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Author Topic: Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect  (Read 133 times)


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2004, 12:46:00 AM »

^Yup.  And I agree, Xlink is the only way to go anymore.

locutus of worm

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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2004, 07:44:00 AM »

QUOTE (XboxforU @ Oct 20 2004, 06:19 AM)
I have halo 2 and I gotta say its wonderful on XBC

U can start a game and people can join midgame how kool is that
also u can all have mics in game
also more then 4 xboxs can far as I can tell there is no limit except ur connection speed
and there is no lag..runs as fluid as if other xbox were in same house
its crazy

god, what is wrong with you people? if you pirate games, at least keep quiet about it

read the forum rules and have a nice day dry.gif


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2004, 06:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (smack_blitz @ Oct 19 2004, 06:19 AM)
I can hardly see the similarity between Xbox and Honda Civics.  Once u buy a civic, that;s it.  no other software to buy, no service, etc.  What you are saying is correct if you buy an xbox and NOT play games on it.  You buy it, mod it, and just stare at it.  

BLoowoods sounds like a mama's boy, who gets whatever he wants.  


dude are u really that big of a TOOL?
When u buy a car u gotto buy gas all the 'time u moron!!
And what about brakes and so on?
One person modifies a honda under the hood to change its performance just like midifing the abitlity and performance with an xbox. I mean is illegal to modify ur home computer?
And live aint all that!
ur just a PLANT. ph34r.gif


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2004, 08:40:00 PM »

Yea please, no talk about any piracy here. Its in the rules remember?

I like your sig about the say no to the leak thing, check out this message me and my friend crafted. You can see where i wrote using a marker but that didnt show up well so we used taped paper

user posted image

locutus of worm

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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2004, 01:19:00 AM »

QUOTE (PENiX @ Oct 22 2004, 04:43 AM)
Yea please, no talk about any piracy here. Its in the rules remember?

I like your sig about the say no to the leak thing, check out this message me and my friend crafted. You can see where i wrote using a marker but that didnt show up well so we used taped paper

user posted image

cool, i like beerchug.gif


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2004, 01:30:00 AM »

The whole issue with modding the box is the terms of service.  If you alter your Xbox from stock, MSFT no longer has to support you with a warranty and service.  Part of that service being XBLive.

This is the same everywhere.

If I buy that Honda, modify the engine, swap the transmission, change the exhaust, tires, rims, and stereo system, it's going to be damn hard bringing it back to the dealership to get warranty service.  They aren't going to fix a tranny that they didn't sell you in the first place.  Check the warranty paperwork, you will find exclusions for after-market items and I've seen some fairly blanked exclusions for denying claims after any substantial modification).

You mod your Xbox, don't expect service.  If you can still get service but it takes some extra effort or work.  You deal with that too.  It should come as no surprise.

That being said, Kai is damn smooth right now.  XBC has been glitchy on my network of late (we have a complex setup and we are still tracking it down).  I played on Kai for the first time since it was down and it was silky smooth.  Not bad for Verizon DSL's 12.8 up - those cheap bastards - when my neighbor's cable is doing 3 down and 38.4 up.  Even Verizon's marketing is misleading now.  They have fallen behind.  If it wasn't for my email and hassle I'd switch over.


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2004, 07:23:00 AM »

the bottom line is, bloowoods is a Fuckhole with Bill Gates givin it to him up his ass..  The system caught up with him, now he's gettin back at them by becoming a full pledged PIRATE....

As I said before,  LIFE IS NOT FAIR!!!!  



Your's got banned, live with it.  Play by their rules or not at all.

(why is this thread still up??)



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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2004, 09:29:00 PM »

get a new eeprom and use ur old XBL account


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2004, 09:47:00 PM »

Dude, you stupid Civic analogy is retarded.  You buy an Xbox, you mod it, you void your waranty.  You buy Civic, you mod it, you void your waranty.

Basicly manufactures are not liable to fix anything YOU do to their product.  
MS owns Live, if you screw up with a modded box its not their fault its yours.
If you but a big ol bottle of NAWS on your Civic and blow up the engine, Honda is gonna say boo freaking hoo.


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2004, 02:51:00 AM »

hey man
i was banned from xbox live but i found a way to get back on do you wnat it


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2004, 08:08:00 AM »


so what i win?


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2004, 09:39:00 AM »

QUOTE (Allen626 @ Oct 22 2004, 03:22 AM)
You buy gas lol, you buy gas even if you mod your car.  If you mod your xbox you dont have to buy gas (software).  Actually sometimes if you mod your car it expends more gas, and the gas company is not 'related' to the car industry.  Yes the car companies set on the gas companies boards and vica versa, but that is for another rant about corporates being evil.  When you mod your xbox you are modifing MSs patented code if you are using any bios that boots up unsigned media.  You are also doing that illegally, as a car modding is not.  You also cost MS money by doing so because you usually dont pay for games and MS looses money on every xbox sold in which they hope to make by selling games.

Not only the legality part is against you but the actual gameplay and greatness of xbox live is against you.  XBC and Xlink Kai are nothing compared to the glory of xbox live.  The xbox live system is extremely well designed and offers many things xbc and xlink do not such as leadership boards and stat reports.  Halo 2 on xbl is going to place a even bigger emphasis on xbl with clans and other new features that halo 2 will entroduce.  So infact you are the tool.

 ph34r.gif  dont use my lines TOOL! create ur own. An when i buy an xbox i own it!
I own  it! I can put a chip in it or smash it with a baseball bat cause I OWN IT WHEN I BUY IT!
U tool. Yes M$ owns the patents to the design but i am not building xbox's!
And XBOX live isnt all that.
If XBLive is so ahead of XBCONNECT how come u can play HALO on XBconnect for the last 4 years and XBLIVE has not figured a way to let us play the best Xbox game ever?
You dont got an answer for that.
All of M$'s money and they couldn t put the 1st HALO on XBLIVE.
Yet XBCONNECT did with pretty much doing the work to do it for free.

And just over freaking night u want me to drop my people who have helped me play HALO online for FREE?! Whats XBLIVE every done for me? What has XBCONNECT done. They gave us a choice and online support for HALO!

I thought bout going on XBLIVE for HALO2 but u know what I'm gonna stick to XBconnect the alternative!



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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2004, 09:40:00 AM »

beerchug.gif  beerchug.gif  beerchug.gif


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2004, 08:46:00 AM »

QUOTE (phokus @ Oct 25 2004, 03:27 PM)
It's not live that support the games, it's the games that support live.

The reason Halo doesn't support live is because live wasn't running when Halo was released.

The reason they didn't release a Halo with xbox live support was because they were developing Halo 2, amongst other reasons.

Atleast know what you're talking about.

i know that but they could have done several things... at least know what ur talking bout man.
Big old M$ could have made a download for live or released just a multiplayer DVD for live.
My point is a group like XBCONNECT managed to make a way to play it on line and on that point M$ never did. So to say M$live is like way better than XBconnect is a mute point because XBconnect has HALO and XBLIVE does NOT have HALO.
Been back on LIVE for a few days now playing FIFA and MADDEN with new eeprom and have not been detected!
The mouse has found the cheese!


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Halo2, Gonna Just Play It On Xbconnect
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2004, 01:32:00 PM »

wink.gif   thats supposed to be a wink haha
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