
Author Topic: Help Me Pretty Please!  (Read 135 times)


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Help Me Pretty Please!
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »

Your console likely has the DVD-ROM firmware flashed. As it stands, your console is not capable of playing games from a hard drive as DVD-ROM firmware only allows backup discs to be played. In order to do play from a USB drive, you'd need to either get a drive emulator (ODDE) like Wasabi, xK3y, etc., or glitch/exploit the console.

Pursuing either of these methods will require time and money for required hardware. An ODDE will be the easiest route, and you would still be able to switch it off if you want to play your originals on Xbox LIVE. The latter are significantly more involved and somewhat more expensive, though it allows you more freedom with your console.

If you only want support for playing from USB, I'd recommend an ODDE.