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Author Topic: Cheaters On Xlink!  (Read 116 times)


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« on: September 12, 2005, 06:34:00 AM »

I personally don't see the point of cheating when playing over xlink not to sound anal but I really hope something can be done to stop some poeple from spoiling other peoples games.

My two cents


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 07:04:00 PM »



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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 07:10:00 PM »

But it won't.  Xlink is free for all, good natured players and assholes alike.  There will always be cheaters, whether they do it cause they think it makes them better, or do it just to piss people off.  If you want a cheater free environment (sort of) get on XBL.


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« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 07:49:00 PM »

well, i'm gonna have to agree with the "sorta" comment.  there are cheaters on xblive just as well.  just not many that are doing it by way of game modding.  

if you play the numbers game, there are far more cheaters (glitchers, standby, ect) on live than there are on kai.  just gotta look at the sheer number of players on live vs the amount on kai.  just no comparison really.  

either way, cheaters are a waste of time and a waste of space.  though just like anything else, theres only so much that can be done.

This post has been edited by mrjkwik: Sep 16 2005, 02:56 AM


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2005, 02:13:00 PM »

Ashame not much can be done :( I'm on xBL but not everyone I play with is unfortunatly.


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2005, 03:04:00 PM »

Well I don't play on Kai that much but I have only come across a couple of cheaters. But I am sure if I played more I would find more. Maybe this new's post from teamxlink a little while ago will offer you some hope for Kai. But I haven't kept up on how soon this is coming.

"kia xllnk dun wrk hlp NOW"

Ahh - such sweet music. Or not.

I don't know if you guys have been looking round here recently, but it struck me a couple of weeks ago that we're starting to sound/smell/talk a lot like "Live!" - or worse, XBC tongue.gif You all know as well as I do that the biggest problem we face as a tunnel service is cheating - you also know that the second biggest problem faced by *any* online gaming community is ignorant, spoilt, fat little children who start smashing things up if they don't get their own way. The title of this news article was *actually taken from a real Kai help request* - and it was the *only information provided by the user*. I promptly banned him, only to receive a veritable tirade of (very, very poorly constructed) abuse via email.

This however, is nothing, compared to the state of some of Kai's arena chat areas - not to mention some of the racist filth who lurk behind communicators in Halo 2.

Quite clearly, this must end. I've been trying to work out how to do just that for quite some time now - and have finally decided on a sensible solution (I think).

See, when we finally get to Evo VIII, people will no longer be able to sign up for Kai. That's right - you will *not* be able to turn up, download the client and play. In fact, Evo VIII will have only 1 user initially - me. Now, while it would be pretty good fun sitting here on my own playing with myself, it kinda defeats the object. Hence, as a Kai user, I will be able to give accounts to other people - think of it like gmail invites - but I have as many as I want.

So, odds are the first thing I'm gonna do is allow the other Admins to become Kai users - and probably the mods too. That's gonna give us somewhere around 25 users - yay.

So, we have our 25 guys who we know aren't a.) racists b.) cheats c.) ignorant fat children. Chances are those guys play in groups with others - maybe just mates - maybe proper clans. I'd expect those guys to give their respective group members access to Kai - the clans would be pretty boring with only 1 member.

So, we're probably looking right there at over 200 people - all non-assholes, who use Kai quite a lot - super fun, for sure - but we need more people to make it any good. Most clan/group guys play with people outside their clan frequently - and know a whole load of other good people on Kai who aren't in groups - they're surely gonna invite those guys - who will in turn invite others. That's great, but as we go further down the chain, we will undoubtedly encounter the kind of filth which is plaguing us at the moment. Here's where the fun begins..

Because we will soon have a user "tree" as opposed to a user "list", we can start to have a little fun with hierarchies. Now, lets say SensibleDave is a good user - does all the right things - top bloke. Let's say he gives his little cousin SickBilly access to Kai - perfectly natural - but let's imagine SickBilly is a drooling, racist, bling-wearing ingrate, like so many of the people who turn up at our virtual doorstep each and every day. Someone needs to do something about him - but who? I'll tell you who - anyone "higher up" the tree than SensibleDave, providing they've *been on Kai longer* than SickBilly. Read that again, if you would - let it sink in.

So, in our little example up there, let's say SickBilly was 6th Generation - that means about 10000 people have the ability to ban him (for a fixed time period). Now, it gets even worse. Because SensibleDave has unleashed a gobshite upon us, which we have had to waste our time dispatching, he will also get punished - he will be banned for 25% of the time SickBilly gets banned. Should teach him to make sure people he admits to Kai are not jackasses.

So, right about now, you're thinking a few things - probably a.) man, this is really harsh and b.) we're not going to end up with many users if people can't just turn up and get an account! Well, OK, let's deal with that then.

As to it being harsh - to an extent, you're right. However, balance that against what we stand to gain. Because people cannot sign up unless they have a "sponsor" as such, then we can prevent shit like Tony52/XC/Whatever from repeatedly signing up under different names. Why? Because once someone has sponsored him once, they aren't likely to do it again - especially after we politely explain to them that re-admitting someone previously banned, under a new name, will get *them* banned for life, and will get the person who sponsored *them* a few days ban. Hopefully by now, you should notice how the burden of responsbility is completely shifted onto those who are responsible enough to decide who to admit - in other words, "the way it should be ™". As for the second argument.. well, at present Kai has somewhere over 200,000 people registered - but only a small chunk of those people play regularly. When we go live with this stuff, we'll be *automatically* generating *lots more* good users than we ever have before.. Why? OK. Well, I take it you've all had the misfortune to stumble across that THUG shit? Or if not, you've all probably had, at some point in your life, someone trying to blag you into joining some sort of pyramid scheme. Though so smile.gif. Well, this is a similar thing. Whereas before, we had a huge number of stupid little kids who just got bored and caused trouble, this time, if all goes well, we will end up with a bunch of little kids who want to grow their own little armies of recruits - and because they're responsible for who they recruit, they will soon learn the basics of what not to do. Couple this with the fact that your ScoreCard will display how many people you have brought to the community - ie. the people beneath your node in the tree - along with how many of those people have had to be removed.

If this ends up working well, we end up with, essentially an online gaming utopia - lots of decent people who use the system responsibly. If it does not go well, the worse we will end up with is a considerably smaller userbase - made up of decent people who use the system responsibly. In my opinion, both states are preferable to the direction we're heading right now. Anyway, yes, you guessed it - it means a new user database sad.gif However, we will allow you to keep hold of tags you've registered already through a simple migration procedure when the time comes. There will, of course, be provision made for someone who turns up out of the blue, and doesn't know anyone at all. Perhaps some sort of trial period, whereby the potential new user will be locked in a Wasteland of unpoliced arenas for 7 days - as he tries to convince a full user to sponsor him.

I certainly welcome any sensible discussion regarding this new topolgy for the Population database. Suggestions can and will, as always, be taken under consideration.


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 05:06:00 PM »



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« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 05:36:00 PM »

what a flawed system.

"hey, if you beat me, im going to ban you so ha."

i can see it now, kids think kids that beat them are cheating, so they ban them. kinda sucks for the late joiners, and you know kids are going to take advantage of it. "HEY NOOB, INVITE MY BUDDIE OR IM GOING TO BAN YOU"



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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 04:55:00 PM »

You can kinda tell wen some people are cheating


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« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2005, 06:42:00 AM »

I think this is a good system. You will be able to see if a user is good or not this way as in if they cheat or not. I give this the thumbs up and think that it is a great idea. I am all for it. As for cheaters I am in Australia and play Halo 2 online in the Asia Pacific Oceania room or whatever and have never come across a cheater in my whole year and a little bit of playing on Xkai which is good to know that the people in Australia are not cheating as frequently as people from other countires because I hear about cheaters all the time ESPECIALLY on Halo 2 and am always kinda puzzled because I have not come across one which is good fortune I guess. Anyway looking foward to a new clean Xkai smile.gif


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2005, 07:07:00 PM »

being one of these so called cheaters (i like the trem modder better) have never played out side the mod section with my mods truned on i trun then off to play in the rest of the places and haveing a lot of freinds that mod i know alot of them and there are olny a few asshloe who mod out side the mod section and i do not like them or respect them so calling ever modder an ass is wrong becuase alot of us only play in the modded section with other modders so it is a fair game if i see any moders in my games outside the modded section i boot them as fast a they can run so if you do not see by now most of us modders only mod  when it on fair grounds

This post has been edited by death21: Oct 9 2005, 02:16 AM


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« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2005, 07:11:00 PM »

and when i play in the mooded section with my freinds we most the time dont even fight against each other we just test r mod and show them off to r freind any ways


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« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2005, 07:27:00 PM »

sorry for the double post did not mean to and cant  figure out how to delete it

and yes the system they are going to us is very flawed it is crap if you ask me
like you said people will get banned for nothing because of a little brat that some person let on for who knows y  and im not saying this as a modder im saying this as a person who like to play free and enjoying playing with my freinds moding or not

This post has been edited by death21: Oct 9 2005, 02:34 AM


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2005, 09:13:00 PM »

i dont know how anyone could tell when someone is cheating i mean just cause a person may get say 30 kills in halo dosnt nesicarily mean he's cheating. means he either knows how toplay or he is leeching kills off somone else. personally i dont like cheaters either tho cause i mean the whole point of playing a game with others is to test yourself and have fun but if you cheat and give yourself say whatever you do well that kinda unbalances the games. plus sometimes ppl call me a noob cause i wont use cheats well the real noobs are the cheaters cause they take the fun outa there own games. LAME LAME LAME. cheers  beerchug.gif


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Cheaters On Xlink!
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2005, 10:09:00 PM »

Well it is very easy to tell if some one is cheating if they
Jump really high in the air (expect the glitches in the game that allow you to do that)
Run really fast
Flying things that don’t usually fly
Killing people on two different sides of the field at the same time (360 aim)
Hitting them with a rocket in the chest and not dieing
very easy to tell there are the few that you can’t tell easily but for the most part you can tell easily tell as I said in my last post I only use mods in the modded rooms so it on fair ground and it adds a new challenge to the game that is why I do it and o cheating to me does not count the flaws in the game itself because every body can do it if they like to and no one is to blame but the people that designed the game and didn’t catch the flaws but they still did an greet job on creating the game
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