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Author Topic: Xbox 360 Launches in Japan  (Read 319 times)


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Xbox 360 Launches in Japan
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2005, 01:28:00 AM »

I don't want to make people upset, but the article on gamespot that was linked before which refers to the Shibuya Tsutaya really doesn't paint the whole picture. Sure there were a couple hundred people waiting for the 360 that morning, but I stopped by a few hours later and, unless I knew it had happened earlier that morning, I would have swore it was a normal day - and it was. After everyone in line got their console things went back to the way they were, except for 1 rack of 360 stuff.

I think 360 sales in Japan might jump a little once DoA4 comes out, but the next few months' line up looks very crappy. Unfortunatley there aren't many US titles that pique my interest either. I'd say, personally, the only 2 games I'm looking forward to right now are DoA4 and the new Ghost Recon.

However, I did notice that there are 2 360 RPG titles due out soon - most likely an effort to win some Japanese fans. Unfortunatley the games didn't look too good. The graphics right now don't really look much different from legacy xbox. I also noticed that many titles are lisiting 7xxp resolution max. Very upsetting for 1080 people.

Anyways, as someone asked before - if I find any VGA input devices I'll let you know, but I don't think I will find any.


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Xbox 360 Launches in Japan
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2005, 02:12:00 AM »

The number 1 selling console game sold in Japan last week is Animal crossing. Filling out the top 10 list is 2 Pokeman games. Does anyone see the coorelation between the type of games and gfx that make people happy in Japan?

Most people in the US that plays a xbox or new 360 all but make fun of Animal crossing and pokeman games because well...we just see then as silly, ugly, simple and bash them(they know this also, and hate it). The japanese market just won't like first generation games that the 360 will be putting out.

Its a difference in culture between a typical xbox owner and a ps2 or nintendo owner. Americans love the ps2 also and why do people hate each others system? It's different people. Sure there are Americans that have both a xbox and a ps2 but what I am getting at is a geniune difference in people that only own one.

I think MS should just accept that the japanese are smart people and they know the xbox games. So it's easy for them to just say that the ps3 will be a better purchase over the long run. There is nothing wrong with it.

It's up to MS to bring out games that might make them say "hey, theres some good stuff coming out on the 360, maybe I'll take a chance".  This I believe won't be happening for over a year or more when prices come down to justify buying both consoles....because we KNOW they will prefer to buy a ps3 first.

Oh and I will add there is a ton of Hate for MS that also is contributing.


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Xbox 360 Launches in Japan
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2005, 03:10:00 AM »

I live in Japan, just 2 days ago I went to Toys R Us and played Ridge Racer. I was not really impressed by it, graphics were ok but sadly the damn music was the same from the PSP version... And that annoying guys voice pisses me off. Ridge Racer seems to fake like to me. While I  was playing an error code popped up... Go figure MS never fixed that before launch here..
I pre-ordered a 360 which should have been here today, but never made it.. So I bought one at the electric store. When I arrived many were buying the 360, I was surprised. The game line up really sucks though, not much to choose from which REALLY pissed me off.. Fuck you MS for leaving the Japanese market outa the good games.. You guys in the US are lucky getting some good shit. MS you suck, claiming you wanna do good in Japan yet give us a shit line up of games.
I got Need for Speed and been playing all day, pretty good game and looks amazing on HD. Since MS is dumb I'm gonna order some region free US games to play soon
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