
Author Topic: 3.5" Internal Hdd Mod?  (Read 60 times)


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3.5" Internal Hdd Mod?
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:03:00 PM »

Okay as im a bit strapped for cash i had to snag a freebie hdd from my it instructer (im teaching him shit apparently XD) and its wd but not a bev(insert letter here) its a caviar... I dont care if you dont Think it will work as i want to test it myself

But im going to need full power for it (12v+g 5v+g) now i noticed a few 12v power points on a mb picture b4 and wondered if i was to wire up the 12v cable to that point and add another ground point would this work... Or is it just going to give me the magic blue smoke...

Would be glad if you got back soon

Also if anyone thinks my question is stupid your probably thinking the way i usually do power is power and copper is copper the tech doesnt care what you use it for (extension lead used to hook up and amp etc)

But used power and used copper is another story