
Author Topic: Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod  (Read 66 times)


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Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:43:00 PM »

The hacked kernel will allow any hard drive to be used in the system. The system will recognize any drive and be able to format it without the need for external tools.

You might have somewhat faster loads from it as an internal drive as compared to an external drive. I haven't done tests myself, but the difference won't be incredibly significant. I think the internal hard drive is a little more responsive, but I can't say empirically. The internal drive is also, in my opinion, more convenient.


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Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2011, 10:41:00 PM »

Yep. That's exactly what I'm saying. You'd be advised to use an additional program on the 360 to add the compatibility partition (I don't think the kernel formats that in; it never did before), but it takes all of 5 seconds to do.

I don't think it would have to be formatted to FAT32. NTFS might be supported for read/write right now (don't quote me on that; I haven't used external drives with a hacked dash in a very, very long time), but FAT32 was the common format a couple of years ago.

Formatting on external drives is not handled within the dash. You'd have to format it on a PC or Mac as the 360 only formats internal drives as FATX or external drives as standard USB storage limited to 16GB.


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Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2011, 02:39:00 PM »

The compatibility partition is for the original Xbox emulator. If you never and won't ever play original Xbox games, you won't need it. HDD Compatibility Partition Fixer is the name. It's available in the usual places. You'll have to install an emulator after that to be able to play the games. There are hacked and official emulators available. It's up to you which you choose, if any.

You will likely want to dump them first to a PC. You can then transfer them from a PC directly to the drive, or you can FTP the contents to the console after formatting the drive. I've had less problems with FTP than any other method, and I'd recommend that for large transfers of a multitude of files.


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Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 03:36:00 PM »

The partition is not needed for any other emulators. It is there to  emulate software and partitions on the original Xbox so that games can  run.

You should note that, if you ever choose to play some original Xbox games, using the HDD Compatibility Partition Fixer will require wiping your entire hard drive. Given that it takes only a minute or two to create that partition, I recommend using the tool just in case you or someone you know ever wants to play an original Xbox game.


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Need Clarification On Hdd Upgrade For Upcoming Rgh Mod
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2011, 04:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(Aldanga @ Nov 30 2011, 02:36 PM) View Post

You should note that, if you ever choose to play some original Xbox games, using the HDD Compatibility Partition Fixer will require wiping your entire hard drive. Given that it takes only a minute or two to create that partition, I recommend using the tool just in case you or someone you know ever wants to play an original Xbox game.

Good point- note taken...