months later.    

You need to have games for the console in order for the consle to sell well.  Games that appeals to the gamers here, not gamers in the States or in EU.  Whats popular at your country isnt necessary popular here.    

In Japan, if you want to be the first to play a new game, you better have a playstation2.  6-12months later after the game stop selling well on PS2, they will port it over to XBOX.  Now, you expect people to choose xbox over ps2? for what reason? less games and on top of that, you can be one of the last person to play your 1 year delayed "new" game?    XBOX360 have no shot at PS3 unless MS is able to get game publishers to publisher games for xbox360 before PS3 (or at the least, at the same time and offer an edge over PS3, like high visual quality on HDTV, etc)

Now, another equally important factor is the size of the console machine.   You might not know, but space is a problem in Japan and people's houses are very small.   The rent I pay, can afford a whole house in the States, where in Japan, I only get a small apartment, the size of a 3-car garage(thats the whole house including kitchen, bathroom, etc).   Why do you think gadgets from Japan are so small?     XBOX f*cked up by making a ugly bulky, heavy console, which u put in a Japanese living room, will probably be the 2nd biggest piece of electronic equipment besides the TV.   PS2, on the other hand, its slick, and lightweight.  Casual gamer buying their first console, will no doubt choose PS2 by just the look of it.   (not to mention by the available games on the shelf)   MS tried to tackle this by hiring a Japanese designer to design their xbox, and the result, its a smaller looking(size isnt that much smaller, but the shape make it look quite a bit smaller visually) console machine thats way cool looking then xbox.     I saw the pics, I see no problem putting that onto my TV stand along with my DVD player, Digital Amp, etc, that are all slim and moden looking.  

Then I saw the power supply.  Holycow,  where did they find a power supply THAT BIG?   I went to check out xbox360 on the 10th, and dude, apprently they still hasnt takent he lead hidden in the console yet, because it still weights a ton compares to other console machines...   and that monsterous power-supply is also heavy as hell too (by the look of it, I guessed it without the need to pick it up).    Lastly, it eats up so much power too!   Electricity might be cheap for your country but its expensive as hell here in Tokyo.

Lets just see if PS3 weights half as much as XBOX360.  From the picture I see, its really sleek looking too.

With all that said, I will be getting one once modchip for xbox360 comes out and MS starts to lower the price and offer XBOX360 game packs(with 1-2 games included).  The current package comes with a cheapo headphone.. what a joke.

Altima NEO

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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2005, 11:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(raylar @ Dec 12 2005, 10:53 PM) View Post

I live in Japan and have been here for 8 years.   I have PS, PS2 and XBOX as well.  I was really tempted to buy xbox360 but I didnt.  Why?  because 1. besides ridge racers 6 maybe Perfect Zero or whatever its call is even worth buying.   There are just no freaking games for it.  I will buy maybe after dynasty warrior game come out for it.

The 3 main reasons xbox didnt sell was 1. it didnt have enough games. 2. it was bulky and ugly, 3. games come out on ps2 first THEN get ported over to XBOX.   Mine you, that American titles mostly do not comeout in Japan and if they do, its usually more then 6 months later.    

You need to have games for the console in order for the consle to sell well.  Games that appeals to the gamers here, not gamers in the States or in EU.  Whats popular at your country isnt necessary popular here.    

In Japan, if you want to be the first to play a new game, you better have a playstation2.  6-12months later after the game stop selling well on PS2, they will port it over to XBOX.  Now, you expect people to choose xbox over ps2? for what reason? less games and on top of that, you can be one of the last person to play your 1 year delayed "new" game?    XBOX360 have no shot at PS3 unless MS is able to get game publishers to publisher games for xbox360 before PS3 (or at the least, at the same time and offer an edge over PS3, like high visual quality on HDTV, etc)

Now, another equally important factor is the size of the console machine.   You might not know, but space is a problem in Japan and people's houses are very small.   The rent I pay, can afford a whole house in the States, where in Japan, I only get a small apartment, the size of a 3-car garage(thats the whole house including kitchen, bathroom, etc).   Why do you think gadgets from Japan are so small?     XBOX f*cked up by making a ugly bulky, heavy console, which u put in a Japanese living room, will probably be the 2nd biggest piece of electronic equipment besides the TV.   PS2, on the other hand, its slick, and lightweight.  Casual gamer buying their first console, will no doubt choose PS2 by just the look of it.   (not to mention by the available games on the shelf)   MS tried to tackle this by hiring a Japanese designer to design their xbox, and the result, its a smaller looking(size isnt that much smaller, but the shape make it look quite a bit smaller visually) console machine thats way cool looking then xbox.     I saw the pics, I see no problem putting that onto my TV stand along with my DVD player, Digital Amp, etc, that are all slim and moden looking.  

Then I saw the power supply.  Holycow,  where did they find a power supply THAT BIG?   I went to check out xbox360 on the 10th, and dude, apprently they still hasnt takent he lead hidden in the console yet, because it still weights a ton compares to other console machines...   and that monsterous power-supply is also heavy as hell too (by the look of it, I guessed it without the need to pick it up).    Lastly, it eats up so much power too!   Electricity might be cheap for your country but its expensive as hell here in Tokyo.

Lets just see if PS3 weights half as much as XBOX360.  From the picture I see, its really sleek looking too.

With all that said, I will be getting one once modchip for xbox360 comes out and MS starts to lower the price and offer XBOX360 game packs(with 1-2 games included).  The current package comes with a cheapo headphone.. what a joke.

Last I checked, PS2 wasnt that much smaller than Xbox.
And It may be ugly to you, but it looks way better than that brick shaped PS2 to me.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2005, 12:16:00 AM »

Thanks for the insight, raylar.  It's nice to hear the perspective of someone living there. By the sound of it, Mic-rosoft even bothering to bring the xbox and 360 out in Japan is laughable.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2005, 12:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(raylar @ Dec 12 2005, 11:53 PM) View Post

I live in Japan and have been here for 8 years.   I have PS, PS2 and XBOX as well.  I was really tempted to buy xbox360 but I didnt.  Why?  because 1. besides ridge racers 6 maybe Perfect Zero or whatever its call is even worth buying.   There are just no freaking games for it.  I will buy maybe after dynasty warrior game come out for it.

The 3 main reasons xbox didnt sell was 1. it didnt have enough games. 2. it was bulky and ugly, 3. games come out on ps2 first THEN get ported over to XBOX.   Mine you, that American titles mostly do not comeout in Japan and if they do, its usually more then 6 months later.    

You need to have games for the console in order for the consle to sell well.  Games that appeals to the gamers here, not gamers in the States or in EU.  Whats popular at your country isnt necessary popular here.    

In Japan, if you want to be the first to play a new game, you better have a playstation2.  6-12months later after the game stop selling well on PS2, they will port it over to XBOX.  Now, you expect people to choose xbox over ps2? for what reason? less games and on top of that, you can be one of the last person to play your 1 year delayed "new" game?    XBOX360 have no shot at PS3 unless MS is able to get game publishers to publisher games for xbox360 before PS3 (or at the least, at the same time and offer an edge over PS3, like high visual quality on HDTV, etc)

Now, another equally important factor is the size of the console machine.   You might not know, but space is a problem in Japan and people's houses are very small.   The rent I pay, can afford a whole house in the States, where in Japan, I only get a small apartment, the size of a 3-car garage(thats the whole house including kitchen, bathroom, etc).   Why do you think gadgets from Japan are so small?     XBOX f*cked up by making a ugly bulky, heavy console, which u put in a Japanese living room, will probably be the 2nd biggest piece of electronic equipment besides the TV.   PS2, on the other hand, its slick, and lightweight.  Casual gamer buying their first console, will no doubt choose PS2 by just the look of it.   (not to mention by the available games on the shelf)   MS tried to tackle this by hiring a Japanese designer to design their xbox, and the result, its a smaller looking(size isnt that much smaller, but the shape make it look quite a bit smaller visually) console machine thats way cool looking then xbox.     I saw the pics, I see no problem putting that onto my TV stand along with my DVD player, Digital Amp, etc, that are all slim and moden looking.  

Then I saw the power supply.  Holycow,  where did they find a power supply THAT BIG?   I went to check out xbox360 on the 10th, and dude, apprently they still hasnt takent he lead hidden in the console yet, because it still weights a ton compares to other console machines...   and that monsterous power-supply is also heavy as hell too (by the look of it, I guessed it without the need to pick it up).    Lastly, it eats up so much power too!   Electricity might be cheap for your country but its expensive as hell here in Tokyo.

Lets just see if PS3 weights half as much as XBOX360.  From the picture I see, its really sleek looking too.

With all that said, I will be getting one once modchip for xbox360 comes out and MS starts to lower the price and offer XBOX360 game packs(with 1-2 games included).  The current package comes with a cheapo headphone.. what a joke.

You have got to be shitting me....

I live in Japan and have been here for 8 years.   I have PS, PS2 and XBOX as well.  I was really tempted to buy xbox360 but I didnt.  Why?  because 1. besides ridge racers 6 maybe Perfect Zero or whatever its call is even worth buying.   There are just no freaking games for it.  I will buy maybe after dynasty warrior game come out for it.

Good point, just look at all the good launch game the ps2 had when it came out. dry.gif  Bet that didn't stop you from buying one, did it?

In Japan, if you want to be the first to play a new game, you better have a playstation2.  6-12months later after the game stop selling well on PS2, they will port it over to XBOX.  Now, you expect people to choose xbox over ps2? for what reason? less games and on top of that, you can be one of the last person to play your 1 year delayed "new" game?    XBOX360 have no shot at PS3 unless MS is able to get game publishers to publisher games for xbox360 before PS3 (or at the least, at the same time and offer an edge over PS3, like high visual quality on HDTV, etc)

Most cross-platform games, for the xbox and ps2, came out at the exact same time, and look better on the xbox.  For that reason alone, any logical person would buy the xbox version over the ps2 (with everything else being equal).

Then I saw the power supply.  Holycow,  where did they find a power supply THAT BIG?   I went to check out xbox360 on the 10th, and dude, apprently they still hasnt takent he lead hidden in the console yet, because it still weights a ton compares to other console machines...   and that monsterous power-supply is also heavy as hell too (by the look of it, I guessed it without the need to pick it up).    Lastly, it eats up so much power too!   Electricity might be cheap for your country but its expensive as hell here in Tokyo.

Lets just see if PS3 weights half as much as XBOX360.  From the picture I see, its really sleek looking too.

Ya, and the pc or laptop you're typing on consumes less power, and weighs less. dry.gif
What do you expect from something like the 360, that has all the cutting edge hardware in it?  I don't know about you, but when i pay $400+ on a console, i want it to be heavy and powerful, not some cheap, lightweight POS.

Plus, the 360 does not consume that much energy.  Ignorant people....

And with the PS3 supposedly having more hardware in it then the 360, it will most definently be larger, heavier, and consume more power.  Cry on that for a while.

Forgive me but i've read all this sony fanboy BS before, and it all came from non-Japanese gamers.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2005, 12:22:00 AM »

the ps2 is light?

not when its filled with lead  laugh.gif

if youre not japanese, you dont have the same brand loyalty idealizations as a japanese person does. You living there is Not the same.

The xbox could have been 3 lbs, a 4th of the overall size, and had 1,000 more titles and it still would have flopped. If you cant accept that fact, thats your problem, not ours.

Japanese people have told me that some are seen as traitors, Yes I said Traitors for buying an xbox. I met a guy in a irc room filled with Honda motorcycle enthusiasts, and xbox came up. This was back in 2003 I believe...

He said some wont buy an xbox during the busiest time of the day because they dont want a lot of people seeing them doing so. Now how sick is that?! I started laughing and the guy informed me he was dead serious.

Its the most loyal, brand-driven society on the planet, that is NOT opinion.

You slap the Sony name on the GC and watch it jump from 4 million sold in Japan, to 30 million sold. The GC is by far the smallest in size, offers games they like(not as many as ps2), and in reality, it did terrible in Japan. Dont make me break out the hardware sales #'s.

Sony is too entrenched in the minds of the Japanese, and that is NOT going to change, no matter what MS does to remedy it. They will Not support a MS product. Their loss beerchug.gif


-Say PS3 and 360 launched on the same day and the ONLY launch title for both systems was Ridge Racer 6.

-Let's make this more outrageous and price the PS3 $100.00 higher than the 360.

-Lets also say they both weigh 4 lbs and have about the same overall dimensions..same color too...

You cannot tell me that the 360 and RR6 would sell as good as the ps3 with RR6, Even with the prices being mismatched. The 360 would sell like it is now, while the ps3 flies off shelves faster than Kutaragi spews shit from his mouth during an Interview.

Bring on the Flames  muhaha.gif




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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2005, 12:42:00 AM »

I have to agree with him, I own a xbox and no ps2. The ps2 is more slick when it weighs a mere 4lb and has a vetical stand. The only reason why I bought xbox was xbmc. The strong selling point for Ps3 for me will be backward compability (not the crappy 360 version), I don't own a Ps1 or Ps2. There will be more xbox to ps3 converter than vice versa. It's going to be huge task to take down the king and xbox360 isn't going to cut it.

This post has been edited by thund3rcat: Dec 13 2005, 08:48 AM


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2005, 12:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(thund3rcat @ Dec 13 2005, 12:42 AM) View Post

The strong selling point for Ps3 for me will be backward compability, I don't own a Ps1 or Ps2.

You have not owned a ps1 or 2, and backward compatibility is the strongest selling point for you? blink.gif

There will be more xbox to ps3 converter than vice versa



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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2005, 12:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(thund3rcat @ Dec 12 2005, 11:42 PM) View Post

It's going to be huge task to take down the king and xbox360 isn't going to cut it.

I think you'll have to agree to disagree on this one... ps2 isn't really the king... its more like the eldest son - first there so the obvious choice for a while but eventually the world realised that its younger brother was more sensible and popularity began to shift.

I think this time around things will be more even than you forsee.


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(Japan) We don't want (no) Xbox San Roku Maru: 28-39pct sold
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2005, 12:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(Foe-hammer @ Dec 13 2005, 08:50 AM) View Post

You have not owned a ps1 or 2, and backward compatibility is the strongest selling point for you? blink.gif

Duh, so I can play the games I missed out on.  rolleyes.gif I'm not a huge fan of console games (yes including halo) since the SNES days. A modchip ps3 sounds pretty good right about now. The xbox360 just hasn't wow me, I will be one of those ps3 converter.

QUOTE(m_hael @ Dec 13 2005, 08:53 AM) View Post

I think you'll have to agree to disagree on this one... ps2 isn't really the king

Market share= King, MS hasn't been around long enough to steal some of Sony loyal fans. I can't really blame them, xbox360 just doesn't define "buy me " ...yet, most people only have enough money to own one console and picking xbox over sony don't seem so great now.
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