
Author Topic: Just Bought A Second Hand Old Modded 360 - Some Questions  (Read 52 times)


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Just Bought A Second Hand Old Modded 360 - Some Questions
« on: May 19, 2011, 06:36:00 PM »

Hello fellow gamers and beautiful people, this is my first post, so don't immediately sodomize me please smile.gif

So, I bought me a second hand 360 dirt cheap of an auction site, probably a Core model with a MFR date from May 2006. While it makes a lot of noise, I don't think there is a hard disk in it and I wonder if with the current generation games this can be a problem?

I remember playing Mgs4 on a mates ps3 and having to install a portion of the game on the internal HD, can I encounter such install shenanigans for certain Xbox titles? Is it easy to install a hd in such an old model and worth the trouble? I don't want to be messing with soldering irons and possibly mess up the system.

The guy that I bought it off, couldn't give me any information on the way the 360 was modded, how can I find out? I absolutely don't have an oversight on all the possibilities out there, but I remember that you can't go online with certain set-ups.

I don't want to risk going online and have it auto-update some firmware leaving me with a bunch of unusable back-ups smile.gif .

If I start up the default microsoft dashboard or what's it called, I see a picture of the kinect in one of the tabs, so I guess he has already been online with it and the system software is pretty current.

Well, this is what I have to ask for now,

I'll check out the faq's and what not, but don't have much time at the moment because of exam so I hope I can get some answers here in the meantime,


